"Are you admitting that you lied to me about what you just said?" Listening to Xu Ling's words, Chen Hong changed her strict attitude and asked Xu Ling with great interest.

Xu Ling can only sip his lips to explain this, but he doesn't know how to explain it. After a round of thinking, he can't find any evidence to prove his innocence. Although he is not reconciled, it is true.

Thinking of this, Xu Ling could only smile bitterly and shake his head.

The fate of such a tease themselves, really let Xu Ling feel helpless, no matter how powerful, but God's calculation, from the original world to come here Xu Ling understand this matter.

"Go to the police station early tomorrow morning." Chen Hong then tells Xu Ling.

"Police station? What am I doing there? " Xu Ling can't help but be a little frightened and joking. She just left her post without asking for leave. How could she go to the police station? It's so terrible.

Although Chen Hong has always been called "Iron Lady", she made a mistake on the radio, so she didn't want to send her directly to the police station. The punishment is too heavy for Xu Ling to bear.

Is it hard, like Wang Hui, that they are all taken to the police station by Chen Hong? It is true that Wang Hui has never seen him since he was dismissed. Is this really the case?

The more Xu Ling thought about it, the more frightened he was, the more cold sweat he had on his forehead.

"Ha ha, don't be nervous. I don't mean to send you to the police station. It's just that there are some problems with the copyright of radio programs recently. Just go and deal with them.

"Hoo, that's it." Hearing Chen Hong's words, Xu Ling can't help but take a breath. Fortunately, those situations are just his own imagination.

However, Xu Ling immediately thought back and asked Chen Hongxun, "Aunt Chen, is that the punishment you said?"

Just let yourself go to the police station to do something, and you can call yourself in the past without punishment. So as punishment, it's too loose. However, from Xu Ling's point of view, it's reasonable. After all, what you say is true, but you can't find any evidence to prove it. Because of this, you're punished. To tell the truth, he's a little unwilling.

"Oh, you think it's beautiful. It's not punishment. When you do it well, I'll make a good calculation for you. If it's done well, even if it's a meritorious act, the punishment can be a little lighter. If it's not done well... Hum, you can handle the consequences yourself!" With a sneer, Chen Hong gives Xu Ling a slap in the face, cutting off his naive idea, but then she gives Xu Ling an excellent condition.

"Guarantee to finish the task!" Hearing this kind of welfare, Xu Ling didn't dare to hesitate any more. She quickly saluted and replied, it seems that Chen Hong is still taking care of herself.

"I have to go to the police station before 9 o'clock tomorrow morning to find officer Li, who will show you about this," Chen Hong nodded, then introduced the situation to Xu Ling, and then waved, "well, today you go home to have a rest, and a lot of things have happened. Anyway, it's good to be back."

"Yes! Then I'll go down first. " Listen to Chen Hong's exclamation, Xu Ling can't help but blush, very embarrassed.

It's true that Xu Ling left when the radio station needed the most staff. Although it seems that the reform of the whole radio station is still normal, the more it is like this, the more it proves how much work pressure everyone put on during this period. No matter whether he left willingly or not, this fact can't be changed.

But even so, Chen Hong didn't directly abandon Xu Ling. She even added a condition to punish Xu Ling. I'm afraid no one can get this kind of treatment.

Xu Ling can get it. Now he thinks he should be punished, but the only regret is that he didn't prove his innocence in front of Chen Hong.

Regardless of punishment or not, Xu Ling feels that she should not leave such a stain in Chen Hong's heart.

Alas, it seems that we can only do tomorrow's affairs beautifully, so that Aunt Chen does not believe that she is wrong! On the way back, Xu Ling couldn't help telling himself again and again.

In addition to these, Xu Ling also read Chen Hong's explanation for a long time, so that she won't forget it.

"Find officer Li before nine, find officer Li before nine..."

Officer Lee? It can't be sister Feifei who came with her. Is it hard for her to take root so soon and work in the police station of Luoshi?

Xu Ling couldn't help laughing at the sudden idea. It's impossible to think about it. Although Li Feifei doesn't have any official position in Lingxia City, at least he can come to Luoshi as the police representative of Lingxia city to visit and exchange. How can he work here.

wait! Sister Feifei? With a smile, Xu Ling suddenly flashed in his head, and his smile suddenly solidified on his face.

All the brain cells he thought were dead, and a large amount of unexpected evidence was in front of him?

Li Feifei, the police officer who followed him from Lingxia city to Luo city, is not the person who can prove what he has done in Lingxia city?

The mountains are heavy and the waters are clear, and there is no way out.

Xu Ling wanted to die, but did not expect the evidence, unexpectedly at this time suddenly jumped out.

With this idea, Xu Ling quickly turned around and wanted to go back to the director's office to explain the matter clearly, but halfway through, he stopped.

Even if Xu Ling said that, it's just one side of his story. Now it's almost ten o'clock in the evening. You can't call Li Feifei here at this time. It's too disturbing.

What's more, I don't know if Li Feifei is in Luoshi. Maybe he will go back after a day.

At the thought of this possibility, Xu Ling immediately broke out in a cold sweat, quickly took out her mobile phone and went to look for Li Feifei's phone number. For this matter, even if it would disturb others, she had to confirm it.

Feifei, don't leave! In the sincere prayer, Xu Ling finally found the number. As soon as she was ready to press it, a voice came from her ear.

"Xu Ling, what are you doing? I'll walk back and forth with a smirk on my face. I'm worried. What did the director say to you? Make you look like this. "

With these words, Wu Qinglian also walked up to Xu Ling and looked up and down at Xu Ling. Her eyes were full of worry.

"Sister Wu, you haven't come home yet?" Seeing the visitor, Xu Lingshun asked.

"Xu Ling, are you ok?" But this question made Wu Qinglian even more worried. She went on to explain, "I'm the editor in chief of the late night column group. Now it's working hours."

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