Li Feifei carried out this process immediately after Xu Ling brought it here. During this period, except Xu Ling explained the reasons to those who had an impact, he did not report anything.

At this time, as the news continued to spread, it finally reached Chen Hong's ears. She was shocked that she didn't know how to repair it. At the end of the process, she came.

With a full questioning tone, Chen Hong finds Jin canjin and asks in a loud voice, "team leader Jin, what's the matter? Your behavior has greatly interfered with the work of the employees!"

As the biggest manager of the radio station, Chen Hong naturally has to consider for the whole station.

"Director, this is..." I didn't expect Chen Hong would come. Jin canjin was still a little nervous, so he thought about how to explain this.

But in the middle of the conversation, Xu Ling interrupted, "director, we are looking for the suspect yesterday."

After all, he is helping himself. Xu Ling can't put the blame on other people, especially Li Feifei, who even makes such overload handling actions.

"Does it take such a big move to find someone? And why didn't you report to me in advance? " Chen Hong continues to ask, her tone is quite severe, it seems that she is still a little angry about this matter.

"Because I heard that if I can't find the suspect within 24 hours, I can only let him go, so I didn't have time to report to you." Xu Ling explained awkwardly that, to be honest, it was because he didn't expect this. At that time, the situation was urgent. He only focused on carrying out the action, and then dealt with the affairs of his colleagues. He didn't think of Chen Hong at all.

"Well, team leader Jin, 24 hours is coming. Have you found this suspect?" Chen Hong is also very concerned about the people who hacked into the radio station. She immediately asks Jin canjin.

"It should be soon." When asked about this, Jin canjin was also slightly embarrassed, because he had damaged so many mainframes, but still didn't come out.

"Soon? Has consciousness not been found yet Chen Hong instantly understood the meaning of Jin canjin's words, and then he looked at the watch on his wrist, "now it's not long before 24 hours!"

"Yes, we are working hard to find the suspect." Jin canjin quickly assured that he didn't expect that even with the ultimate method, he couldn't find the suspect quickly, and his eyes couldn't help glancing at the screen.

Chen Hong found his little action and looked at it randomly. At this time, he also thought of a question: as the leader of the safety management group, why are you still standing on the side to talk to yourself at such an important time?

At the same time, the beautiful woman with long hair sitting in front of the computer is also printed in Chen Hong's eyes.

"Who is she? Has the safety management team ever recruited female employees?" Although she looks familiar at first glance, when she appears here, she immediately abandons her thoughts and asks Jin canjin.

"This..." speaking of Li Feifei, Jin canjin really doesn't know where to introduce him, because he just heard Xu Ling's introduction not long ago, and he is not familiar with it at all.

"Mr. Chen, she's officer Li. I took her to meet you before." Of course, the people brought by themselves should be dealt with by themselves. Xu Ling explains to Chen Hong immediately.

"Officer Li?" No wonder she feels familiar. Chen Hong now understands that this is the person she met before. But why does police officer Li sit here? It seems that she is quite adept at operating computers.

"Director Chen, officer Li, she is engaged in security defense and Internet tracking technology in the police station. He told me that the suspect would disappear in 24 hours." Seeing Chen Hong's doubts, Xu Ling gives a comprehensive introduction to Li Feifei.

In this way, Chen Hongcai nodded her head to show her understanding. In this way, Li Feifei's computer literacy seems to be much higher than Jin canjin's. after all, those who come into contact with the police are more powerful hackers.

But this makes Chen Hong even more worried. After all, it's the police who are in charge of the operation now! In this way, we can imagine the difficulty of this incident.

"Don't worry, director. If you leave the matter to officer Li, there won't be any mistakes!" Xu Ling showed a very confident look, but also to soothe their emotions.

Now that the situation is here, Chen Hong can't help but join the team waiting anxiously for Xu Ling. Although the temperature is much cooler at night, the indoor temperature is still as hot as summer.

It's only ten minutes away from 24 hours. At this last moment, everyone is nervous waiting. The result is quite important for them. If there is no suspect, the accident on the program can only be the reason of the radio itself, which is very influential to the reputation of the station.

"Here comes the last part!" While waiting nervously, Jin canjin, as the only expert bystander, talks to Xu Ling at the right time.

At the end of the day, the more complex the information the computer processes, and at the same time, it brings more high load computing to many hosts. In this case, it has been stable, and many hosts are finally overburdened and begin to have accidents.

With a few crisp crackles, Jin canjin rushed to deal with it.

Xu Ling wanted to help in the past, but when Chen Hong looked at Jin canjin who ran away with some doubts, he quickly explained, "those are due to the high load of computer processing information, the equipment can't withstand the pressure, and the fault occurs. This is also the reason for the situation of colleagues and drivers."

"Is it so dangerous?" Chen Hong asked with a frown. She didn't feel sorry for the damage to the equipment. It's time to get there. She hasn't found a clue yet. The payment is not proportional to the reward.

Is the society willing to buy and sell at a loss?

"I found it here!" However, while Chen Hong was still worried, the employee on the left suddenly jumped up and yelled.

The long-term attempt failed to find the result. The sudden clue must have made the employee extremely excited.

"Hold on! Don't let it run away, let's turn the access point around! " Li Feifei also showed a trace of joy on his face and quickly told the man.

"Please hurry up. This signal is too erratic for me to control!" At the beginning, the person who found the situation was a little bit embarrassed and replied. At the same time, his hands operating the keyboard were much faster than before, and even some of them couldn't keep up

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