After watching Chen Yunxi and Yu Wenwen go into the dressing room, Chen Hong sighs a sigh of relief. Then she turns around and sets her eyes on Xu Ling. It seems that she is sorting out where she should start. She ponders for a while before finally saying, "Xu Ling, how did you come here at this time?"

"I came back yesterday and had a night off to devote myself to work immediately," Xu Ling explained with a wry smile. "I didn't know this activity was being carried out on the radio."

Even though Xu Ling has an ambiguous understanding of this activity program, she knows that her "sudden arrival" seems to be causing trouble. However, you don't need me to inform her?


As soon as Xu Ling's voice fell, Chen Hong suddenly threw a stack of paper into Xu Ling's hand, and then solemnly ordered, "it's still several hours before the program starts. I don't care what you do, you must write down all the content in the book before the program starts!"

Chen Hong is very serious and has no room for negotiation. It feels like the "Iron Lady" of radio. Xu Ling also knows Chen Hong's iron hand. Otherwise, how can she hold up the banner of radio reform?

"I see. I'm sure I'll finish the task!" Chen Hong orders to be serious, and Xu Ling answers with the same firmness. Although she has not looked through it, she has already patted her chest and promised.

"Well." Xu Ling can be regarded as a very important person in Chen Hong's heart, and her ability is also very recognized. When she gets such a response, she naturally doesn't have much doubt.

However, as soon as the conversation changed, Chen Hong said another question, "but it seems that Yu Wenwen is very concerned about you. Have you met before?"

"No... no, maybe it's because she didn't see me when she came to my program. Now I suddenly appear again and let her have some complaints." Hear Chen Hong say so, Xu Ling in the heart a tight, hurriedly explain a way.

"I also think it's possible that a chief editor would be angry if he didn't tell sister Wenwen." Yun Zhongjie also echoed on the side at this time. He can't let Chen Hong guess like this.

Xu Ling can't help but give yunzhongjie a thumbs up. Fortunately, he has such a wingman. Otherwise, he will not be able to explain it by himself.

"It's not so good. In a word, you should pay attention to it. Even if she is impatient, you should cooperate actively. Do you understand?" With the help of Yun Zhongjie, Chen Hong also thinks that the problem is here. She immediately reminds Xu Ling.

"Don't worry, chief, I won't make trouble!" Xu Ling continued to pat her chest to make sure.

"I'll leave the next thing to you. I have other things on my side, so I won't wait here." After all the things that should be explained have been explained, Chen Hong finally told the people and left.

In this special period, Chen Hong really has a lot of opportunities every day. It's the biggest time she can spare to come to meet her.

"It's strange to say that Miss Yu is very nice. How can I see Xu Ling now?" Jiangshan's small eyes are also full of doubts at this time.

"Maybe she pays more attention to this aspect. After all, teacher Xu Ling just came here, and she can't be offended." Yun Zhongjie continues to explain in front of Xu Ling's wingman.

"Don't worry about so much. As long as Xu Ling's attitude is better from now on, according to Miss Yu's temperament, she should not find fault." Wu Qinglian also said at this time to ease the situation. As one of the insiders, she also knew that the momentum of this topic could not continue.

"Ah, brother Xu Ling, it seems that you can only be wronged today. In order to make our program successful, you have to press your spleen. Miss Yu can just say a few words. Don't take it to heart." At this point, Jiangshan sighed, patted Xu Ling on the shoulder and said helplessly.

"There's no problem. I'll make it clear. You can rest assured." As for Jiang Shan's worries, Xu Ling also responded.

Xu Ling's words are more convincing. After hearing the words, Jiang Shan said nothing more to Xu Ling.

At this time, Xu lingcai was finally able to take a look at the notebook in his hand. After a cursory look, there were ten pages of content. The most important thing was that it was printed on both sides of A4 paper in order to save cost.

"So much!" After a look, Xu Ling couldn't help exclaiming.

"Look carefully, there are many people's conversations, and your content is just one of them... No, it seems that there is no content for you." Wu Qinglian immediately wanted to remind her, but in the middle of her words, she thought of another important situation.

Xu Ling wasn't here when he was writing the desk book, so it's reasonable not to have his content.

"No, that's OK, I won't go up..." when he heard the news, Xu Ling didn't just start talking, but before he finished his words, he felt people staring at him at the same time, and then he closed his mouth wisely.

"Now you can use the place that Zhongjie uses in the desk." Seeing that Xu Ling was so knowledgeable, Wu Qinglian began to tell him directly.

"Yes, Mr. Xu Ling came here to replace me, so the contents in my desk book must have been used by him." It seems that Yun Zhongjie had thought of this for a long time, so after Wu Qinglian finished, he immediately agreed with this statement.

This proposal is really reasonable, so everyone agrees and nods. Of course, Xu Ling has no choice but to look at the desk again.

"I'll have a look." Muttering, Xu Ling began to read from the first page.

This doesn't look good, look closely under, Xu Ling Eye Bead son almost all want to stare out!

The ten pages are specifically divided into questions, answers, and appropriate Tucao and make complaints about it. The main part of it is the answer question.

Xu Ling can be sure that if we remove the part of answering questions, we can definitely cut the whole desk by half.

Even the host of six people's programs, cloud hero one person accounts for half of the amount, you can imagine how much content... Maybe now you can put them under the name of Xu Ling.

"Zhongjie, do you have so much to say? If there are so many things I don't understand, I can explain them to you. " After reading the last page of the notebook, Xu Ling immediately raised her head and said to Yun Zhongjie with a wry smile. Her voice was full of complaints.

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