"Brother Xu, how can I feel that you are digging a hole for me to jump inside?" Listening to Xu Ling's last sentence, Liu feiran swept his eyes and said thoughtfully.

"Well, I can't say that. I'm thinking about you, brother Liu." Being poked into the mind by the other party, Xu Ling was a little embarrassed, but just in a moment, he recovered, and naturally said to Liu feiran.

"Brother Xu, I feel that you have really changed. When I first found you before, I was so simple in chatting with you. Let's see now! Alas ~ "again and again by Xu Ling sophistry, Liu feiran sighed.

"It's all thanks to brother Liu. Without brother Liu, I would not have grown up now." Xu Ling didn't feel embarrassed at all and went straight back.

"You this guy..." Liu feiran is also speechless, can only point to Xu Ling wry smile.

"Then it's settled. I've finished what I should say. Brother Liu, we have to develop, but it's up to you. Come on!" At this point, for fear of Liu feiran's repentance, Xu Ling asked again, and at the same time, she stood up and was ready to leave.

If we have talked about all the things we need to talk about, it's better to leave as soon as possible for fear of variables. In this way, all the things we need to talk about are finished. If we can't achieve the goal, the responsibility is not on us.

Xu Lingru is thinking, is ready to take a step to leave, but in front of Liu feiran directly to stop him.

"Brother Xu, wait a minute!"

"Any questions?" This is the third time that Liu feiran has stopped him. Although the first two times are in line with Xu Ling's wishes, this untimely obstruction only makes Xu Ling a little uneasy.

He would not stop people for no reason. Liu feiran has accepted so many requests from Xu Ling. If he does not mention the exchange conditions, he will not be a businessman.

Xu Ling is afraid of this matter just to leave, but did not expect or can not muddle through.

"Brother Xu is busy with business. Do you forget something else?" Liu feiran didn't say it directly. He asked the past first.

Since Liu feiran stopped himself, Xu Ling has understood what the other party wants to say, but he can't say it directly. At this moment, it's better to pretend to be a fool.

"Ha ha, it's really that many people forget things. OK, I'll remind you that you promised me the research before. Why don't you mention it now?" In Liu feiran's experience, he couldn't see Xu Ling's trick, but he didn't crack it down, so he just said it again.

"You said this thing, no way, I have tried my best, but the result is not satisfactory, is it?" Xu Ling has already thought of the words of evasion, waiting for the other party to take the initiative to ask about it.

"That's just the first time. It's normal to fail. I believe that as long as we make unremitting efforts, we can certainly crack the secrets of the system." Liu feiran shook his head and said firmly.

Even in the face of that failure, he was full of calm, "and it was only the first time. Although he failed, he gained a lot of experience!"

"Brother Liu, with all due respect, you are really going against the heaven when you do this. The previous failure is already a lesson. Do you still have to be stubborn?" Xu Ling knew that simple evasion could not stop Liu feiran's obsession, so he tried another way to persuade him.

"Against the sky? Ha ha ha, brother Xu is really good at joking. From the moment we people like us appeared in this world, we have already broken the way of heaven. If we are not in this way, how can we say against heaven? " Listening to the words from Xu Ling's mouth, Liu feiran was slightly stunned at first, and then said with a laugh.

Liu feiran's cause and effect is very clear. At first, it sounds reasonable. Xu Lingyi doesn't know how to respond.

After a long silence, he sighed and continued to persuade, "brother Liu, I really told you as a friend this time. Stop it!"

"Hum, as a friend, you should share happiness. Why don't I have that kind of good thing in you? Why does mine disappear for no reason? It's not fair!" Liu feiran said it became a little crazy, Xu Ling knew that once the other party fell into this state, there was no need to persuade.

"Of course, I won't embarrass you so much. I'll talk about it with you when I help you get rid of your problems." Liu feiran saw that Xu Ling no longer had the momentum to continue to quarrel, so he also slowed down his mood and said to Xu Ling.

Nodding, Xu Ling didn't argue any more, so she got up and went to the gate at random. This time, Liu feiran didn't stop Xu Ling from leaving the office.

In addition to being entangled in the experiment by Liu feiran in the end, Xu Ling's Liu feiran and his party were quite successful this time, and even had one more advantage than the previous plan.

He doesn't have to worry about Xu Qianyang's affairs. Although he doesn't know what kind of means Liu feiran will use, Xu Ling doesn't care about it. He just needs to wait for the result quietly. Anyway, the one who should be warned has already been warned, so there's no need to participate in the process.

Heart relaxed mood has not lasted long, Xu Ling's mobile phone suddenly rang up, took out a look at the screen, impressively showing Li Feifei.

"Feifei, what's the matter?" But Li Feifei brought the information back to the police station to help Xu Ling find out. At this time, he called. He must have found something, so Xu Ling asked excitedly.

"Do you have anything to do now? If not, come to the police Without a direct explanation, Li Feifei then said.

"OK, I'll be right there!" Xu Ling was more excited when she heard this, which shows that Li Feifei's discovery can't be explained clearly on the phone. She must see it with her own eyes.

Hung up the phone, Xu Ling did not delay, turned the direction, rushed to the police station.

Now Xu Ling is still in a state of confusion about the stranger. What Jin canjin said or what Liu feiran said is a kind of speculation, and what Xu Ling needs is real facts!

"Sister Feifei, have you found anything?" At the door of the police station, Li Feifei was already waiting there. Xu Ling quickly asked.

"Come with me first!" Li Feifei's expression is serious, and then he takes Xu Ling to go inside. Xu Ling naturally follows closely, and he already has a feeling of accepting the fact in his heart.

"I mobilized the computer experts in Luoshi police station to inquire about the information overnight and found several interesting situations." Finally came to an office, where there are several computers, Li Feifei stopped and turned to Xu Ling said.

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