Another reason is that Xu Ling still wants to protect the child. After all, it's dangerous for such a small person to run out.

"Yes! Thank you. I asked a lot of people and they all refused me. You are the first one to promise me. " But the little girl didn't think so much and said it happily.

Won't you be rejected? People don't want to talk to you at your age. Besides, who is not particularly depressed?

"Come on, come on, let's get in line!" The little girl was excited, and then she started to pull Xu Ling to the team. As she walked, she murmured, "finally we can eat this family's food, ha ha!"

"What's your name, little friend?" When she was in line again, Xu Ling suddenly remembered that she didn't know how to call the little girl.

For Xu Ling's view, the little girl seems a little unhappy, "I'm Zhu Yan, not a child!"

It seems that she is particularly disgusted with the kind of children that others treat her as a little girl. To this, Xu Ling also responds with a smile, "Hello, Xiyan, my name is Xu Ling!"

For such a child, the best way to get along is to communicate with him in the same generation.

"Oh, Xu Ling, Hello! Then we have a concrete understanding! " Zhu Yan repeated the name of Xu Ling, then suddenly stretched out a hand, indicating to shake hands with Xu Ling, showing a particularly mature appearance.

Seeing this, Xu Ling was slightly stunned, and then he reached out his hand. Although the other party was a child, since he had done this, it was impossible for him not to cater.

"Xu Ling, is this your first time to Lingxia?" After a short handshake, Zhu Yan also did not care, Xu Ling still had some stunned expression and asked himself.

"Yes, I came here for the first time, so I didn't know that there was a rule that no one was allowed to enter the store!" Xu Ling, who had come back to his senses, responded positively.

In front of such a little devil, the other party is so natural, but his performance is so unnatural, which is a great shame for Xu Ling.

This kind of feeling is like two people's roles reversed, Xu Ling became a child.

"Ha? It turns out that you don't know. This rule is printed on the brochure. It seems that you haven't taken a good look at it! " Zhu Yan's words to Xu Ling are very strange. Then he opens the pamphlet in his hand and points to a place to speak to Xu Ling.

That place, indeed, is clearly identified by the red font, this shop does not serve a person's diner.

The key is that Xu Ling has never read this pamphlet. He was brought here by force! What's more, he doesn't come here specially to travel. How can he pay attention to these things.

However, Xu lingpo was a little upset when a child said that, but he couldn't show it, so he had to change the topic and asked, "Xi Yan, how can you travel alone?"

"I finished the exam, so I wanted to come out and relax." Zhu Yan shrugged, while paying attention to the progress of the team, while responding to Xu Ling.

"Examination?" Looking at each other's age, if the exam is also promoted to junior high school, now the children are so mature? Such a test also needs to be specially relaxed.

"Yes, I've been studying for two months for this exam. I'm so sorry for my health if I don't come out to relax." Zhu Xiaoyan nodded and responded. Then, she was still a little impatient and complained to Xu Ling, "I said, can we not mention this trivial matter? Just forget it when we come out to play!"

After listening to what Zhu Xueyan said, Xu Lingyi had nothing to say, because he couldn't find anything to refute. Through these short conversations, Xu Ling was sure that the little girl in front of her was not an ordinary child.

The next time, Xu Ling really did not ask any more questions, and the right to talk fell on Zhu Yan. She was very powerful when she chatted with her. She even had a smooth chat with Xu Ling, and she didn't get stuck at all.

This means that the little girl can understand what Xu Ling said!

This is very abnormal. Generally speaking, what 15-year-old children do or say has the characteristics of children. As an adult, Xu Ling can definitely see through it.

But this girl is not good. Gradually, Xu Ling treats her just like her peers. He even doubts that Zhu Yan is really old.

"Here we are In doubt, Zhu Yan's happy voice suddenly rang in his ear.

"Boy, you're here again. We can't let you in here alone!" As Zhu Yan walked forward with her head up, the waiter at the door immediately said that he was also impressed by the little girl.

"Who told you I was alone! Look, I've brought my friends here, and I'm Zhu Xiaoyan. Don't call me a little friend! " Zhu Yan smell speech, directly pulled Xu Ling to come over, at the same time small hand a pinch waist, very proud to say.

Xu Ling's appearance is not special, so the waiter was not impressed. He didn't recognize him as the customer who had just been driven away. He politely said, "is this your child? How lovely

With a word from the waiter, Zhu Yan's little face turned green. Such a girl who doesn't like others to treat her as a child is now said to be a child who has just known someone for a short time. This is just touching her face!

"No, no, no, we're friends, we're friends!" Seeing that Zhu Yan was about to start a storm, Xu Ling interrupted and waved his hand.

Then, without waiting for the waiter to say anything strange, he urged, "excuse me, both of us, please arrange seats for us quickly!"

Customers even God, even such a hot restaurant, still adhere to this principle, which is one of the reasons why it can be so popular.

In addition to not entertaining individual customers, the rest are more satisfying.

For example, after Xu Ling finished speaking, another waiter came to the store immediately and led them to the store with a smile on his face.

And now, Xu lingcai finally saw the appearance of the store, giving people the first feeling is a word - big!

No wonder there are so many people in the queue, but no one stops to enter. This spacious dining environment, with several floors up and down, can accommodate hundreds of people at the same time.

"Please sit here. Here's the menu. Please have two meals." I followed the waiter for a while and stopped at a window. The waiter said to them.

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