"By the way, officer Li, we don't have to go to the police station. Let's go as soon as possible, and don't delay brother Liu to change rooms." Seeing that they can't talk with Liu feiran, Xu Ling said to Li Feifei.

"Brother, you are leaving so soon!" Xu Ling's voice, Li Feifei did not respond, Li Ziqian first took Xu Ling's arm, some reluctant to say, small face full of grievances.

Thinking of the reason she once said that she ran away from home, Xu Ling could probably guess what kind of life she had experienced after she went back.

However, it belongs to other people's family. Xu Ling can't manage it. All he can do is to let Li Ziqian forget his life without freedom for a while.

"It doesn't matter, Qianqian. I'll be back soon. I'll play with you well then." Seeing Li Ziqian's pitiful eyes, Xu lingchong touched her head and promised.

"That's what you said. I want you to take me to eat a lot of delicious food!" Xu Ling's words suddenly let Li Ziqian quite some dim eyes again bloom out of the light.

"Of course!" Xu Ling nodded happily.

"Qianqian, you're going to trouble others again. Haven't you caused enough trouble before?" After they both decided happily, Liu feiran's voice suddenly rang out and scolded Li Ziqian.

Then, Liu feiran turned to look at Xu Ling and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, brother Xu. My niece wants to trouble you again."

Li Ziqian seems to listen to Liu feiran's words. With such a big girl's temper, she didn't retort after hearing the reprimand. She just pouted her little mouth and went back to Liu feiran's back.

"Brother Liu is serious. Qianqian is so sensible. How can she make trouble for me?" After all, Liu feiran is Li Ziqian's more formal relative, and Xu Ling is not good enough to comment on his behavior.

With Xu Ling's words, Li Ziqian's pitiful expression was slightly relaxed.

"Ha ha, that's good, that's good." Since the parties did not care, Liu feiran nodded and said a few words, then took Li Ziqian to say goodbye to Xu Ling.

Probably because Li Feifei was here, Liu feiran didn't say anything more important to Xu Ling. Even in Xu Ling's impression, this is the first time that the other party left first in the meeting with Liu feiran so far.

But in fact, there is no need for Liu feiran to speak. Xu Ling has her own business here. After he mentioned it, Li Feifei has already gone to the door of the hotel to wait for him. It seems that she is also anxious to take Xu Ling to the police station.

The hotel is very close to the police station, which is why Xu Ling can quickly shuttle between the two places before.

Get on the bus and get to the destination in a few minutes.

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Feifei and Xu Ling run to the direction of Xu yuanbiao's office. However, bent on reporting to Xu yuanbiao that she has completed the task, she does not find the dignified eyes cast by her colleagues.

But Xu Ling noticed that every time he came, everyone would say hello to him. Although the atmosphere was not very good when he left this time, this kind of behavior can't just disappear, can it?

Moreover, when she just came in, Xu Ling clearly saw that Sun Sheng, who was usually a little bit jumpy, was honestly sitting in his seat and dealing with his official business.

The atmosphere of all this seems so strange

"Xu Chu, I put people..." while Xu Ling was still thinking about what was going on inside, Li Feifei had already come to the office door. When he pushed the door and started to report, he suddenly found that the situation was wrong.

In the office, Xu yuanbiao was not alone, standing and sitting. Almost a dozen people swept the office, which was not too big. This made Li Feifei's report stop.

But the voice always came out, and the people in the room immediately cast their eyes on Li Feifei. Of course, Xu Ling could not escape being seen, and after finding Xu Ling, they all fixed their eyes.

"Ha ha, I'm back!" When everyone was looking at Xu Ling and Li Feifei, the scene was silent for a while, and then suddenly a voice came from behind the crowd.

At the same time when the voice came, a man also squeezed out the crowd and came to Xu Ling with a smile on his face and asked, "how about Xu Ling? Is Lingxia not bad? "

"Ah? Xu Chu, not... "The task of bringing Xu Ling back is Xu yuanbiao's hand over to her. At this time, in the face of Xu yuanbiao's sudden problem, Li Feifei is a little caught off guard.

When Li Feifei was about to express her incomprehension, Xu Ling interrupted her directly with a sentence, "well, it's very good. It's no worse than the city of Luo. Moreover, under the explanation of Feifei, she has a good understanding of the cultural heritage here. In a word, it's not a false trip."

"Ha?" Li Feifei was completely confused by the conversation between the two people. It was as if the quarrel had never happened before. If Xu Ling hadn't brought it back, Li Feifei would really think that the quarrel was a dream of her own.

The reason why Xu Ling can connect so smoothly is that he has already made psychological preparation before. The strange atmosphere in the police station has already sounded the alarm for him.

"Satisfaction is good, satisfaction is good," in the face of Li Feifei's doubts, Xu yuanbiao did not want to explain, patted Xu Ling's shoulder and said, and then he turned to those who have been staring at Xu Ling's side to continue to say, "well, this can rest assured, I told you that Xu Ling just went to Lingxia city for a day tour, you still don't believe it."

"OK, I know. If you have any information in the future, please report it to me immediately." One of the older people in the crowd finally looked at Xu Ling for a while, then nodded his head and gave a very serious order to Xu yuanbiao.

"You can rest assured that I am here." Xu yuanbiao immediately patted his chest to make sure.

"Let's go!" The latter didn't respond too much. He nodded and called other people directly. Then he poured out of the office.

Xu yuanbiao kept smiling and watched the crowd leave, but his body didn't move until the last person walked out of his office.

"Xu Chu, who are they? It makes you so nervous. " Li Feifei looked at the person completely left, and then asked. After seeing the situation just now, she also understood that the other person was extremely human.

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