"Boss, you said that these people have been living here for several days and nothing has happened. What do they want?" Xu yuanbiao's side, a slightly fat police officer while eating a hamburger asked.

Listening to his tone, he seems to be a little impatient.

It's no wonder that we've been in this broken car day and night for several days, but we still can't see the criminals taking action. Anyone will be worried.

In addition to the director Xu yuanbiao who has completely adapted to this way!

He used to hide in the garbage for three days and three nights to track down a drug trafficking gang. The environment was much worse than here.

"You smelly boy, you can't stand it any more. Thinking about that year..." Xu yuanbiao was about to teach the fat policeman a lesson.

But he was interrupted by the latter in the middle of the conversation, "Xu Chu! I know. I know. You have told me about your glorious deeds more than ten times! "

"Hey! You dare to interrupt me, little fat man. I think you've been floating a lot recently? " This is the real story Xu yuanbiao used to educate his younger generation, and he is also the director of the Department. This time, the other side made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Wang pangzi, Xu Chu is right. I feel your skin itching again." At this time, a policewoman in the back seat echoed.

"Hey, sister Fei, you started to hurt me on the first day. How can you work together in the back?" Wang pangzi heard Li Feifei say so. He immediately looked at Xu yuanbiao and said, "Xu Chu, look at her. You just came here and pay attention to us!"

Li Feifei couldn't help but look at Wang fatty and didn't say anything more.

"Well, they are still working. Don't chat here. Pay attention to the situation!" Although he knew that this was not a real quarrel, Xu yuanbiao still reminded him sternly.

"Hey, Xu Chu, what are you worried about? People haven't come out for several days. I'm afraid they will give up this plan." Wang pangzi was very casual, and he waved his hand without any worry.

However, as soon as his voice fell, he was slapped on the head by Xu yuanbiao.

"Pay attention to your attitude. You are a policeman now. You are so careless!" Then, Xu yuanbiao also severely criticized.

"I know..." seeing Xu yuanbiao getting angry, Wang quickly straightened out his attitude and scratched his head awkwardly.

Being reminded by Xu yuanbiao for a while, he also felt that he was just floating.

"Be honest, I have to repair you!" Li Feifei feels like Wang Pang's nemesis. He will see the other party get it. Suddenly, he says happily.

In this case, Wang Pang naturally did not dare to say anything more, just quietly spit out his tongue at Li Feifei.

"Xu Chu, people are coming out!" Wang's appearance, Li Feifei did not take the tube, this meeting he just staring at the window, to Xu yuanbiao Hui report.

"Well, I see." As a team leader, even when he was teaching his subordinates, Xu yuanbiao was still staring at the outside, so the moment the target appeared, he immediately found out.

When Wang pangzi heard the news, he immediately turned his head and saw several people get into a car.

"They're going! Xu Chu, what shall we do? " Seeing this, Wang quickly released the handbrake of the car and asked Xu yuanbiao for advice. His face was eager to try.

Although Wang pangzi seems to be careless in his words and work, he is the best driver in Lingxia police station.

It's him who is responsible for stopping those drag racing, which is enough to show his strength.

"Wait a minute! What happened just now is not an important task! " Listen to the car started, Xu yuanbiao quickly patted Wang fat man on the shoulder to stop.

But he watched those people without blinking, but they were all strange faces.

Of course, the main reason is that he didn't see Xu Ling, the only person he could identify!

After these days, Xu Ling is also taking time to report to the police, so now Xu Ling is gradually becoming a real undercover.

After the first few people drove away, they came out of the small western style building.

"Well, it's very cautious!" Seeing these people, Xu yuanbiao immediately sneered and looked like he had seen through them for a long time.

"What's the matter? Have we been found?" Wang pangzi is not as sophisticated as Xu yuanbiao. He can't help thinking of this situation when he saw that the other party had two special trips.

"Don't panic. It's just a trick. I've got people to keep up with the car in front of me. They won't be suspicious any more." Xu yuanbiao confidently explained to Wang pangzi.

"Ah? So... What should we do now? " Don't say Wang pangzi doesn't know when Xu yuanbiao will send someone to follow the car in front of him. He's confused about what to do now.

"Hurry up and catch up. What's the fat man doing?" Xu yuanbiao can't help saying more, but Li Feifei shouts first.

"Oh..." in the middle of confusion, he was called by others. Without even thinking about it, he immediately started the car and followed the car that just drove out.

Although Wang's reaction is relatively slow, his body's action is obviously faster than his brain in driving.

The gear is loose, the clutch is on and the accelerator is on. When his expression is still full of puzzlement, the car has followed steadily.

What Wang pangzi doesn't know is that it's because of his slow reaction that their tracking plan is not discovered.

In the back of the car, it is as a leader of the Shaying line, of course, including Xu Ling.

"Brother, as you said, the cars of the brothers in front are really being followed!" Jin Yong, who is working beside Xu Ling, will report to Sha Ying immediately.

"Well, it must be so. It seems that we are targeted after all!" Shaying nodded, not surprised at all.

It's no wonder, after all, that all the things that the villagers received from the deep mountains were on the news.

The familiar faces appeared on the TV screen, and they were shouting to see Sha "prime minister". No matter how they didn't know each other, they could confirm each other's identity.

Seeing this news report, in addition to the fact that his own labor force no longer exists, Shaying naturally thought of a more serious problem - the government has found that place!

Naturally, this is what Sha Ying is most afraid of, because the villagers are Sha "prime minister" one by one, and it is obvious that their identity has been exposed.

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