As the party concerned, Xu Ling is also very clear about Wu Qinglian's mood. For her inquiry, Xu Ling stands up and holds the newly completed manuscript in his hand. "Don't worry, sister Wu, I have finished all these."

The paper full of handwriting, coupled with Xu Ling's confident smile, immediately gives people a sense of peace of mind.

Let originally all anxious extremely Wu Qinglian after knowing this situation, all can't help but calm a lot.

"Do you need a rehearsal? Can you remember all the contents in such a short time?" It's one thing to have confidence, and it's the same thing to believe, but there's something to worry about.

"At this time, Miss Chen and they should be reluctant. After all, they have been busy all afternoon." Xu Ling said with a bitter smile.

In fact, when he mentioned Chen Yunxi, he just wanted to use it to make Wu Qinglian give up the rehearsal decision.

"You know that? I haven't seen you all afternoon. I'm afraid they all have some opinions. "Speaking of this, Wu Qinglian immediately knows about Xu Lingtong," especially Yu Wenwen, who seems to have a lot of resentment. "

"Ha, that's right. There's no need to rehearse. Anyway, they'll just say what they say." Getting the news, Xu Ling couldn't help laughing.

"Xu Ling, isn't Yu Wenwen your sister? How do you feel that she always chokes you? In the rehearsal just now, she didn't complain that you didn't have the past. " Looking around, Wu Qinglian confirms that no one is coming. Then she approaches Xu Ling and asks in a low voice.

"Who knows what the girl is thinking? Maybe she wants to see me panic." Shaking his head, Xu Ling also responded helplessly.

"I can't understand you, brother and sister." Wu Qinglian also had a bitter smile at this time. It was true that she didn't quite understand this matter.

After all, when Yu Wenwen came to Xuling, the relationship between her brother and sister seemed to be very good. Moreover, Yu Wenwen was afraid of going to the show, and she was persuaded by Xuling to regain her confidence.

Is there a brother sister relationship more profound than this?

However, judging from today's situation, this brother and sister's love is like the hatred of enemies. Is it that the form of expressing deep feelings has become like this?

"Then why don't you go to the studio and have a look. At least you should be familiar with the environment. I'll explain to you the seats and all kinds of equipment After feeling, Wu Qinglian was silent for a while, and then gave Xu Ling a suggestion.

After the beginning of the program, these aspects also need to be carried out in an orderly way, so as not to make the program look so chaotic, and through the special arrangement method, it can play the role of prompting other staff.

Therefore, for Xu Ling, who still has no idea of these arrangements, Wu Qinglian's proposal is still more important.


After agreeing, Xu Ling followed Wu Qinglian with her private manuscript and came to the studio again.

At this time, the staff are probably resting. There are only two people left in the studio, Yun Zhongjie and sun Jiaman. They are sitting on the side and talking happily.

Fortunately, I didn't see Yu Wenwen. As long as she wasn't there, Xu Ling's situation was safe.

"Mr. Xu Ling, you are here!" Xu Ling, who was brought by Wu Qinglian, was noticed by the two people in the room when she came in. They immediately stood up and said.

"Well, I've come to see the layout here and get familiar with it by the way." With a little smile, Xu Ling talked about her purpose.

"You teachers are too ambitious. The program is about to start. You don't even know where to sit." Wu Qinglian also made fun of him, which made Yun Zhongjie laugh.

"Well, sister Wu, the time is so tight. Don't hurt me. Please show me the layout of the venue." Although Xu Ling also laughed, but it was full of bitterness. If it wasn't for the audience's problems, he wouldn't be able to get to now.

Otherwise, as long as you squint over and take a look, you will remember the most basic layout. Why do you need to be brought here to see it?

Of course, to trace the source of this incident, we still have to blame ourselves. If Xu Ling hadn't proposed to revise the contents of the script, the current situation would not have happened.

Therefore, if there are causes, there will be results. All these can stand the scrutiny of practice.

This is just some basic precautions. Unless there are some special circumstances, they will not change. So Xu Ling and Wu Qinglian quickly mastered the situation.

Finally, Xu Ling repeats it completely, and Wu Qinglian takes him to the rest area of Yun Zhongjie.

"Mr. Xu Ling, you have been preparing all afternoon. All the questions on the desk should have been answered." Seeing Xu Ling coming back, Yun Zhongjie immediately inquired.

As soon as he saw Xu Ling coming to the studio, he wanted to ask, but because Xu Ling had something else to do, he just put it off until now.

In other words, yunzhongjie is actually a fan of Xu Ling. When he took the place of Xu Ling's anchor program in those days, he was fascinated by the stories written by Xu Ling.

After that, he watched it all, and has been following it up to now. Every day, he would wait for the program to be updated. Interestingly, he didn't listen to the program by radio, but went directly to the late night column group to listen to it in this broadcasting room.

This is also the reason why the relationship between Jiangshan and yunzhongjie is getting better and better.

"It's all here!" For Yun Zhongjie, Xu Ling also knows that he likes his stories very much, so after being asked, Xu Ling immediately shakes the manuscript and says with a smile.

"Can... Can you show me first? I'm particularly interested in these questions, too." Maybe it's not very good, but I can't restrain my curiosity, so when Yun Zhongjie put forward this request, he felt rather weak and didn't dare to say.

"There's nothing you can't do about it. Here you are." What can be more exciting than being a fan and being the first to get the latest news about the story? Xu Ling knows this very well and even handed the manuscript to Yun Zhongjie.

Anyway, it's all going to be broadcast immediately in the program, and it's not a secret. It's OK to show it to yunzhongjie in advance.

"Great!" Try to put forward the request, did not expect Xu Ling really agreed, cloud Zhongjie can not help but shout, quickly received the manuscript, for fear that Xu Ling will regret.

Although he has already memorized the answers to the questions on the desk, what he is holding now is 100% of the original works of the author. After a long time, he saw the real chapter immediately.

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