Fortunately, when Xu Lingzhi's predecessor was located in Lingxia City, he also spent a lot of time in the immediate police station, so he still had some understanding of the police station's business process.

Xu Ling has all kinds of certificates, just in case, but surprisingly, the two cities are so far apart, and the process is the same.

Maybe the whole China has the same rules! Xu Ling thought so in her heart, and her hand was not vague. She took out all the ID cards and staff cards in her pocket and handed them to the police on duty.

He took the certificate in his hand, and then looked at Xu Ling. After looking back and forth for several times, he nodded to confirm his identity, handed the certificate to Xu Ling with the documents, and said, "officer Li is going to the third office inside."

"Thank you, comrade police!" After a polite thanks, Xu Ling took all the things and walked in the direction of the police on duty.

Counting to the third door, Xu Ling knocked on the door gently. In places like the police station, there was not much noise, so it was OK to remind the other party in a low voice.

"Come in, please Sure enough, as soon as Xu Linggang knocked on the door, there was a steady voice and an official voice. It sounded like someone who specialized in office work.

Hearing what the other party said, Xu Ling of course turned the doorknob and went in. There was only one man sitting behind the table, staring at Xu Ling.

Seeing this person, Xu lingcai finally completely dispelled the absurd idea that officer Li is Li Feifei.

"Hello, officer Li. I'm Xu Ling for the copyright of Mingqi radio station. Have you done it?" Xu Ling doesn't beat around the Bush either. Since Chen Hong asked her to come here, she's sure that all the early work has been done.

"Oh, about Mingqi radio station, let me check." Officer Li nodded, immediately in front of the computer in front of the operation, picked up the Pa Pa Pa several times, he finally stopped, and then to Xu Lingtong know, "this matter has no way to recuperate, the other enterprise does not admit your lawsuit, now can only go through the legal process, in two days there will be people in the court to inform you, wait for the news on the line."

"What? If the evidence is conclusive, why should we go to court to mediate and directly sentence them? " Xu Ling is very puzzled about this. Last night, when he exchanged greetings with Wu Qinglian, he also talked about this aspect, so Xu Ling knows it better.

The other party's unknown third rate enterprise is obviously Sanwu, which is swaggering around with the original flag.

"There's no way. People have also come up with the copyright certificate. We can't convict by the size of the enterprise, so you can only go through the court procedure." Officer Li said to Xu Ling helplessly.

At the same time, he also knew that he could not convince the other party, so he found a document on the shelf and handed it to Xu Ling.

After receiving the documents, Xu Ling carefully looked at them. The other party's infringing works came from Mingqi radio station, and they happened to be created by Xu Ling. To say that, they can be traced back to Xu Ling's creation when he just went to the radio station and was in the youth column group.

Yes, those fairy tales.

Since Chen Hong came back from her travels and rectified the whole radio station, in addition to dismissing several officials who made the atmosphere of the radio station chaotic, the copyright of all Xu Ling's works has also been recovered.

I didn't expect that what I thought was firmly in my hand would be drilled if I didn't pay attention to it.

Moreover, after Xu Ling carefully read the documents handed over by police officer Li, he learned an important situation that the other party bought the copyright from Mingqi radio station!

What's more amazing is that the person in charge of Mingqi radio station is Wang Hui, the name Xu Ling hasn't seen for a long time!

"How can it be? Wang Hui has long been dismissed by our director. Can he still be the head of the radio station? " Looking at the words written in black and white, Xu Ling couldn't help exclaiming.

"Whether he was fired or not, this certificate was issued when he was still on the radio. The copyright certification department will never make a mistake." Taking back the documents, officer Li responded very firmly.

"How can it be that Wang Hui used to be the deputy director of the radio station, and we didn't know that he sold the copyright?" Xu Ling still did not dare to believe it.

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