He was anxious to find his destination, but now he came to the dead end, which made Xu Ling scold secretly, and then he wanted to go back, but he couldn't walk.

The only exit of this blind alley is blocked by a person. If other people, Xu Ling may explain a little and slip away quickly. But there is still a person beside him. He has a close look. Who is wrong with Li Ziqian?

Seeing Xu Ling, Li Ziqian was very excited. He wanted to rush here. At the same time, he let out a cry of "Wuwu". Because her mouth was sealed with tape, she couldn't make a bigger sound. As for her body, she was controlled by a rope pulled by the kidnapper. How could she run here.

However, it seems that the kidnappers did not abuse Li Ziqian. I think this guy knows the rules.

"Qianqian, don't worry, I'll come to save you now!" Looking at Li Ziqian's appearance and thinking about Liu feiran's words, Xu Ling quickly comforted him.

Who knows if Li Ziqian will have an accident under such a huge emotional fluctuation?

"Here you are?" The kidnapper is not slow, he looked at Xu Ling, mouth slightly up, a pair of the initiative firmly in the hands of the appearance.

"This is Shaying. Let Li Ziqian go quickly!" Xu Ling didn't want to be polite either, so she pushed Wang Qiyang directly and said harshly.

"If you ask me to let it go, I'll let it go. What if you don't?" The kidnappers are also very cautious about this matter and refuse to let Li Ziqian out at all.

"Well, let's get close to each other at the same time!" Xu Lingdao is not afraid. After all, he still controls the people the other side needs. Although the people are fake, the other side can't tell the difference.

"Together!" It's time for the kidnappers to stop talking nonsense. They just said a word and then came back to Xu Ling. Of course, they also took Li Ziqian with them.

Li Ziqian is a little weak because of the fierce struggle in front of her. She can only let the kidnappers bring her here.

Seeing this, Xu Ling naturally won't stay idle. He also took Wang Qiyang to the other side. They had such a plan. If the other side didn't say such a replacement, Xu Ling really didn't know what to say at that time.

The two followed suit, nervously moving towards the middle. However, compared with the kidnapper, Xu Ling was more nervous. After all, he was a fake.

Fortunately, Wang Qiyang's impersonation of Shaying is indeed very similar. As long as he doesn't make a sound, the kidnappers can't recognize him. As the distance between the two sides gets closer and closer, Xu Ling feels more clearly that Liu feiran's guess is right.

Because the other party did not have the joy of taking his boss back. Instead, his eyes kept circling on himself and Shaying.

Looking at himself, Xu Ling understood that he was afraid of playing tricks on himself. Looking at Shaying, I'm afraid he was thinking about how to solve him quickly.

Under such circumstances, the decision in Xu Ling's heart is more and more firm. He knows that he can't beat his heart today.

As a result of their caution, they walked for more than 20 minutes at a distance of more than 10 meters. In the process, they did not say a word, but just watched each other closely.

"At the same time Although slow, but finally arrived, Xu Ling put Shaying behind him, reached out his hand to signal him and Shaying wrist with handcuffs, said to the kidnappers.

"No problem!" The purpose of the kidnapper is Shaying. Kidnapping Li Ziqian is just a means to achieve his goal. So now the goal is in front of him, and he certainly won't talk nonsense.

After receiving the response from the kidnappers, Xu Ling untied the handcuffs with his other hand. Of course, in order to make the play more like it, he immediately handcuffed the handcuffs on Wang Qiyang's wrist, and then took the other half to the kidnappers.

The kidnapper naturally understood Xu Ling's meaning, and he immediately handed the rope to Xu Ling.

At this time, the two sides are just like old partners who have cooperated for many years. They cooperate very well. The two things meet in the middle, and then they catch it like lightning.

"Well! "Well..." different from Wang Qiyang, Li ziqiandang, who is out of the control of the kidnappers, even if she pours on Xu Ling with her last strength, even if her mouth is still sealed and her hands are tied behind her.

When Xu Ling was ready to help Li Ziqian untie the shackles, Xu yuanbiao roared, "Xu Ling, take Li Ziqian away with you!"

With this sentence, there was no voice, and that was enough, because Xu Ling already knew what would happen later. After confirming that he had successfully taken Li Ziqian back, the hostage exchange operation had become an arrest operation.

Even if you don't look, Xu Ling knows that pretending to be Shaying Wang Qiyang has already begun to take action.

After receiving Xu yuanbiao's message, Xu Ling didn't even think about it. Holding Li Ziqian in his arms, he rushed out towards the exit of the dead end. When he and the kidnapper passed by, he clearly saw that the other side had already stretched out his hand to his waist.

"What After a few seconds, another exclamation came from the earphone. Xu Ling really listened to it. It was Wang Qiyang who came from behind.

Always pay attention to the situation there, Xu Ling has long been very familiar with Wang Qiyang's voice.

"What's the matter?" Although there are cameras on the scene, people don't know what happened to the kidnappers. After Xu yuanbiao heard Wang Qiyang's exclamation in the command center, he of course asked in reverse.

But it's too late to ask if you want to save Wang Qiyang. I'm afraid Xu Ling is the only one who knows what's going on.

At this moment, in the time of a few seconds, Xu Ling quickly decided the plan, threw Li Ziqian up quickly, then took out the stopwatch from his pocket and pressed the knob on it!


After a clear sound, Xu Ling immediately found that Li Ziqian, who had just been thrown up by herself, was going up at a very slow speed.

The effect of props has taken effect!

This is Xu Ling's fleeting thought, and then his figure moved quickly. In the range of ten meters, only he can move at a normal speed.

But the time is short, so Xu Ling must use the little time left to finish all the things planned in her heart!

First of all, of course, Wang Qiyang was saved

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