Just after Lin Xing finished this series of things, Wang Jieyuan and Chen followed closely, but they still missed the opportunity to meet.

"There's no breath in me." Wang Jieyuan stood and felt the surroundings carefully, then frowned and said.

"Elder martial brother, look at the footprints here!" At this time, Chen Er also seems to have found a crucial situation, and immediately informed Wang Jieyuan.

Although Chen Er is not as powerful as Wang Jieyuan, his observation ability is not inferior to that of Wang Jieyuan. After all, he is an old Chinese medicine doctor for decades, and his best skill is observation.

Following Chen er's direction, Wang Jieyuan also found what he said, but then he found the mark of turning back.

They followed the footprints for a while, but finally returned to the origin.

"Elder martial brother, it seems that the last place they came is here!" Standing on the edge of the moat, Chen Er took a look at the turbulent water below, and he couldn't help being a little irritable. "What's the matter? Did they jump down together?"


After hearing Chen er's words, Wang Jieyuan didn't respond, but directly fell into meditation. Even Chen er's expression suddenly changed, and he seemed to think of something. He looked directly at the natural moat below.

In this place, apart from below, where else can people hide?

"No... no way." After thinking about this, Chen Er seems to have some doubts.

"Now, I'm afraid there's no other possibility except below," said Wang Jieyuan with a dignified face. "And the breath of Lin Xing disappears here. If he really meets Xu Ling first, it will be terrible!"

At this point, Chen Er had no other choice. When he mentioned Xu Ling's problem, he couldn't help but pay attention to it. He nodded and said to Wang Jieyuan, "elder martial brother, let's go down."

Having said that, Chen Er is not a young man after all, and he is not as powerful as Wang Jieyuan. There is still a trace of fear in dealing with the turbulent current under the natural moat.

So just decided to finish, Chen ER and a trace of embarrassment, "but, this how to go down?"

"Younger martial brother, dispel your inner fear. If there is a calm pond below, do you dare to jump?" Hearing Chen er's question, Wang Jieyuan remembered that his younger martial brother's cultivation was not enough. He just took this opportunity to teach him.

"Of course I dare." Chen er's biggest fear, of course, was the roar of the water hitting the stone wall, so after hearing Wang Jieyuan's question, Chen Er Dang even replied.

"You know, all things in the world are in harmony with Yin and Yang. There is darkness when there is light, and there is stillness when there is movement. The most important thing for us practitioners is to see the essence through the surface of things," said Wang Jieyuan, pointing to the surging water under the natural moat. "It's like this piece of water. Don't look at the surging water before our eyes, but under this surging water, It's more about peace. "

Chen ER was confused by his words, but at least he had some basic knowledge, so he didn't get to the point where he didn't understand at all.

Then, looking at the torrent of water under the natural moat, he was not so afraid, but he had been in the secular world for so many years?

After pondering for a while, Chen Er then asked, "elder martial brother, how can we get down?"

As soon as Wang Jieyuan saw this, he knew that there was something important missing besides the teaching of language.

"Take a deep breath!" Wang Jieyuan suddenly said to Chen er.

"Ah?" Still preoccupied with how to deal with the immediate situation, Chen Eryi didn't respond for a while.

"Don't be nervous, take a deep breath first!" Wang Jieyuan tried his best to keep a relaxed expression and told Chen Er again.

Looking at Wang Jieyuan's serious expression, Chen Er naturally took a deep breath in accordance with his requirements.

It has to be said that this method is indeed a good way to reduce blood pressure. Chen Er, who feels the magical effect, can't help feeling a lot more comfortable.

However, before he was comfortable for long, a strong thrust came from his back, which pushed him down from the edge of the moat.


Feel the sharp fall of the body, Chen er's mouth immediately burst out a strong scream.

Then within seconds, he fell into the water with a poop.

"Concentrate on calming Qi, protect yuan and return to one!" As soon as he fell into the water, Wang Jieyuan's hint came to his ear. Then, a warm current came from the rear, which directly captured Chen er's consciousness.

With Wang Jieyuan's help, Chen Er immediately remembers the contents of his previous practice. At this moment, he has a clear mind. As he goes deeper and deeper into the water, he can even open his eyes!

Even at the bottom of the water where the sun doesn't shine directly, he can still see it thoroughly. Chen Er doesn't know whether it's his own ability or the credit to Wang Jieyuan.

Now he can't think of so much. Although he keeps a clear vision in the water, he is still a mortal after all. Breathing is necessary, so he must move quickly.

As the two men dived down, even when they saw a hole on the mountain wall, Wang Jieyuan took the lead and they went straight into the hole.

Then he swam a long distance. When Chen Er could hardly hold back, he finally reached the land.

Fortunately, they are practitioners. Otherwise, for such a long period, ordinary people can't survive just by taking a deep breath before diving into the water.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo hoo, I didn't expect there was a hole here!" Climbing ashore, Chen Er gasped and looked around, exclaiming.

Compared with Chen Er, Wang Jieyuan's state is much better. At this time, he even seems to have nothing to do with him. How can he feel like he has just held his breath for such a long time?

However, Chen Er also knew that his elder martial brother had practiced turtle breathing, so it was not surprising.

If you practice this skill to the point of perfection, you can even create an appearance of feigning death, not to mention holding your breath for a while?

"It seems that Xu Ling did come here. The water left on the ground is not dry." Wang Jieyuan's physical condition is normal. Naturally, his observation is much more careful than Chen Er's.

"That's good. Just know that he is here." Hearing the notice from Wang Jieyuan, Chen Er can't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and his tense spirit can't help but relax.

In this dangerous situation, the most terrible thing is not knowing where the target is, because it is impossible to confirm the other party's request for payment, which is undoubtedly a disaster for the protection party.

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