"Don't worry, sister Wu. Zhao Xiao can't give up his favorite job because of some trifles." looking at Wu Qinglian's anxious expression, Xu Ling quickly comforted him, "wait for me to ask him to see what happened."

"Then you should hurry to ask. I'm afraid he won't even broadcast tonight's program, and the popularity he has saved will be wasted." Wu Qinglian nodded and urged.

As the editor in chief of the late night column group, she watched her group's top program go wrong. Of course, she was impatient.

"Well, well, I'll tell you as soon as I understand the situation," Xu Ling immediately nodded and agreed, and then still calmly advised, "sister Wu, you go back to have a rest first, and I'll let him continue the live program safely in the evening."

"Well," Wu Qinglian believed Xu Ling's promise very much. After answering her promise, she calmed down a little, and her mind became clear. After a pause, she added to Xu Ling, "but if he really has something important, he can ask for a leave, and someone can replace him for a while."

Wu Qinglian has more love for his subordinates than Xu Ling. At this time, he is still concerned about Zhao Xiao's personal problems.

"I understand that he's the one I'm looking for. If anything happens, I'll take charge myself!" Xu Ling this will be patting the chest to guarantee.

Xu Ling's every word is like a reassuring pill, Wu Qinglian said is more and more at ease, at this time, her look is and just came to a person like, went forward to smile and patted Xu Ling's shoulder, "I heard that you are very busy recently, you have to pay attention to the body, when the rest, rest, some trivial things to do."

Listen to Wu Qinglian's advice, Xu Ling can't help feeling warm, "I understand sister Wu, combining work and rest!"

It can be said that when things are put in front of you one by one, how can this ideal work situation be realized.

Take Xu Ling for example, the rectification plan of the radio station, the negotiation with various companies, the column group and the manuscript of the novel, the invitation of Li Mengling's second grandfather, and now the problem of Zhao Xiao.

These are more important things, and there are some trivial things Xu Ling will not list one by one.

These alone have made Xu Ling very busy. Even taking a rest, he is just squeezing time between the cracks.

Mingming just now, if the hospital has accepted Li Mengling's painstaking persuasion

"It's just that you've settled this matter. Come and have dinner with me in the evening. I haven't found you these days. I'm sure you've bought some food outside again." Although I don't know how many hidden things Xu Ling has, what she can do is to take care of Xu Ling as much as she can.

Wu Qinglian's cooking is much better than the fried rice noodles in the snack bar. So Xu Ling is also excited.

And as I said before, I'm an outsider. How can I go to other people's homes to eat and drink?

But if you think about it carefully, it's reasonable to go to Wu Qinglian for a meal after solving Zhao Xiao's situation, so Xu lingdang even agreed.

After hearing Xu Ling's affirmative response, Wu Qinglian turned around and left. She started to work late at night. Before that, it is necessary to have enough rest!

If it wasn't for something really important, Wu Qinglian would never have come to the radio at this point. That's why Xu Linggang was so surprised.

After seeing Wu Qinglian leave, Xu Ling directly takes out her mobile phone, finds Zhao Xiao's number and dials it.

"Du -- Du --" the ring rang for a long time before the phone was connected.

If it's not the other party's temporary business, it's hesitating whether or not to answer the phone call from Xu Ling.

"Hello, Zhao Xiao, where are you?" Xu Ling did not open his mouth to ask him what happened.

"I'm... I'm at home. What's the matter?" Hearing Xu Ling's question, Zhao Xiao stopped for a while before responding.

From this sentence alone, Xu Ling recognized the difference in Zhao Xiao's mood. If he had to summarize it, he felt a bit timid.

"What's the matter? If it's OK, let's meet later. " Found the other party's emotional differences, Xu Ling feel that this matter can not be directly solved from the phone.

"Nothing is nothing, but why did you suddenly meet me?" Zhao Xiao's tone is full of vigilance, which makes Xu Ling feel strange.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. It's time to talk about the program." Xu Lingxian made a pretence. This guy must have something to hide.

But who knows, such a tentative words, but also let Zhao Xiao suddenly changed temperament, yelled, "no, nothing to talk about!" He hung up.

Only Xu Ling was still holding the phone blankly, listening to the busy sound coming from his ear.

something the matter! There's definitely a problem!

However, although the call just now was brief and ended abruptly, it still gave Xu Ling important news.

Zhao Xiao is at home now!

After thinking about this, Xu Ling couldn't help saying it, so he directly checked Zhao Xiao's home address, and then drove there.

For the convenience of going to work, Zhao Xiao rented a house ten stations away from the radio station and drove there for more than ten minutes.

After finding the house number, Xu Ling began to knock on the door, but after a while, no one responded. Instead, he called the owner of the house.

"Stop yelling, stop yelling. People have been moving away for several days. Why do people come to look for them every day?" It was a curly haired woman who came here, but she did look like a rent-a-woman.

"Moved? When did you move out? " Xu Ling is quite surprised. Zhao Xiao will come to the radio these days. Where else can he go if he doesn't live here?

"It's been almost a week." The charterer thought about it and responded.

In a week, it was Wu Qinglian who said that Zhao Xiao had an unusual time. That is to say, he moved a few days after the strange situation happened!

This fact makes Xu Ling even more strange. It's reasonable to say that if something happens at home, there's no reason to move directly. Moreover, in the days after moving, Zhao Xiao still comes to the radio station late every night for live broadcast. During this time, where does he live?

"Landlady, do you know where he has moved?" Instead of thinking in this way, Xu Ling decided to ask the only person who might know the situation

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