"No! After editor Xu found that things in the computer would change by themselves, we went to check, but there was no sign of invasion at all. " As soon as Wu Qinglian's voice fell, a voice rang out in the crowd, and then a young man with black glasses came to Xu Ling through the crowd.

If you remember correctly, this man is a computer professional specially hired by the director for the radio reform plan. After all, he is to connect the radio with the Internet. Such professional computer talents are also necessary.

"And little brother, your explanation of hackers is too one-sided. It's not just a person who intrudes into other people's computers without permission of others. The one you said is called black hat hacker. There are white hat hackers like me, but they exist in order to test the security of the system. You have to make it clear!" Then, without waiting for others to speak, the man explained it in a voice, as if he was correcting the hacker's name.

"Oh, I see." Yunzhongjie's understanding of hackers is one-sided, so it's normal for him to have some misunderstandings. At this time, when he heard the explanation from professionals, he quickly nodded to understand.

"Jin canjin, right?" After hearing the man's words, Xu Ling first asked. Although he didn't participate in the recruitment, he also heard about it, so he still has a vague memory.

"Yes, how are you, chief editor Xu?" Jin can Jin nodded and then extended a hand to Xu Ling.

"Hello, chief Jin, if there is no sign of invasion as you said, how can the information in the computer automatically change?" Now that the other party has such a respectful title for themselves, Xu Ling also has the same respectful title for Jin canjin. The head of the security system group is worthy of the name.

"Well... I haven't found out the reason yet." For Xu Ling's inquiry, Jin canjin seems quite helpless.

"I'll give you 24 hours to find out, or you'll pack up, you bastard!" As soon as Jin canjin's voice fell, a severe order came from the outside of the crowd.

As the sound sounded, the crowd all retreated to both sides and gave way to an aisle. With this kind of treatment alone, they also knew who was coming.

"Director, why are you here? Have you finished talking about things over there?" Seeing the visitor, Wu Qinglian quickly welcomed him and said, with a faint flustered tone.

I didn't expect that the situation here would be known so soon by the director of the TV station and regarded as the chief planner of the program. Wu Qinglian didn't want to finish the program beautifully, but she couldn't keep up with the change. At this critical time, something happened!

"I heard that there was a situation here, so I told the other party about the contract. I'll talk about it later. How about coming here first? Is the situation serious?" Chen Hong looks serious and asks Wu Qinglian. It seems that she only knows about the stage accident, but she doesn't know what happened.

"The specific situation is like this..." seeing that Chen Hong didn't seem to know the specific situation, Wu Qinglian then described what happened on the program just now. At the end, her face gradually apologized, "sorry, director, I didn't expect such a situation to happen. It happened too fast at that time."

"Xiao Wu, it's OK. I know you're not to blame for this." Chen Hong shakes her head and pats Wu Qinglian's shoulder watch to show that she doesn't mean to blame her. Then she looks back at Jin canjin, "I don't think the computer will change the content without authorization when no one invades. What do you think, leader Jin?"

"When... Of course not, but..." in the face of Chen Hong with these sneers, Jin canjin quickly responded, only half said, was interrupted by Chen Hong.

"I don't pay 200000 yuan to invite you to come here to listen to you, but I want to see the results. I want to know who intruded into the computer system of the radio station and changed the information!"

"Yes! I know! " Chen Hong's words are all about this. Jin canjin can't argue any more. Moreover, even if Chen Hong doesn't say it, he will use what he has learned all his life to pull out the culprit.

As a well-known white hat hacker, computer system security technology has been well-established. None of the companies he has worked for will be invaded by black hat again. Unexpectedly, in this local radio station, he fell the first one in his life.

Moreover, when we go to investigate again, we can't find out exactly where the invasion took place, or even the slightest trace. It's a great shame for Jin can to come in and say!

"I believe in your ability. Don't make me wait too long!" Chen Hong finally said to Jin canjin seriously and then waved him down.

After investigating Jin canjin's problems, Chen Hong scanned around and asked, "where's the host? Where's the host who reads that information? "

Asked by Chen Hong, Xu suddenly remembers, right! It's true that there should be a moderator related to this matter. There was a very big problem in the first sentence of that message, but the moderator not only did not stop, but also read the whole message.

"I'm... I'm here!" At the end of Chen Hong's voice, a weak response came from the corner.

"Explain to me what's going on." Chen Hong doesn't talk nonsense either. She says sternly.

"Because it was the end of the program at that time, and it was a message sent to editor Xu, I thought it was exciting to finally have a different one, so I didn't pay attention to the above content.

"Lao Zhang, how could you make such a mistake?" Wu Qinglian also asked in disbelief on the side. But the host herself was looking for her. Her ability and experience were all improving. How could such a low-level mistake be made?

"I'm sorry, I'm a little negligent. I'm not familiar with this kind of program. I'm sorry!" Lao Zhang even said two words of apology, it can be seen that he is also full of regret for the accident.

"Shouldn't you have rehearsed before? Why are you unfamiliar? Didn't you participate in rehearsal?" Chen Hong is very puzzled about this. According to her idea, in the process of rehearsal, shouldn't these steps be completely familiar?

"No, director, there have been some changes in the progress of the program. There has been no rehearsal in the part where the accident happened." On this matter, Wu Qinglian has to prove to Lao Zhang that although people do make mistakes, one thing belongs to one thing, and we can't slander others.

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