"If you can't see it, I'll tell you. It happens that the big guys want to hear it too, so as not to say that we old men protect our calves."

Liu Jinchuan didn't even have the interest to despise Jin Jianguo this time. He picked up Xu Ling's poems and began to interpret them carefully.

"On the whole, the poem is philosophical. The word "Zhi" appears eight times repeatedly in this poem, so it is named "Bazhi", which is very unique in literati poems.

This poem has a far and near east to the deep and shallow Qingxi, then to the bright sun and moon, and to the close and distant husband and wife. The 24 words in the poem reveal the truth of life.

The first sentence "from near to far" is a simple but true truth. When the East and the West are close to each other, they can be separated by zero. If the two directions of East and West are opposite, or even infinite, they are nothing more than one east and one west. It is common sense, but it has profound dialectics.

In fact, the truth of the second sentence is almost the same. I will not repeat it here. However, this sentence is more likely to be associated with the world.

In general, these two sentences have a meaning of interest to the ending sentence of the whole poem. You can experience them in detail.

The first two sentences and the second two should be the highlights of the whole poem and the sublimation of the whole poem.

The third sentence, which seems to be chanted casually, has its beauty in the structure of the whole poem. If there are too many aphorisms, it is easy for the readers to make great efforts to understand them, which is not necessarily good. If an ordinary sentence is interspersed between the aphorisms, it can relax the mind, so that it can concentrate again, which can add a lot of color to the whole poem.

Of course, the main use of the third sentence is to lead to the next sentence.

Although the first three sentences belong to three categories, they are partial to the dialectics of physics. Only the last sentence specifically refers to human feelings, which is the key point of the whole poem, that is, close relatives to sparse couples. If the first two sentences of the poem are full of philosophy and interest, the last one is full of criticism of the world. It's extremely cold and can meet the theme requirements of the competition. It's really the finishing touch. "

After Liu Jinchuan's in-depth interpretation, the gourd eaters, who were still a little silly and could not make out the quality of poetry, were all suddenly enlightened.

Only Jin Jianguo is still a fool. Of course, he can't believe that such a poetic and thought-provoking poem was made by a little boy. Once upon a time, he even laughed at Xu Ling and only spoke wildly.

Now it seems that he himself, a frog in the well, has no insight.

"No, this poem is certainly not as good as what old Liu tou said. He must be deliberately bluffing me with words."

Jin Jianguo, who dare not accept the truth, can only comfort himself in this way.

At this time, song Shiren took over Liu Jinchuan's poem and said, "this poem is different from the general poem which emphasizes the transition from beginning to end. The language of this poem is as plain as words, but it is extraordinary in the ordinary. The first three sentences of the poem are just a passing scene, which exist to set off the last sentence. After the first three sentences, a peak appears. Close relatives to sparse husband and wife, look at the words, full of experienced human feelings, more profound than the general love poems, can be regarded as the wisdom of love. Husband and wife can live and die together, or they can die together. Among them, love is very subtle and there are many feelings, which ordinary young men can't write. It seems that our teacher Xu must have experienced the vicissitudes of life before he can guide Guifan. Good, good. "

After hearing song Shiren's sincere comments, Jin Jianguo withered like eggplant.

I thought Liu Jinchuan was deliberately exaggerating Xu Ling's poems to scare him. Now it seems that this poem is really very good. To be simple and sincere, it will never be worse than his poems.

In this case, the next one to apologize is Vice President Kim. Where do you put his face?

Jin Jianguo really wants to become an ostrich so that he can bury his head in the sand and pretend that no one can see him.

"Vice president Jin, you'd better go first, and slip away while others don't notice you. If you're late, it's really a shame."

Xiao Liu, a disciple of Jin Jianguo, quietly reminded him.

This sentence can be said to wake up the dreamer.

Jin Jianguo agreed and nodded, "yes, yes, I have to run away. If I really apologize to that disrespectful boy in front of so many people, where can I put my old face? It will be very difficult for me to stay in this circle in the future. You have to run. "

In order to save that little face, Jin Jianguo no longer cares about anything. While others don't pay attention to him, Xu Ling goes to find melon seeds to eat and runs away.

However, before he took a few steps, he was stopped by a beautiful shadow.

Xia Xinyu smiles unkindly, and her voice is several decibels louder.

"Well, isn't that Vice President Kim? Why are you in such a hurry? Should you lose the game and bow to Xu Ling to apologize? It's just that you're going to walk away and not admit it. "

Xia Xinyu shouts in a loud voice. It's impossible for Jin Jianguo to sneak away, because people's eyes have come over, and the focus is on Jin Jianguo. How can he sneak away?

Jin Jianguo is not used to being looked at by so many people with joking eyes, but he has nothing to do. Today, as vice chairman of Jin, he has lost his wife and lost his army.

At the moment, with a few awkward coughs, Jin Jianguo licked an old face and said with a smile, "Hey, where does teacher Xiao Xia say? I'm at least the vice chairman of the Provincial Writers' Association. How can I be a villain who doesn't admit it. In fact, you misunderstand me. I didn't mean to sneak away just now, but someone called me. I have to find a quiet place to answer it. "

"Oh, really?" Xia Xinyu said with a noncommittal smile, "do you still go now? Do you want me to come with you? "

"Well, I'm not going. I'm not going." Jin Jianguo took out his cell phone with a black screen and said, "look, people have already hung up."

Xia Xinyu pursed her lips and said with a smile: "in that case, should you fulfill your promise? Look, Xu Ling is still waiting for you to bow and apologize? "

"You don't have to apologize, do you?" Jin Jianguo smiles, "I admit that his poems are better than mine, isn't it?"

"That can't be. I've been holding on for so long. I'm waiting to see your play." Xia Xinyu doesn't hide her inner thoughts. She smiles like a cunning fox.

Jin Jianguo pleaded: "teacher Xiaoxia, you are not afraid to look at the Buddha's face. Anyway, your master and I have been friends for many years. There's no need to do things so well, right?"

Xia Xinyu stretched out two fingers, "I only say two points. First, you and I have known each other for many years, but they are not good friends, they are enemies; 2、 The source of this matter is Xu Ling. If you want to solve it, go to him directly. "

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