At first, Xu Ling thought it was her own echo, but then she thought it was wrong. How did her echo become a female voice? And it's a familiar sound.

The more I think about it, the more strange Xu Ling can't help squinting at the situation in front of her.

I don't know. I was shocked when I saw that Li Feifei, who had come to me in a fierce manner, actually stood with a very standard 90 degree bow posture.

Needless to say, the "sorry" just now must have come from the other side.

This time, Xu Ling was a little embarrassed. He even thought about the specific content of the apology. Li Feifei is doing this now.

Xu Ling, who had been repaired by Li Feifei, immediately arrived and was flattered. For a moment, he didn't know what to say to ease the awkward atmosphere on the field.

But to say embarrassed, at this time, Li Feifei is better than Xu Ling. It's hard to mention that he mustered up the courage to say sorry to Xu Ling, but he came across such a coincidence.

In fact, Xu Ling is not at fault in this whole thing. It's all because he didn't understand anything, so he just started beating people

The more I think about it, the more guilty Li Feifei is, and the more I dare not raise my head to look at Xu Ling.

"Cough, that... What's the apology for Feifei? It's because I'm too reckless to express my feelings without seeing Chu people clearly." After a long silence, Xu Ling also felt that as a man, he could not drag the atmosphere to the freezing point any more, so he coughed twice and said.

"No, no, it's not your fault. I started beating people without knowing the situation. I didn't consider your situation at all. I'm sorry, it's my fault!" With Xu Ling to start the conversation, Li Feifei naturally won't miss this opportunity, quickly raised his head and waved his hand in response.

These two people are really interesting. They both want to take responsibility for themselves, but they didn't expect that they didn't mean to blame each other at all.

"So... You don't blame me?"

"You don't blame me?"

Slightly Leng for a moment, two people seem to want to understand this matter, and then said with one voice, just finished, two people laughed.

A smile away enmity, from this moment on, two people finally also understand each other's ideas.

"What's the matter? What makes you so happy? " Xu Ling here is still smiling, suddenly heard from the police station door, and came a voice..

These days, Xu Ling has been wandering around the police station to find out when he can leave here. Xu Ling is very familiar with this voice.

People are in a good mood at happy events. Just after breaking the ice with Li Feifei, this happy energy has not passed. Unexpectedly, another big happy event is coming. Xu Ling turns around excitedly and shouts excitedly, "director Xu, you're back!"

"Er... Yes," Xu yuanbiao said, "come on, don't stand here. Let's sit and chat in the office."

Although the other party didn't say it clearly, looking at Xu yuanbiao's appearance, I don't know why Xu Ling has an uncertain premonition

"Ha ha, Xu Ling, I have good news and bad news. I don't know which one you want to hear first?" When he came to the office, Xu yuanbiao asked Xu Ling with a smile on his face.

"Director Xu, let's not play tricks. Just tell me if I can leave here now." Xu Ling reluctantly back to Xu yuanbiao, he now has no mind and the other side of the puzzle, Luo city there are many things to deal with themselves.

It's not what he thought that he came here. After being caught by accident and having experienced so many things, Xu Ling has mixed feelings in her heart. She just wants to go back quickly and live her ordinary life.

"Cough..." Xu yuanbiao didn't expect Xu Ling to speak so directly. He just drank a mouthful of water, which made him cough. It took him a long time to ease down. He laughed awkwardly, and then seemed to have made a great determination. "That... Xu Ling, since that's the case, I'll tell you straight away. From the current situation, if you want to leave here, I'm afraid it will take some time. "

"Why? Aren't all the sand Eagles awake? " Xu Ling showed complete incomprehension, which is no wonder that he worked so hard to wait until Shaying woke up. Now that people are awake, the trial should be over. Since all the information is available, why not leave?

"It's like this," Xu yuanbiao explained hastily, looking at Xu Ling's eagerness. "Although Shaying is awake now, he has no way to communicate with us because of his severe concussion, so we haven't asked anything all morning."

"Are you kidding me?" Being forced to stay here again and again, Xu Ling's impatience finally broke out.

"No, no, you misunderstood it. Xu Ling, I'm also following the rules. I really can't help it." Xu Ling will be like this. Xu yuanbiao was also psychologically prepared. Naturally, he explained to Xu Ling with a smile.

Xu yuanbiao, as the director, still talks to himself with this humble attitude. Xu Ling's anger dissipates a little.

"Well, it's OK for me to stay here, but I have a condition," Xu Ling sighed, and then said, "I'm going to see what's going on with Shaying!"

It's OK for Shaying to stay here because he really can't speak, but if it's because the police are not efficient enough to ask for information from Shaying, I'm sorry. I'm sorry!

"Little friend Xu Ling, you are worried about it. I say it's because Shaying is seriously injured and can't speak. It must be so. How can you cheat you?" Of course, Xu yuanbiao understood the meaning of Xu Ling's words and immediately said with some helplessness.

"If you don't cheat me, just let me have a look!" Xu Ling is also not allowed to have any room for negotiation, directly affirmed the decision, did not want to reply.

"It's... it's not appropriate." The sand hawk's face is hard to see. With a wry smile, he said to Xu Ling that the meaning was obvious, but he didn't want Xu Ling to go to Shaying.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Even if he was prevented from going back to huiluo City, he couldn't even see why he couldn't go back. Xu Linghui's anger, which had just subsided, was provoked again.

"Don't be angry, Xu Ling. The main reason is that Shaying's situation is still very unstable, so it's not suitable to meet people." Xu yuanbiao now looks quite a bit embarrassed, but he still tries his best to prevent Xu Ling from going to the hospital.

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