"Wow! I've only heard that it's very luxurious before. It's the first time I've come in! " Li Feifei's eyes lit up and he was curious about the room.

"Ha, that's just right. I'll bring you here this time." Xu Ling said with a smile.

"So you really don't regret it? We haven't ordered yet. It's too late to go! " Li Feifei takes back her eyes, and then says to Xu Ling rather mischievously.

"Look at what you said. You look down on me, don't you? Now that I've brought you here, I'll eat hard. We don't need money! " With a wave of his hand, Xu Ling spoke rather displeased.

The dignity of a man, how can this stinky money be wiped out? If it's really like what Li Feifei said, now two people have gone out from here, it's too humiliating!

"Mainly, I'm afraid that at the end of the meal, I'm going to wash dishes with you, so I won't do it!" Li Feifei said something and continued to tease.

In fact, she and Xu Ling's contact is not deep, from the rescue of Xu Ling to now, although there are exchanges every day, but in fact, she does not know much about Xu Ling.

Out of the basic family situation, we don't even know how much assets Xu Ling has.

Of course, it doesn't mean that she doesn't believe Xu Ling can afford the price here. On the contrary, judging from Xu Ling's performance in pingri, Li Feifei thinks that this young man is a big man.

As soon as Xu Ling's voice fell, the door of the private room was opened. A new waiter came in and put a menu in front of Xu Ling with a smile.

Generally, the people who come here are successful people, and most of them are men, so it is also a kind of inertia to pass the menu to men first.

And then, it's just another behavior. Xu Ling got the menu and handed it to Li Feifei without even looking at it. "Just look what you want to eat, just order it at will!"

"You're welcome, then?" Although Li Feifei asked symbolically, her eyes were full of expectation.

In this regard, Xu Ling naturally is very pleased to nod, "although to point!"

This restaurant can be said to create the ultimate luxury, the weight of this menu is much heavier than the ordinary place.

Although Xu Ling only had a hand, but did not guess wrong, the words on the menu are plated with real gold powder!

As for Li Feifei, after taking the menu, it was exactly what Xu Ling said. He was not polite at all. He said a lot of names to the waiter.

It seems that she wants to turn today's grief into appetite and vent her anger on the food. What's more, Li Feifei's way of ordering food is not like what she said. She came here for the first time and even said it without a good look.

"Well! I'll order. Do you have anything else to add? " After a while, Li Feifei returns the menu to Xu Ling.

Xu Ling, who took over the menu, opened it and saw that his heart was beating heavily again.

Gold font, luxurious name, of course, these are not the reasons for Xu Ling's panic, the real important thing is the price after the dish name!

None of the dishes are lower than three figures, even most of them are four figures.

If Xu Ling remembers correctly, Li Feifei just ordered more than a dozen dishes, wouldn't it add up to tens of thousands?

It is worthy of being the most expensive restaurant in Lingxia city. It's as real as home!

However, Xu Ling just thought about it in his heart. On the surface, he added several dishes worth more than 1000 with great ease.

The food in my mouth, tears in my heart, and have spent tens of thousands of their own, not less than a few thousand dollars.

"Well, that's it." Xu Ling closed the menu and said to the waiter.

I thought the waiter would just leave. But after taking the menu, she asked, "do you need any more drinks?"

As a reminder, Xu lingcai responded that he had not ordered any drinks.

While secretly blaming himself for his negligence, Xu Ling said to the waiter, "let's have a little bit of JDB cola or something!"

It's like eating in a big stall on weekdays.

Originally, after Xu Ling finished speaking, the waiter must have gone down with a smile, but this time it was different. The waiter with the menu had an embarrassed smile on his face. After a long delay, he replied to Xu Ling, "I'm sorry, sir, we don't have these things here."

"Ah?" Xu Ling has also been to many high-end restaurants, such as Liu feiran and Shaying. But every time he goes there, there is one feature: Xu Ling is always invited and always eats what others have prepared. That's why he makes such a joke.

"Just give us some dry red for five years!" When Xu Ling was embarrassed and didn't know what to do, Li Feifei on the other side suddenly made a sound.

"All right! Just a moment, please After hearing the order, the waiter nodded and left.

"It seems that you don't have the experience to come here?" After the waiter left, Li Feifei put his eyes on Xu Ling again and said with a smile.

"This... Mainly every time I come here, I don't order, so..." after what happened just now, Xu Ling has been exposed, so there is no way to admit this fact.

After that, he asked Li Feifei, "you said you haven't been here. It's very skillful to order."

"I really haven't been here, but I still know the words!" Li Feifei smiles and points at Xu Ling's back.

Along the direction that Li Feifei points to, Xu Ling looks over suspiciously, this next he just understands why Li Feifei behaves so skillfully.

In the corner of the private room, there is a small blackboard, above the blackboard there is a big title - Chef's recommendation!

Looking back on the dishes Li Feifei ordered, I ordered them exactly according to the one above. Even the bottle of "five year dry red" was written on the smallest side of the small blackboard.

"Ha, and this thing!" Xu Ling couldn't help exclaiming.

"It seems that your on-the-spot ability is not good. You can't see the blackboard in such an obvious place." Li Feifei shows off his arrogant head to Xu Ling, as if he is very satisfied with his performance just now.

"Well, well, you're good!" To this, Xu Ling also can only smile bitterly, reply a way, really, just now oneself so caused not small joke.

"But don't worry. Although I don't order much, I won't let you do the dishes!" Praising Li Feifei at the same time, Xu Ling suddenly thought of this stubble, quickly patted the chest to guarantee.

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