After the appearance of the two voices in his ears, he waited for a long time, but there was no more voice. Wei Guoqing opened his eyes at this time.

In the eye, it's vegetation. What mask man is there?

Nervously, Wei Guoqing checked his body and found that he really didn't have any problems. Then he was relieved.

It seems that the sound just now is not a dream. I was really saved by the owner of the sound.

It's a pity that Wei Guoqing didn't see what his life-saving benefactor looked like in the end.

Of course, this kind of thing is not important for Wei Guoqing. Since he has recovered his life, he has to report this dangerous situation to his colleagues.

Thinking about this, he came to the previous tree, took up the two members who had been stunned by the fierce killing intention of the masked man, and walked towards the village.

Just now, he was so scared that he even threw out his walkie talkie. It was really difficult for him to find it in this kind of terrain village full of vegetation, so he had to convey it by oral way

At this time, not far from Wei Guoqing, the masked man was standing face to face with several people, who were Chen ER and his party.

"Damn it! You old people again! Are you a follower? So Haunted The masked man was furious when he saw these people.

"Lin Hu! Don't be stubborn any more. Come back with us now, and the sect will treat you lightly! " Wang Jieyuan took a step and comforted the people in front of him

"Ha ha..." hearing the speech, Lin Xing laughed directly. The tone was full of sarcasm. After laughing for a long time, she stopped and looked at Wang Jieyuan fiercely, "lighter? Are you going to waste all my strength and throw it into the dungeon to die, or just send me on the road? "

"Lin Hu, that will never happen, the sect side..." Wang Jieyuan also wants to continue to rely on Xiaozhi to move with emotion and reason to solve the immediate problems.

However, his plan has not been fully implemented,!! He was severely interrupted by Lin Xing, "shut up, you hypocrites. On the surface, you are kind and kind, but in fact, you are all kind-hearted. If I go back with you, I still have a way to live?"

"Shut up! Don't use the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman As soon as Lin Xing's voice fell, a sect disciple standing behind Wang Jieyuan couldn't help reprimanding him.

Such a meaningless quarrel is not what Wang Jieyuan wants to see, so when his younger martial brother finishes speaking, he reaches out a hand to signal that he doesn't need to say any more.

"Elder martial brother! Look at this man... "The disciple was very puzzled about Wang Jieyuan's blocking. If he had not been stopped, he was afraid that he would have been able to scold Lin Xing!

"Needless to say, since this man keeps on persuading us, we don't have to take into account the friendship of our classmates any more." Wang Jieyuan shook his head and then explained to the people behind him.

"Well! Friendship? Thank you for knowing that I'm from the same family. I'm more and more ruthless Lin Hu gave a cold smile and didn't take Wang Jieyuan's words seriously.

"It's no use saying more. Today we'll get rid of the harm for the door!" At this point, Wang Jieyuan didn't want to talk nonsense, so he put on a posture and glared at Lin Xuan.

"Bang! Is the truth about to come out? " Lin Hun shrugged his shoulders and said, "but the heroes don't suffer from the losses. You are so numerous and powerful that I won't make any tough decisions with you. Goodbye!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Xing suddenly took out two bullet like things from his pocket and threw them to the ground!


A dull explosion came out, and then from where the projectile touched the ground, intense white smoke gushed out.

"Bad!" Seeing the white smoke, Wang Jieyuan immediately yelled, because last time Lin Xing slipped away with this dirty routine, he would see the white smoke, and Wang Jieyuan immediately responded.

But no matter how to react, it can't catch up with the other party's early preparation. Wang Jieyuan catches Lin Xuan in the moment when the white smoke comes out, but it's useless.

There is only one piece of air to start with

"Let him run away again!" Wang Jieyuan, who is aware of this situation, can't help blaming himself. If he doesn't talk so much nonsense, maybe this time it will be.

"There are many dirty means for this boy. It's inevitable for him to escape. Elder martial brother, you don't have to blame yourself." Seeing Wang Jieyuan's look, Chen Er came up to comfort him.

"Well, I'm too concerned about the friendship of my classmates. I'll be more decisive next time I meet you!" No matter how to comfort him, Wang Jieyuan still knows his problems very well, which will be more reassuring.

In fact, the younger martial brothers can understand Wang Jieyuan's repeated behavior to Lin Xuan, because Lin Xuan is not only everyone's classmate, but also Wang Jieyuan's brother!

Although he is a cousin, he grew up together and went to the school together to practice together for such a long time. It can be said that he is compassionate.

How can we get to the situation where good and evil are not allowed by fire and water.

The most fundamental reason for this is Lin Xing's almost abnormal desire for power, which may be due to the fact that he was bullied everywhere when he and Wang Jieyuan were living on the streets when he was a child.

"Elder martial brother, in a word, we'd better find Xu Ling quickly. Lin Xing must have escaped for this reason. We can't let him take the lead!" Seeing that the atmosphere around him seemed heavy, Chen Er quickly changed the topic and reminded Wang Jieyuan.

Speaking of this, the latter also had a bright look in his eyes, and then told them, "everyone act separately. No matter you find Lin Xing or Xu Ling, you should report in time first!"

Such a large mountain forest, a group of people slowly fumble, do not know when to find, so Wang Jieyuan put forward the idea of separate action.

What's different from the police is that Wang Jieyuan and his group can be separated by themselves, because they can ensure their own safety in this dangerous jungle by themselves.

Even if you meet people like Lin Xing, you won't be like Wei Guoqing.

In addition, Xu Ling and his party, the four people rushed here when they heard the voice, but at last they only saw Wei Guoqing dragging the other two teammates away.

Of course, they don't know who Wei Guoqing is, but in their eyes, those three sets of police uniforms are particularly eye-catching.

"Cop!" Seeing this scene, Jin Yong exclaimed directly in a low voice, "how can the cop be here?"

"It seems that the situation over there is exposed after all." Shaying solemnly told the public.

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