After the report, Xu yuanbiao finally fully understood what happened to Xu Ling, and the situation when the video was "stuck" was solved by Xu Ling's narration.

"Well, in a word, I wish I were OK!" No matter what, the goal of this mission has not come to a perfect end. Although Xu yuanbiao was glad that everyone was safe, he could not help sighing with disappointment.

Listening to Xu yuanbiao's sigh, all of them bowed their heads. As the people's police, they were still a little ashamed of this matter. After all, they mobilized so many police forces and repeatedly put forward many action plans to deal with a kidnapper.

But the result also let people run, this is a great shame!

"By the way, director Xu, has Liu feiran ever come back?" After a moment's silence, Xu Ling first broke the silence and asked Xu yuanbiao.

"Oh, he said he had something to do, so he went back first." Xu yuanbiao responded.

It's not surprising that he can understand Liu feiran's whereabouts. After all, he is also a good friend of Liu feiran and a host here in Lingxia city. He should also talk to Xu yuanbiao about Liu feiran's actions.

"Go back? Where are you going? " Xu Ling asked anxiously. From the scene, Liu feiran took Li Ziqian with him and turned around to leave. After that, Xu Ling never saw her again, so he was very concerned about their whereabouts.

"Of course, I went back to Luoshi, where my family is!" Xu yuanbiao naturally said that he didn't mean to hide half of it.

Although Xu Ling knew that Li Ziqian's situation was urgent, he didn't expect that Liu feiran's action was so fast. Just when he came back in the police car, he went back to Luoshi.

Even when he came to Lingxia City, what he needed to do might not have been completed. Although Xu Ling didn't know what Liu feiran was doing here for Tao, he had this feeling in his heart.

Liu feiran actually did this step, which shows how much he attaches importance to Li Ziqian. It is precisely because of this that Xu Ling is full of tension about what Liu feiran wants to settle accounts with him.

In the past half of her life, Xu Ling has never felt so guilty as today. No matter the cause, process or result of this incident, it seems that Xu Ling has something to do with it.

It can be said that it is not too much for Xu Ling to make Li Ziqian what she is now.

"Xu Ling, after so many things, you must be tired. Just go back to your residence and have a rest. Let's leave the rest to the police." After answering Xu Ling's question, Xu yuanbiao combed a little and ordered Xu Ling.

In this regard, Xu Ling didn't refuse. He didn't think about anything else except praying that Li Ziqian would be OK.

"Xiao Li, you can send Xu Ling back!" Looking at Xu Ling slightly absent-minded, Xu yuanbiao thought that he had not recovered from the shock, so he said to Li Feifei, who was on standby.

Indeed, the only reason why Xu Ling's appearance makes people think of is that he was frightened in the explosion just now, because no one would think that Xu Ling was half the initiator of the explosion, and no one knew the conversation between him and Liu feiran

"Yes After receiving the order, Li Feifei answered, and then left the police station with Xu Ling.

On the way back to the hotel, Li Feifei continued to comfort Xu Ling, "now that everything is over, don't think about it any more. Now everyone is safe, isn't it?"

Li Feifei said so, but also in order to let Xu Ling not so anxious, in such a good intention, Xu Ling is not good, continue to hang a face to betray the other party, so he raised his head, face slightly with a smile in response, "no problem Feifei sister, you don't have to worry, I will soon recover."

"Well, that's good! I don't think you are so vulnerable. Come on Li Feifei also felt a little relieved.

Although it is not dark at this time, Li Feifei still instructs Xu Ling to go to bed early.

For such a charge, Xu Ling of course is full of promise, down will go to the hotel, and he just raised his foot, suddenly thought of a thing, he quickly turned to stop the car is about to turn around Li Feifei, "Feifei sister, wait a minute!"

"What's the matter?" Suddenly, Li Feifei turned off the engine and asked.

After getting Li Feifei's response, Xu Ling trotted to the side of the car and asked, "well... How long do I have to go back to Luoshi?"

"I'm not very clear about that. Although I want to keep it for a month, Xu Chu is fighting for it for you every day. Don't worry. We will let you go back as soon as possible." Speaking of this issue, Li Feifei can't help showing some embarrassment. She also knows that Xu Ling is dissatisfied with being forced to stay here for a month, but it's all the decision of the top. What right does she have to interfere?

So at this time, she can only use the strategy of delaying Xu Ling, which is a kind of comfort.

"No, I didn't mean to be in a hurry to leave..." he was wronged by the other party. Xu Ling was embarrassed. It can be said that he didn't want to meet Luo city much now. At least he didn't want to go back when he hadn't figured out how to face Li Ziqian and Liu feiran. He just asked, and he just wanted to let the police station stop trying to help him go back earlier, But the words to the mouth, but do not know how to say.

"What did you say?" So that he just opened his head just like a mosquito "buzzing", which made Li Feifei not hear clearly.

"Ha ha, it's nothing. I'm a little tired, so I'll go back to have a rest. Sister Feifei, you should go back quickly. Pay attention to safety when driving on the road!" After hesitating for a moment, Xu Ling finally decided not to say it.

Because he didn't figure out how to make an excuse for his decision. After all, he was still very eager to leave here before, and suddenly changed, which was strange.

"What's the matter with you? If you have any requirements, just tell us that within the reasonable and legal scope, we will meet you! " Xu Ling, who wants to talk and stop, seems even more strange. Li Feifei even asks.

"It's all right. It's really all right. Sister Feifei, please go. It will be dark in a moment! Goodbye Now that it has been decided not to mention it, Xu lingdang even waved back, and then turned to the hotel without waiting for the other party to react.

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