And with Liu feiran's human and financial resources, I'm afraid it's easy to find the backstage man. In this way, we can not only find the suspect, but also let Liu feiran's attention away from him. This is a good business to kill two birds with one stone! At this time, Xu Ling couldn't help but calculate in her heart.

The more in this situation of not knowing what to do, the more people's subjective ideas play a leading role. Xu Ling thinks that this method is more reasonable, so he doesn't think about it carefully. He directly takes out his mobile phone and finds Liu feiran's number and dials it.

Although Liu feiran said before that he still had accounts to settle with Xu Ling, now Xu Ling is irresistible. The third advantage of this decision is that he can know how Li Ziqian is now!

"Xu Ling? It's really you. I haven't found you yet. You've called me on your own initiative! " The phone rang in the past, but it was directly picked up without a ring,. Opposite came Liu feiran, revealing a smile.

However, Xu Ling knows that Liu feiran's smile is not the joy of contacting him by phone, but the anger of laughing.

"Brother Liu, I want to talk to you." This matter is very important no matter how it is said. It must be inappropriate to say it on the phone. Xu Ling said it on the phone immediately.

"Oh, you have the face to meet me? What a big heart Listen to Xu Ling's tone, there is no sense of guilt, Liu feiran immediately said sternly.

"Brother Liu, I know I'm ashamed of Ziqian..." Xu Ling understood Liu feiran's mood and immediately wanted to admit his mistake, but in the middle of the speech, he was interrupted by the other party's more severe roar.

"Shut up! Don't say the name, you don't deserve it

Maybe he really touched Liu feiran's bottom line. Xu Ling never felt Liu feiran's attitude. Even before, he felt the madness of the other party, but not the indignation now.

"What I want to say is really very important. I hope you can listen to me seriously." Now is not the time to argue with the other party. Xu Ling took a deep breath and said it sincerely.

If Liu feiran had spoken to Xu Ling like this before, Xu Ling might have hung up the phone directly. But now, Xu Ling is really guilty. On the other hand, this matter is very important.

"Come to my hotel, where we met for the first time." Listening to Xu Ling's words, Liu feiran pondered for a while, and then knew.

In response, Xu Ling didn't hesitate. Without saying a word, he went out of the radio station and drove there. Now he can't tolerate half of the delay.

Although he only came here once, Xu Ling was quite familiar with it. He didn't even respond to the reception at the front desk. He took the elevator and went to the top floor. The place is still this place, and the top floor is still the huge office. With memory, Xu Ling found the door and pushed it in.

Liu feiran sat upright in his seat with a serious look. After watching Xu Ling come near, his expression remained unchanged. Then he asked, "come on, there's something important that you have to talk to me."

"Ziqian, how is she now?" Seeing Liu feiran seriously, Xu Ling thought of such a problem in her mind.

"Hum, I'm sorry. I'm afraid it can't be as you wish. She can't die yet!" Xu Ling took the initiative to talk about this matter, so that Liu feiran, who was still calm, suddenly went on a rampage again.

"Brother Liu, it's not what you think. I really didn't expect to make Ziqian like that." Xu Ling's face showed a trace of pain and continued to say to Liu feiran sincerely.

This is the first time for Xu Ling to speak to Liu feiran in such a low voice. There's no way. Who can let him make mistakes first.

However, after hearing from Liu feiran that Li Ziqian was not in a bad situation, Xu Ling's mood relaxed a little, and her hanging heart also relaxed.

"Well, don't show off here. If you really worry that Ziqian won't do something like that, say it. What important thing do you want to say when you are anxious to see me?" Liu feiran waved his hand, as if he didn't want to talk about Li Ziqian with Xu Ling, and then he brought the topic to the point.

"Brother Liu, I had a stage accident on the radio the day before yesterday. Someone hacked into the computer of the radio station, tampered with a letter written to me by the audience, and replaced the original blessing with a vicious curse. Do you know?" Xu Ling took the lead to ask, this matter must start from this time.

"What do you mean? Doubt I can't do it? " Listen to what Xu Ling said, coupled with their current relationship, Liu feiran immediately thought of this.

"No, if so, I would not have come to brother Liu specially," Xu Ling quickly denied, and then added, "we follow the Internet and find out the hacker's information."

"Now that you have found out who the maker is, why do you come to me?" Xu Ling's words made Liu feiran a little puzzled. He then asked.

"This is the hacker information I found. Brother Liu, you should know why I came back to you today." Xu Ling didn't explain much, so she handed a folded note to Liu feiran.

With some doubts, Liu feiran took the note and began to observe it slowly.

And almost in an instant, he found the point, eyes immediately stare boss, some can't believe to see to Xu Ling.

"Yes, that's right. One of my police friends helped to find it. You should know that it's Li Feifei from Lingxia police station." Xu Ling then explained to Liu feiran that he intended to prove that the paper was not forged.

"What are you trying to say? What does this piece of paper stand for? " Liu feiran frowned, patted the paper on the table and asked again.

"Don't you think this is the same kind of people as us? Otherwise, how can this address appear? " I don't know if Liu feiran knows how to pretend, but in this situation, he doesn't want to play any charades, so he just opens his mouth.

It has to be said that Xu Ling's words are really possible, but Liu feiran doesn't believe it. Xu Ling just came to him to talk to him about it, so he didn't respond. He just kept staring at Xu Ling, waiting for his next words.

It's a little uncomfortable to be stared at by Liu feiran. Xu Ling simply doesn't beat around the bush. He just opens his mouth and continues to say, "if you can find this person, maybe the secret hidden among people like us can be solved."

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