Xu Ling, who came back to Luoshi with great joy, didn't expect that he had just stepped on the land of Luoshi and met two characters that made him headache.

Standing on the double yellow line in the middle of the road, Xu Ling and the young people who came to ask him to look at each other and stand with their ears blaring rapidly.

In such an environment, Xu Ling also understood that he could not go without this invitation.

After a short meditation, Xu Ling suddenly put on a smile on her face, nodded to the young man and said, "please lead the way."

"Mr. Xu, this way, please!" Just as Xu Ling had known for a long time that he would find an excuse to refuse the invitation, the young people also showed no response to Xu Ling's consent.

With such a calm attitude, Xu Ling couldn't help but praise Xu Qianyang for having such excellent subordinates.

With the young people coming to the roadside, a Maybach has already been parked there. As a luxury car, Xu Qianyang can use this kind of car to pick up Xu Ling, which seems to be an affirmation of Xu Ling's identity.

After the other party opened the door, Xu Ling did not hesitate to get in. Then, the car started slowly and drove towards the building of Xu group.

Different from Liu feiran's low profile, Xu Qianyang is very good at showing off his wealth. Even the height of the building is one of the best in Luo city.

Last time Xu Ling was taken to the villa of Xu Qianyang's family, which is a place for private affairs. This time, Xu Ling was taken directly to the group building. It's obvious that Xu Qianyang has a clear attitude.

Since Xu Qianyang can suddenly come to find Xu Ling, he must have known that he has actually recovered his memory.

Xu Ling is a smart person, so she doesn't do anything to force her amnesia, saying that she doesn't know who Xu Qianyang is.

Moreover, from the young man's appearance, even if Xu Ling pretended, he still couldn't escape being brought over.

When I got to the front of the building and stopped the car, there was already someone waiting outside. Then I came to help Xu Ling open the door and said in a very respectful tone, "Mr. Xu, welcome

Looking at her, she is a pretty girl in ol uniform. It seems that she is a secretary or something.

"Hello For these employees, Xu Ling has no habit of deliberately creating difficulties. After hearing the welcome, he immediately responded.

"Please follow me. Mr. Xu has been waiting for you in the conference room." After the Secretary said again, he took the lead.

Conference Room? For this place, Xu Ling is a little suspicious. Isn't it a formal place for both sides to meet?

"Mr. Xu, please follow up quickly." In front of the Secretary also walked a distance, turned back to see Xu Ling still pestle in place, immediately called out.

"Oh, yes!" Xu Ling doesn't ask for any words in this secretary's mouth. After all, she is also Xu Qianyang's employee. It's impossible for her to talk about the boss in a stranger.

I followed the secretary all the way. In fact, I didn't go far. I spent most of my time in the elevator. I had to wait for some time in the constant speed elevator with the height of more than 60 floors.

Ding Dong

A crisp sound spreads to Xu Ling's ears, which also indicates that he has finally arrived at his destination.

After walking dozens of steps with the Secretary, a door not far from the front also let Xu Ling know that he was finally going to face the old friend.

And before the situation is different, came to the door secretary did not say let Xu Ling himself in, but directly knocked on the door, and then opened the door and Xu Ling went in together.

As the door was opened, Xu Ling was stunned by the scene in the room

What's this, meeting alone? In the room, there are no less than 20 people in all kinds, and it seems that they are not like ordinary employees, and their looks and momentum are almost the same as Xu Qianyang. They should be big men in the industry.

"Oh, ha ha, here we are at last!" When Xu Ling was stunned, a hearty laugh pulled him back to his mind. Looking at the sound, Xu Qianyang, who was sitting on the throne, would stand up and walk towards Xu Ling while talking, "I'll introduce you. This is what I said to you. We have to" secret weapon "Xu Ling, Mr. Xu!"

When he finished this sentence, Xu qianyanggang came to Xu Ling. With a smile on his face, he patted Xu Ling heavily on the shoulder. The meaning was a little elusive.

"Lao Xu, I think you are confused. What can such a little boy do for us? You are in such a hurry to call us together. Are you looking for us to have fun After Xu Qianyang's introduction, a voice of great disdain came from the conference table.

After this voice, there are also many echoing voices, some complaining about Xu Qianyang's practice.

"Take it easy. I haven't introduced Mr. Xu to you yet." Xu Qianyang waved his hand and Lang Sheng began to explain, "although my little friend Xu Ling is not very handsome, he is the number one enemy of all of us, Liu feiran's good friend!"

When explaining these, Xu Qianyang was not idle at his feet. He took Xu Ling all the way to the theme. There was a position above the theme. Xu Qianyang directly sat down Xu Ling.

"Lao Xu, do you mean Mr. Xu has a lot of information about Liu feiran?" Those present here are not ordinary people. Their brains are spinning fast. They immediately understand what Xu Qianyang means.

To this, Xu Qianyang just smiles but does not speak.

But this smile, enough to prove the fact!

After receiving the response, the originally quiet conference room was boiling. A group of industry leaders whispered and nodded to each other for discussion. Although Xu Ling could not hear what these people said, she knew that the focus of discussion was her own through the fragmented content.

"Lao Xu, you said he was a good friend of Liu feiran. Can he help us?" After a while of discussion, the public seemed to have summed up a fundamental problem, and immediately a representative asked.

"Ha ha, you don't have to worry. I have already reached an agreement with Xu Ling. Of course, he is willing to help me!" In the face of people's doubts, Xu Qianyang knew with a smile.

Then, he patted Xu Ling on the shoulder and asked with a smile, "Xu Ling, do you think so?"

There was a big change in the scene and Xu Ling's mind, which made him unable to react for a moment. After being photographed, his vision was right in the past, and at the same time, he swept around the crowd.

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