"Dang - dang..."

Clock tower came the sound of the hour, which also indicates that people are worried about the time finally came.

At the moment when the bell rings, Jin canjin stops his action. His face seems to be a little incredulous. There is no content on his computer screen.

"Lost... Failed?" Chen Hong inquired with some unbelievable tone. He had no idea that the present situation would be the same as the joyful atmosphere just now.

"No! Not yet At the end of Chen Hong's voice, suddenly Xu Ling on the side also said something. His voice was firm and he seemed very confident.

Xu Ling's attention is not the same. In his eyes, Li Feifei's screen is locked!

After Jin canjin finished completely, only Li Feifei's screen was still working normally. Even after this specific point, her screen gradually turned back to the black background.

What this phenomenon proves is that Li Feifei has broken through the maze and regained control of the computer in her own hands.

After Xu Ling's words came out, the already despairing task looked at Li Feifei's computer one after another. Almost for a moment, their eyes flashed the brilliance of hope.

"Found it! That's him And Li Feifei also lived up to expectations, in less than a minute before and after the time, a fierce beat back, the screen will freeze in an information table above.

People's eyes gather, although the information table is not very clear, the content needs to be carefully identified.

"Wenjiu... Is that the name of this man? Isn't it strange? " Chen Hong station recently, is also the first to see the above content, she immediately asked.

"What Xu Ling hasn't seen the content yet, but the information from Chen Hong's mouth surprised him.

Warm wine? Isn't that your pseudonym? With an attitude of disbelief, Xu Ling quickly came close to see, "warm wine" two words impressively displayed above.

The following is the network domain name, as well as the target address and the phone number ending with 3558.

"What's the matter? Do you know this man? " Xu Ling's abnormal performance immediately attracted Chen Hong's attention, and she immediately asked.

"No... no, I just think the name is a little strange." Is it a coincidence that the name used by the people who hacked into the radio station is actually the pseudonym when they wrote their own novels, or is it intentional?

However, compared with this, the following address and telephone number are more attractive. After all, the name may be a coincidence, but these information can find people. Xu Ling doesn't believe that the person found according to this place will be himself.

"Look at this address, the other party doesn't seem to be in China yet!" As the information came out, Chen Hong sighed.

This time, Xu Ling has been so excited that the information on the address is Lu'an City, Anhui Province. People present may not know it.

But Xu Ling knows very well that this place is a city in his original world! Of course, there is no such thing here in China. That's why Chen Hong mistook it for a foreign one.

"Have you all heard of this place?" Chen Hong then asked the crowd.

In response to her, of course, everyone shook their heads, except Xu Ling.

"I'll use the network of the police station to find out the place. Let's see if this phone number can be connected first." I'm afraid the only one close to reality on the information sheet is this 11 digit telephone number.

It's said that it's close, but it's the first time for everyone to see the mobile phone number at the beginning of 178.

"I'll fight!" Pipan said first, then took out his mobile phone and entered the number according to the information on the information sheet.

After losing, he pressed the hands-free button and put it in the middle of the crowd. Looking at the "calling" message on the mobile phone screen, Xu Ling was even a little nervous. This was the first time that she met this person face to face.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is not in the service area."

While everyone was holding their breath waiting for the other party to respond, the voice of electronic broadcast came from the phone.

"It seems that this man is not really in China, but he has never heard of such a place." With the voice coming from the mobile phone, Chen Hong is more convinced that the suspect is abroad.

"Well, I'll write down the information, and I'll investigate it when I get back to the police station." For this matter, Li Feifei has a clear idea, which shows her calmness as a policeman.

"Please, officer Li." Chen Hong also said to Li Feifei sincerely. After all, it can be said that the success of finding this suspect depends on Li Feifei.

"It doesn't matter. Xu Ling is also my friend. I will try my best to help him with his affairs." Li Feifei quickly waved his hand. His purpose was very simple. He helped Xu Ling find the suspect, but now he is still entrusted by the director. It's true that he can't afford it.

"Ha ha, that's it. It's not too early now. Xu Ling, please send officer Li back to have a rest." With a smile, Chen Hong responds to Xu Ling.

People are brought by Xu Ling. Besides, they are specially here to help Xu Ling. Even if Chen Hong doesn't say it, Xu Ling will go back with Li Feifei.

After giving orders, Chen Hong exchanged greetings with Li Feifei for a while and left here.

Xu Ling wanted to leave with Li Feifei, but before he said it, Jin canjin said, "officer Li, have you ever been in the hacker circle before?"

Today's event, Li Feifei's ability has completely crushed Jin canjin. Although Jin canjin did his best in the end, he was still defeated. On the contrary, it was Li Feifei. Even though he had experienced a rigorous operation from afternoon to evening, he could still settle this matter.

Even after the end, the expression did not have any fluke, as if already had the confidence to deal with this matter.

But at that time, after all, it had been 24 hours. Where did the self-confidence from inside out come from, which made Jin canjin very puzzled.

As a result, Jin Chan thought that Li Feifei could never be a simple policeman. To be exact, she was not just a policeman.

"Angel of sin, have you heard of it?" Li Feifei just casually asked, then went directly outside the house, Xu Ling saw this, quickly followed up.

In the warehouse, the remaining three people were stunned, then turned into surprise, and finally turned into disbelief. Pipan grew up and said, "she... Is she that person?"

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