Oh, my God! What evil have I done! Xu Ling now just want to roar, a series of things like the butterfly effect, all rushed to Xu Ling.

In the final analysis, he should not step out the door of the hotel and stay in the room honestly. How can there be so many things?

There's no regret medicine in the world. Even Xu Ling hasn't got anything like that. So now he's sitting on the toilet cover naked, with the sour smell of vomit all around him. Xu Ling is in deep meditation.

Now there are two choices in front of him, that is to wash the clothes, and then sit in the bathroom waiting for it to dry away, the other is to wash the bath towel, and then temporarily wrap it on his body.

With such planning, Xu Ling's eyes immediately shine. Why not combine the two together, so that she can clean the clothes and not carry them in this sour and smelly place?

Xu Ling immediately threw all her clothes into the washbasin, then used the disposable soap delivered by the hotel and began to roughly clean them up.

After a while, the clothes that had almost got rid of the smell were washed, and they were hung up in a place. Xu Ling went to get the bath towel that had been thrown aside. However, he just squatted down and picked up the bath towel. When he was standing, he suddenly felt a very severe sense of fatigue in his mind.

What happened? Xu Ling shook his head, very puzzled, this kind of fatigue is just like the feeling after the night, people just want to lie down and have a good sleep.

all night! Think of this word, Xu Ling suddenly surprised, if it is true, then he just did it before?

It's just that after all night, I restored my spirit with special props, but now I feel like this

Xu Ling suddenly remembered a thing. The things Xiaoya provided must have a corresponding cost when they are used. Is it difficult to realize that the current feeling is that the cost of taking that medicine?

That is to say, the energy recovered that day is actually borrowed from one's own period of time, and you have to pay it back in time!

But why now! With the cry in Xu Ling's heart, Xu Ling's feet softened and collapsed under the washstand. Then her consciousness slowly blurred and she fell asleep.

The following day

Zhu Juyan got up from the bed in a daze. All she could remember in her mind was that she was forced into the car by Xu Ling. She couldn't remember what happened next.

In the memory of these times, abdominal strange also reminds her that now is not the time to think about these things, and then Zhuyan rushed to the bathroom.

When he opened the door, he was just about to sit on the toilet, but the scene in front of her made her blood flow up directly. After sorting out her emotions for several times, he finally burst out with a strong cry, "ah --!"


"I don't know why I fell asleep. I don't have any special hobby like that!" After a period of time, Xu Ling, who had seen clothes put on again, explained bitterly.

Who can know their own sufferings? Xu Ling's heart is now dripping blood, why do we have to do this kind of house leakage every time!

"Pervert! Shameless! Obscene... "Zhu Yan has witnessed such a scene with her own eyes. Now what Xu Ling said is just like this.

And it's just like an infinite loop.

"That's how it is, believe it or not!" It's not her fault to be insulted like this. Xu Ling also feels a little annoyed, which makes her get rid of the words directly, and then she gets up to leave.

"What are you doing?" Zhu Yan saw this just changed a word, directly questioned to Xu Ling.

"Of course, go. You are all right now. We should have nothing to do with each other." Xu Ling naturally responded.

"You just left?" Zhu Yan is still a little reluctant.

"Why don't you go and continue to watch you make trouble here?" In the face of such a situation, Xu Ling did not fall behind.

"I make trouble out of nothing? Who told you to be a hooligan here? "

"Who's playing hooligans? I said I fell asleep accidentally. Besides, I'm being looked at. I haven't said you're playing hooligans yet."

"This is my room. What's not a hooligan in my room?"


The two fight against each other, and no one is willing to give way. Xu Ling never dreamed that one day she would argue so much with a teenager.

"Forget it, I won't quarrel with you. From now on, let's take it as if we haven't seen each other. Goodbye!" In the fierce quarrel, Xu Ling suddenly changed the subject. After leaving this sentence, he turned and left.

This time, he was more resolute, and did not give in at all. He did not even care about the voice behind him.

"Bang! What bad luck Out of the hotel, the morning wind in Lingxia city is still biting, especially on people like Xu Ling whose clothes are not completely dry.

When he came to the roadside, Xu Ling casually took a taxi and was about to go back to his hotel. However, at this time, he suddenly found a terrible fact that his mobile phone was not on him!

In addition to coming to the taxi, Xu Ling has never been to other places, and last night it was still well on the body. In this way, there is only one possibility, the mobile phone fell in Zhu Yan's room!

"Sorry, master, I won't take the car." Thinking of this situation, Xu Ling only apologized to the driver and got out of the car.

Then, he looked at the hotel just came out, and the gate was like the mouth of a wild animal, waiting for him to enter.

Just now there was a quarrel, and I left without looking back. Now I have to go back with a shy face. It's like I was vomited all over last night.

However, this time, before he had a long time to struggle, he found that a person came out of the hotel gate and stopped out of the gate. She was not Zhu Yan, who was she, and she was holding two things in her hand.

So far away, Xu Ling can't even see the expression on Zhu Yan's face, but she can know what she is holding in her hand.

If it wasn't for her mobile phone and wallet, it would be meaningless for her to come out suddenly.

Aware of this situation, Xu Ling was stunned, then coughed twice, and went to Zhu Yan.

"Oh, isn't this Xu Ling? Why haven't you left yet? " When Xu Ling came to the same distance, Zhu Yandang made fun of him.

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