Children are still children after all! Xu Ling can't help shaking her head and sighing. Although he is not much older than Yun Zhongjie and sun Jiaman, as the saying goes, there is a generation gap in three years, which makes it more difficult for Xu Ling to understand their behavior,

However, it seems that their openness is much lower than that at that time.

When I was in college, many of my classmates began to live together when I was in school. My friends and girlfriends were just like husband and wife.

Of course, we should exclude Xu Ling as a single dog.

But now it's different. A single dog has a daughter-in-law and is still a big star. It's just like a single dog.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xu Ling. My aunt heard that I live alone and said that I should move in, otherwise, I would not leave here." Listening to Yun Zhongjie's words, sun Jiaman began to explain.

"It doesn't matter. It's not safe for girls to live here alone. Your aunt's worry is right." For sun Jiaman's apology, Xu Ling quickly waved his hand and said.

"Mr. Xu Ling, if you live here alone, will you feel lonely? Let me talk to my aunt and move back." Sun Jiaman suddenly asked tentatively. It seems that she is still worried about Xu Ling's state.

Although she moved away, sun Jiaman lived here alone for a long time. In addition to the days when Wu Qinglian moved away when Xu Ling was in hospital, sun Jiaman may have lived in this apartment alone for half a month, so she knows the feeling of living here alone.

However, Xu Lingtang is a big man. Naturally, he can't be like a girl. After listening to sun Jiaman's suggestion, he declined. Moreover, he said that sun Jiaman lives in his aunt's house now, so he shouldn't move back to Xu Ling.

Otherwise, my aunt might have to come to check Xu Ling's character.

"By the way, don't just talk about me. How have you two developed during my absence?" After rejecting sun Jiaman's kindness, Xu Ling finds that she seems to be a little disappointed, so even when she changes the topic, she asks.

"This... Is... Quite good!" Suddenly transition to such a private problem, let cloud hero slightly a Leng, and then his face becomes a burst of blush.

Look at Sun Jiaman, as like as two peas! Two people!

Is it true that two people will become more and more like each other after being together for a long time? Although Xu Ling didn't have much experience in this, from the performance of the two in front of her, it seems reasonable.

Xu Ling is concerned about this aspect, and can't say he gossips. After all, the couple's promotion still has his share of credit. If they didn't recruit them, maybe they still don't know each other.

So, fate! too wonderful for words!

"It's very good. I can tell you that Jiaman is a good girl. If you dare to apologize to her, I'll be the first to deal with you." I know that Yun Zhongjie said it because he was nervous, but this perfunctory answer is true, which makes Xu Ling a little dissatisfied.

"No... no, how can I be sorry for Jiaman? I have already proposed to her!" Listen to Xu Ling some warning like words, cloud jiedun abandoned shyness, when even this situation also said.

"Yo? Is that true? " This news just let Xu Ling a little satisfied some, he eyebrows a pick, and then to sun Jiaman confirmed.

The latter just lowered her head, gently nodded, very embarrassed, but from her slightly shaking shoulders, there was still some excitement.

"Well, the young man did a good job! You can't let Jiaman be wronged in the future. Do you hear me? " Seeing this, Xu lingcai patted Yun Zhongjie on the shoulder, praised him and then asked.

"Yes Yunzhongjie didn't even think about it. When he raised his head and looked at Xu Ling firmly, he replied.

This look is full of trust, but from the perspective of Yun Zhongjie's character, he will be the kind of person who will guard Sun Jiaman's life.

After finishing these trifles, Xu Ling thought of her work again, and then asked, "I heard that you have made my column group prosperous? Well done

It is said that it is a problem, but in fact it is more about praise. This fact was heard from Wu Qinglian on the phone before, so he didn't have much doubt.

"Of course, Mr. Xu Ling, it took Zhongjie and I a lot of effort to add a lot of new things to the column group." Speaking of this, sun Jiaman, who was also shy about the topic just now, seemed to be a different person. He immediately jumped to Xu Ling's side and began to talk.

"Oh, what's new?" Xu Ling asked immediately.

Starting with these two talents, Xu Ling's long-term wish is that these two people can be independent, even if they don't guide them, they can still find their own way to develop the column.

Unexpectedly, during the time when they left, they really did it. Xu Ling doubted whether it was a good thing or a bad thing for them to be taken away by the gangsters.

"We've changed from a simple stand-alone talk show to a lot of people together, and we've also found many stars to participate. Driven by the fan effect, many people who didn't listen to radio programs before began to listen to our programs!" As soon as he explained the situation, sun Jiaman couldn't stop. It seemed that he wanted to show Xu Ling all the things he had painstakingly accomplished.

"Well, not bad!" Sun Jiaman is worthy of being valued by Xu Ling and the founder of the talk show here. She fully understands the essence of the talk show.

This pattern similar to the "Tucao conference" actually wanted to start before Xu Ling, but he never wanted to inspire his two high school ideas. I never thought they would make complaints about themselves.

For these two young people, they really have full potential, and Xu Ling even secretly admires them.

You know, this kind of model is based on their own ideas, without the help of other tips, or even looking for stars

wait! Thinking of this, Xu Ling immediately thought of an important thing and asked, "the star you are looking for..."

"Ha ha, Miss Xu Ling, you can guess that it's sister Wenwen!", Before Xu Ling's words were finished, sun Jiaman explained with a smile.

If so, Xu Ling couldn't help but smile, how can you think that with these two budding comrades, it's impossible to find the star directly, unless you know the star yourself!

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