"Hum, Xu Ling, you don't want to talk fast for me here," he said. Xu Qianyang changed his polite attitude and even changed his calling tone. "Since you don't want to hear me beat around the Bush, I'll tell you straight away. There are many enterprises associated with Mingqi radio in the Business League, and the leaders of the Business League, It's me, as long as I have a word, they can stop cooperating with Mingqi radio station! "

"What do you want me to do?" Xu Ling has no way to deal with such a threat. With the influence of Xu Qianyang, Xu Ling is very confident that he can turn what he says into reality. After all, he is the one who brings so many business tycoons together in one sentence,

So now, the most important thing is to stabilize Xu Qianyang!

"What I want to do, Xu Ling Xiaoyou should be very clear," looking at his threat means seems to have some effect on Xu Ling, Xu Qianyang eyebrows a pick, and then restore a smile, and then said, "I'm not the same as you, will not change, my goal is always only one, that is to get Liu feiran that boy's information."

"I said..." about this, Xu Linggang has just said, so he just wanted to use those contents to fool Xu Qianyang.

But the latter didn't give Xu Ling the chance at all. As soon as Xu Ling's words started, he was interrupted directly by Xu Qianyang, "Xu Ling, don't rush to answer first. I know there are some fetters between you and Liu feiran, so I think you'd better think about it again."

After receiving the reminder from Xu Qianyang, Xu Ling doesn't speak any more, but stares at Xu Qianyang tightly. He knows that this guy definitely has something to say behind him.

Xu Qianyang didn't let Xu Ling down either. After a pause, he added, "the information you used to say in front of everyone is just the tip of the iceberg in the information you know. Even if you don't say it, I know that. So, I'm going to give you a week to think about it. I'll come back to you in a week, I hope what I hear from you is the message I want. "

"Is there anything else? If not, I'll go first! " The sudden change is undoubtedly bad news for Xu Ling. After a short meditation, Xu Ling doesn't want to stay in this suffocating place, so he stands up and says something to Xu Qianyang.

"Light." Compared with Xu Qianyang, he didn't have any obstacles. He responded directly that what he wanted to say to Xu Ling had been finished, and the deadline had been given. Of course, he would not expect Xu Ling to tell him the answer now, and even if Xu Ling could say it now, he would not believe it.

After getting Xu Qianyang's consent, Xu Ling immediately went out of the house. Although he had behaved perfectly enough for today's situation, he couldn't stand each other and caught Xu Ling's dead. No matter how much rhetoric he used, it was useless.

Because what Xu Qianyang wants to get is definitely what he wants to hear. No matter whether Xu Ling knows it or not, as long as it's not what he wants to know, it's inevitable that Xu Ling will be blamed.

"Xu Ling, is Liu feiran important or the radio important? I hope you can make a clear distinction." Before going out, Xu Qianyang's voice came from behind him again. Xu Ling could hear it clearly. It was the voice of the winner, the voice of standing on a high place to despise the bottom.

Now there is only one person below Xu Qianyang, that is Xu Ling!

Xu Qianyang's words didn't make Xu Ling pause for even a second, as if he didn't hear them. Xu Ling left the meeting room quickly, leaving Xu Qianyang alone. Looking at Xu Ling's back, he said to himself with a cold smile on his face, "Xu Ling, I'll see how you choose this time!"

After leaving the conference room, Xu Ling had no treatment like he had when he was brought here. He even took a taxi on the side of the road to get home.

All the way, he was completely lost. At the beginning, he wanted to see how Luoshi had developed during the period when he left. This kind of high mood was replaced by a kind of complete depression. No wonder he came back just in time, and even his family was not close, so he was taken to face such serious things, and no one was happy.

"Here we are, sir!" Xu Ling, who was in a state of meditation, didn't even notice that the taxi had stopped at his door. Only when the driver reminded him, did he recover.

"Oh, well, thank you very much." Aware of some of his gaffe, Xu Ling quickly paid the fare and got off the car to avoid the embarrassment.

"Xu Ling, where are you? I haven't seen you for a long time." As soon as I got out of the car, I heard another call coming from my side. Following the sound, I found that it was my aunt who lived next door.

Every time Xu Ling made noise at night before, the aunt would roar at the first time. Unexpectedly, the first voice Xu Ling heard when she came back from going out was also from her.

"Well, ma'am, I've been on a business trip for a few days, so I didn't live at home." Even if the impression of her is no longer good, or her mood is no longer bad, at this time, Xu Ling is still forced to put on a smile and give her a reply.

"Business luggage comes back before you? You young people, auntie, don't understand more and more. " It turns out that aunt didn't just say hello to Xu Ling. After saying hello, she dragged out Xu Ling's suitcase.

It must be Xu Qianyang's people who just brought Xu Ling's things back, but they couldn't get in, so they put them in aunt's place.

"Oh, thank you, auntie. The luggage is too heavy to carry with you, so I checked it back by express. I didn't expect that the express is faster than me!" After finding a reason, Xu Ling went forward and took the suitcase back.

"It doesn't matter, but you're really careless. It's not accurate. If I wasn't there at that time, the man would put your box at the door. No one would care about it. No one would ask. Someone would have to take it away." Although aunt is usually a little broken hearted, she is quite enthusiastic about these things.

For this, Xu Ling naturally offered her thanks again, and promised to invite her to dinner later. Her aunt nodded, taught Xu Ling as an elder once again, and then went back.

Bid farewell to aunt, Xu Ling then takes out the door key from his pocket. With a click, Xu Ling finally pushes open the long lost door.

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