The violent explosion soon attracted the attention of the masses. In the thick smoke, Xu Ling soon heard the sound of the fire engine siren coming from outside.

"Great, Qianqian, we'll be out in a minute!" Hearing the sound, Xu Ling said excitedly that it was really difficult for him to get out in the current environment. Before, when there was no obstacle to his sight, it was like that, not to mention that his visual distance was no more than five meters.

However, his words did not get any response at all. Li Ziqian in her arms just lay there quietly, and her hands were powerlessly vertical below. She already had no consciousness.

In the explosion just now, Li Ziqian fainted directly!

Xu Ling can be said to be very anxious now, which is why he wants to go out without even confirming Wang Qiyang's condition.

It's not that he saved Wang Qiyang by his own initiative, but Li Ziqian became like this. When Liu feiran's words hovered in his mind, Xu Ling even regretted his decision.

If Li Ziqian had any accident, Xu Ling really couldn't forgive himself! Knowing that Li Ziqian was ill, he went his own way and made the most dangerous decision.

"Qianqian, hold on, someone will come to save us soon!" Although the beauty in his arms can't hear it, the anxious Xu Ling still comforts him. Then he yells at the smoke, "come on! Come on! Here we are

Originally some weak, he started to cough violently under such a loud cry.

Even his roar of fighting for his life was answered, but it wasn't the fire rescue team that spoke, it was Wang Qiyang!

"Xu Ling, you're not hurt. Wait, I'll come to you right away!"

To tell you the truth, hearing this voice, Xu Ling felt a little relieved, which at least showed that these things he did were not in vain. Wang Qiyang was indeed saved.

"Good! Qiyang, come here quickly. Qianqian is in a coma. We can't find the way out. " Exert oneself biggest strength, Xu Ling roared again, this sentence says the back, his voice all hoarse.

Not long after Xu Ling's words were finished, a man rushed out of the smoke and fixed his eyes on who was not Wang Qiyang?

"Great! Xu Ling, it's so good that you're OK! " Wang Qiyang was very happy to see Xu Ling, who was all right, although he was covered with dust and his face was dirty.

"Qianqian, she is in a coma and needs immediate treatment." Xu Ling is not happy, compared to the current situation, he is more willing to lie on his own.

"Show me!" Li Ziqian as another object that must be protected, Wang Qiyang realized this situation and quickly approached to check.

After a short examination, Wang Qiyang slightly breathed a sigh of relief, "breathing is still stable, should be too scared to faint, a little rest should be able to wake up."

With other people's comfort, Xu Ling's heart is a little more stable, although he knows that Li Ziqian's situation can not be seen from the surface, her artificial heart, the most fear is shock.

"Qiyang, do you know how we can get out?" Xu Ling and Wang Qiyang will not talk about Li Ziqian's health, he then asked again.

"I still remember some of them, but when we came here, it was too complicated to find them. We had better shout for the rescue team outside, and Xu Chu also sent someone to come to us." Wang Qiyang had a clear idea. He had already grasped the situation in front of him. He was a little dizzy when he came. Let alone let him find a way out now, so he suggested to Xu Ling.

As soon as the plan came out, Xu Ling didn't hesitate half a minute, so he yelled at the top of his voice.

But he didn't shout twice, so he had to stop for a few breaths, and his voice gradually became hoarse. Wang Qiyang, who was standing beside him, didn't necessarily hear that decibel.

If Xu Ling is the only one at this time, I'm afraid no one will be attracted by the sound even if he is dead. If you want to be rescued, you can only wait until the rescue team finds him.

But this place extends in all directions, it's not easy to find a person, and Xu Ling is still moving, under the thick smoke, even if the helicopter is looking in the sky, it's useless.

Fortunately, there is Wang Qiyang in the team. As a special police officer, he has strong anti danger ability. At that time, he was closer to explosives than Xu Ling. But now, apart from some skin injuries, his cry is very loud.

And under his cry, he soon got in touch with people outside

Ten minutes later, when Xu Ling came to the flat area with several people breaking through the smoke, he rushed to the ambulance which was not far away, put Li Ziqian on the stretcher and began to ask the doctor,

"Please save her and let her wake up as soon as possible!" With these words, Xu Ling even has some crying voice, which is enough to prove Xu Ling's sincere feelings for Li Ziqian.

"Don't worry, we will try our best to get her out of danger!" Looking at Xu Ling's appearance, the doctor thought that Li Ziqian had suffered some huge damage. Maybe he was on the edge of life, so he quickly assured Xu Ling that after that, he would turn around and start to treat Li Ziqian.

However, just as he turned around and was ready to let his assistant begin to examine Li Ziqian, suddenly a voice came from behind, "no, I will treat this girl myself!"

The voice is behind the doctor and Xu Ling. He hears that someone dares to get in the way at this time. He is ready to yell. But when he sees someone coming, he is silent.

The visitor has a gloomy face and shows great unhappiness. Among the unhappiness, there are some worries. It is Li Ziqian's uncle, Liu feiran.

"Brother Liu..." at this time, Liu feiran appeared in front of him. Xu Ling didn't even know what to say. He just called him first.

But before Xu Ling was ready to say anything, he was interrupted by Liu feiran, "brother Xu, don't say much. Today, I think I'm wrong about you!"

With these words, Liu feiran didn't even look at Xu Ling. He walked right past him, came to the doctor and continued to say harshly, "I'm the girl's uncle. I want to take her away!"

"Sir, please wait a moment, the patient is in danger now, and must receive treatment as soon as possible..." the doctor, out of professionalism, will not let Liu feiran take people away.

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