Think about these things, Xu Ling did not have any panic, smiling toward the thin man nodded, "yes, I am Xu Ling."

Originally, I wanted to see who was looking for Zhao Xiao, but I didn't expect that it was really hot!

But Xu Ling can't imagine how the other party changed from looking for Zhao Xiao to looking for herself.

I can't understand

"Is he really Xu Ling?" I didn't expect to get Xu Ling's personal recognition directly, but the skinny man didn't believe it. At this time, he turned his head and looked to the rent woman to confirm.

"I don't know, but that's what he told me." People have admitted that they have to ask, which makes the charterer have no choice but to reply.

"That seems to be it!" The thin man thought for a while, clapped his hands and said firmly.

The appearance of the other party's surprise made Xu Ling more alert. It seems that he didn't suddenly want to find himself.

It was like the expression of finding treasure. After that, he came to Xu Ling with a group of strong men behind him.

Seeing that she had finally dodged these evil stars, the charterer didn't even look at Xu Ling, so she just left.

The ultimate gourd eater: sweep your own door, don't care about other people's frost!

However, the charterer is right. What can she do as a middle-aged woman who only rents a house? What can she do to bring down these strong men?

So even if she just slipped away, Xu Ling didn't mean to complain. To be exact, where can he manage the rent-a-woman now?

So a few people angrily toward Xu Ling come over, have already attracted all his attention!

What's worse is that Xu Ling doesn't have the invincible fighting elixir blessing as before. Now he has no advantage in fighting.

But at this moment, Xu Ling has no other way, has not eaten pork, has not seen the pig run? What's more, Xu Ling had been practicing before. Although his strength was gone, his posture was still in his mind.

Even if it is to scare each other, let them not so arrogant, Xu Ling also want to give up!

At first glance, it was like learning martial arts. For a moment, the people who came towards Xu Ling could not help but stop.

Thin man Leng Leng, staring at Xu Ling for a while, the latter showed the momentum is also very obvious.

It means if you come here again, I'll do it!

After reading the meaning expressed by Xu Ling, the skinny man realized that his behavior seemed to be something wrong.

He quickly reached out to the four people behind him to stop. Then he walked towards Xu Ling alone.

Just before Xu Ling knew what the other party was trying to do, he saw the skinny man suddenly clasping his fist and bending his body. He said to Xu Ling in a loud voice, "I've met Mr. Xu, Jin Yong!"

"Ha?" Xu Ling was completely shocked by the situation in front of him. He quickly confirmed it in his mind. He had never seen this person at all.

Jin Yong, I have never heard of this name.

But look at each other's appearance, it seems that there is no malice to himself, Xu Ling simply put down the posture to fight.

"You guys, come and meet Mr. Xu!" Seeing Xu Ling put down his guard, Jin Yong quickly yelled at the strong men again.

The latter is also quite obedient, quickly came to the front of Xu Ling, coincidentally did the same action as the skinny man just now.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, do you recognize the wrong person?" Now Xu Ling's heart is like ten thousand galloping horses, criticizing ducks in confusion. After he calms down, he immediately says to the people in front of him.

"Aren't you Xu Ling?" The skinny man reconfirmed.

"I'm Xu Ling, but I'm not Mr. Xu in your mouth. You must have mistaken me." Xu Ling quickly explained.

Darling, when did you have such prestige and let these people respect you so much!

"Are you an anchor at Los Angeles radio?" The skinny man reconfirmed the message.

Xu Ling nodded blankly, wondering how these people would know, the thin man suddenly took Xu Ling's hand excitedly.

"That's right. You are Mr. Xu we are looking for!"

"Are you looking for me?" The other side didn't seem to be joking. He was the only one who was the anchor of Luoshi radio station and called Xu Ling. But it was this that made Xu Ling more confused.

Aren't these people looking for Zhao Xiao?

"Yes, Mr. Xu, we've been looking for you for a long time. I didn't expect to meet you here. It's just God's destiny for us!" The thin man nodded his head in confirmation, eliminating Xu Ling's last suspicion.

This guy, for real!

"What do you want from me?" After no doubt about the previous question, Xu Ling then focused on the next thing.

This group of people do not look like ordinary people. For the time being, whether they are good or bad, Xu Ling still thinks it is better to stay away from them.

"Did Mr. Xu forget me? I wrote to you before! " In the face of Xu Ling's repeated inquiries, Jin Yong seems a little unhappy, like Xu Ling did not pay attention to him.

It's really embarrassing for Xu Ling to say that, but no matter before or now, he can receive at least a hundred letters every day.

Although Xu Ling will open them one by one, it's really hard for him to remember the signature of the letter.

Looking at Xu Ling's embarrassed appearance, Jin Yong also knows that he really doesn't have any impression on himself.

He shook his head slightly, but Jin Yong didn't get angry. He said with a bitter smile, "we called Mr. Xu and invited you, but you didn't come here."

"What! Are you... "As soon as the other party reminded her, Xu Ling immediately responded, because there was only one person who wrote letters to herself and called to invite her. She came from that mysterious organization.

This is what happened when Xu Ling was broadcasting "midnight fright", the man who would call every day to ask Xu Ling to go to the tomb raiding together.

Now I stand in front of myself!

This is really fate. Originally, Xu Ling almost forgot about them because she was no longer the anchor of the late night column group.

But unfortunately, just when he was about to make the memory clear, God forced him to remember it again, and in such a direct way!

It's a bit of luck. Looking back at the contents of the phone call, Xu Ling can't help but feel nervous. Now, it's really a big deal.

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