"Well... I don't know very well, because I didn't ask for leave." In the face of Xu Ling's problems, Li Feifei responded with some embarrassment.

Originally, Xu Ling was talking about this matter and suddenly thought of the question, but he didn't really intend to get the answer from the other party. He didn't leave for a long time, and he had already explained most of the matters to Yun Zhongjie before he left. There should be nothing wrong with this radio station.

"But then again, aren't your superiors watching me in the dark? If you tell me everything like this, why is there any need for observation? " After listening to these situations, Xu Ling also has a sense of life recognition, but on second thought, he asks Li Feifei again.

"Oh, yes! I told you all these things in secret. Those people don't know anything at all, so you have to keep pretending you don't know anything! " After hearing Xu Ling's words, Li Feifei immediately patted her thigh and thought of it. She immediately told Xu Ling.

"What? Are you not afraid that I really have something to do with sand hawks? " With everything clear, Xu Ling's mood is not so bad, this will be a bad smile to ridicule Li Feifei.

"Not afraid, because I know you are a good man!" For Xu Ling's ridicule, Li Feifei's face is very serious response.

The other side said so dignified, but let Xu Ling do not know how to take it down, slightly stunned, he then waved his hand, "well, quickly send me back to life, I suddenly run away, I'm afraid those bosses in your mouth are worried to death."

"Oh, that's not true, because they know you can't go anywhere, so they don't worry about you leaving at all." It seems to be in order to fight back the ridicule of Xu Ling just now. Li Feifei will also say it like a joke.

Xu Ling can only turn a white eye to this, this is obviously despises oneself.

"Well, I'm kidding. Let's go back quickly." Seeing Xu Ling's appearance, Li Feifei quickly changed the topic, started the car and went to the hotel where Xu Ling lived before.

Although there is not much luggage, but after all, we still need to determine the place to stay. The hotel administrator is still a little strange. This person just left, how did he come back?

"Hello, please give me the room that this gentleman has just returned to handle the accommodation business again." Li Feifei is very polite in dealing with these things. She said to the front desk lady with a smile.

As a receptionist, my little sister's professionalism is still very good, so I'm curious about why Xu Ling went back, but I didn't ask much. I just looked it up on the computer according to Li Feifei's request.

After a while, she raised her head and told them, "sorry, the room you want has been reserved."

"Ha? Who ordered it? " Li Feifei and Xu Ling are very puzzled, this just left more than an hour, unexpectedly was robbed of the house?

And it's not downtown. There should be many rooms in the hotel. Why did you choose this one?

"I'm sorry, we don't provide personal information about our clients." In the face of Li Feifei's inquiry, the front desk lady quickly shakes her head with apology and explains that even if the opposite is a policeman in police uniform!

In this situation, Li Feifei had no choice. After pondering for a while, she took out the police card from her pocket and said, "please cooperate with our investigation. Now I need the complete information of the residents in that room!"

As things have become like this, Li Feifei has no choice but to do it. It's not a matter of one room. The key is that Xu Ling's room has been secretly installed with a micro monitor. If we change another room, it will cost too much.

"Yes... Yes, officer Lee!" The front desk lady probably has not seen such a situation. After Li Feifei's strict explanation, she quickly responded with a trembling voice.

"Did you take people to that room?" Seeing that the other party seemed to be quite cooperative, Li Feifei put away the police card and began to inquire about the news.

Although it was not myself who brought Xu Ling to stay at the beginning, she was also a member of the police station. The receptionist should not be unaware of the importance of that room, right?

"No, he called for that room. Mr. Xu had just left. Although I said there were other rooms, he wanted to live in that room." Recalling the situation at that time, the receptionist quickly narrated.

Xu Ling would be escorted by several police officers. She was also received by the front desk lady at that time. Of course, she knew the importance of Xu Ling, but the police did not emphasize that the room could not be occupied by others. In addition, Xu Ling checked out and the person called for the room. All these things add up, It seems that the receptionist really has no reason to refuse others.

"Who is that man?" Li Feifei naturally wants to understand the truth. The problem is not with the front desk lady, so we have to investigate the strange customer who lives in the hotel.

"Just a moment, please." hearing Li Feifei's request, the front desk lady quickly began to search in front of the computer. In just ten seconds, she said again, "the name of the guest is Liu feiran, 20..."

"What? What's his name? " The front desk lady was just introducing, but just at the beginning, she was interrupted by Xu Ling's exclamation.

"Liu... Liu feiran." Today, the front desk lady was scared by others. She had just recovered from Li Feifei's wave. Xu Ling came again and scared the front desk pale. She repeated it in a low voice.

"What's the matter?" Li Feifei, of course, saw the difference of Xu Ling, and asked immediately.

However, her words did not get Xu Ling's response, the latter is now immersed in the heart of horror.

How did that guy come to Lingxia? And listen to the front desk, he seems to be standing for me! But what is he doing here? Xu Ling thought about the reason in her heart.

At the beginning, Xu Ling also thought whether it was just a duplicate name, but this kind of behavior of choosing the room where Xu Ling once lived did not look like a normal person.

If the other side is not dedicated to Xu Ling, it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing.

This series of circumstances more and more fully prove that Liu feiran is definitely the one who has always asked himself to help him complete his plan.

I didn't expect that he had just left Luoshi for a short time, and he even chased him directly.

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