"If you tell them in advance of the dangerous situation, it is likely to alert the pretender, and there will be unnatural appearance. At that time, you will be alerted by that person!" Liu feiran immediately gave his own explanation.

"But..." Xu Ling is still not very receptive to this kind of indifference to life.

But if you think about it carefully, what Liu feiran said is also correct. If the other party is really a killer, subtle emotional fluctuations can be detected.

In addition, the police believe that Li Ziqian was kidnapped by the other party. They just wanted to rescue Sha Ying, but they didn't think about killing Sha Ying at all.

Therefore, the special police posing as sand Hawks will not have extra vigilance. In this way, the degree of danger will be greatly increased.

If these circumstances are notified, the vigilance will naturally be greatly improved, and the possibility of rescuing Li Ziqian will be greatly reduced.

In addition, I don't know the character of the killer. Who knows if the other party will directly tear up the hostage because the police played a trick on him?

Xu Ling is really in a dilemma now. On the one hand, she is an unknown special police officer who is willing to help her. On the other hand, she is Li Ziqian, the girl who has been chasing her. Moreover, she has been kidnapped. Xu Ling always thinks that it is her own reason

"I see. Just send the mask." After pondering for a long time, Xu Ling finally said in a deep voice.

He knows that now can not achieve the best of both worlds, human, there will always be selfish, Xu Ling chose Li Ziqian.

"Don't worry too much, Lao Xu. They are looking for special police. They have received professional training for this kind of situation. There will be no accident at that time!" Liu feiran looked at Xu Ling some lonely expression, when even comfort up.

Smell speech, Xu Ling just silently nodded, but the expression has no change.

Although so said, but who knows the other party is not with the gun, that kind of weapon, believe even if it is special police, also can't escape in a very short distance.

This is not only Xu Ling, but also Liu feiran.

Such a heavy topic to say, along the way two people did not speak, until the police station.

"Come back, come back, have you finished the mask?" As soon as he arrived at the office, sun Shengdang trotted over and asked anxiously.

"Here it is. Here it is." Without saying a word, Liu feiran directly put the bag out on the table.

"Great, all the important things are ready!" After taking out the things in the bag and looking at them, Sun Sheng said happily. Then he seemed to remember something. He quickly pulled a man to Xu Ling and said, "I forgot to introduce him. This is the special policeman who helped us pretend to be Shaying, my good friend, Wang Qiyang."

The person introduced is tough and powerful. He only looks at his figure. He is very similar to Shaying.

"Hello, officer Wang! I'm Xu Ling Smell speech Xu Ling quickly shook hands to the other side, self introduction.

Although Liu feiran was not as enthusiastic as Xu Ling, he nodded to explain his name.

Later, we all need to discuss the plan together. Naturally, we need to be clear about their respective names. It's easier to call them.

Wang Qiyang is also a warm and hospitable person. Even though Sun Sheng has already introduced him, he said again that he should be the same as Sun Sheng.

No wonder they can be friends. They really share the same bad taste!

"Qi Yang, come and see if this mask suits you?" After both sides have introduced, Sun Sheng can't wait to put the mask on Wang Qiyang's head.

Xu Ling doesn't doubt the quality of the mask. After all, when clay figurine Zhang was wearing Xu yuanbiao's mask, Xu Ling really regarded him as himself.

But Sun Sheng's way of wearing a mask on Wang Qiyang is frightening. After a while, Li Feifei complained, "Monkey Sun, slow down, don't break the mask!"

"Well, not bad!" No matter what the process, the mask was finally put on. When Wang Qiyang's new image appeared in front of the public, Wu Yan immediately exclaimed, "you can completely confuse the real with the fake!"

"I'll go. If I wasn't sure Shaying was still in prison, I would have thought he had escaped!" Sun Sheng looked at Wang Qiyang, who had changed greatly, and exclaimed.

Like! It's so similar! Not as like as two peas! Xu Ling can't help but wonder in her heart.

But then he thought of what he and Liu feiran had said on the road. Looking at the people with satisfied smile on their faces, his mood suddenly fell down again.

"Xu Ling, what's the matter with you? Everything you need is ready. Why are you so preoccupied At the beginning, Xu Ling was the most anxious about it, so Li Feifei wanted to comfort Xu Ling after praising Wang Qiyang, but found that the latter seemed more worried than before.

"No... it's OK. I'm just wondering what happened to Qianqian now, and whether the kidnappers would be bad to her." Being discovered by others, Xu Ling quickly waves her hand to explain.

He can't let people know what Wang Qiyang really wants to face!

"Don't worry, since the kidnappers are exchanging Li Ziqian for hostages, they won't do anything to her!" Xu Ling explained the reason is very reasonable, Li Feifei did not think much, when even comfort.

"Good! That's good! " Xu Linglian said twice, and then a relieved smile appeared on his face.

This is the smile he barely pulled out with all his strength. He knows that others are going to face life and death, but he can't even remind them. Xu Ling really can't laugh.

The next time, Xu yuanbiao just said some simple precautions, and let the crowd disperse. After all, there was still high-intensity homework the next day, so he had to get enough rest in the evening.

Xu Ling and Liu feiran live in a hotel. Naturally, they are together.

"Brother Xu, if you can't change the habit of trying to make a living for all, I'm afraid you'll miss a big event!" On the way back, Liu feiran was silent for a long time, and suddenly said to Xu Ling.

Naturally, what he said was Xu Ling's sudden absence in the police station, and only Liu feiran understood what Xu Ling was thinking at that time.

"I see. It won't happen again!" Xu Ling nodded, a little lonely.

Of course, he knew that he had to choose one side from the other!

At the same time, he also knew how dangerous the performance was. If he let the other side know the real situation Wang Qiyang was going to face, Li Ziqian would face more danger.

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