"After a short time, Zhang Wuji wakes up and sees Hu qingniu sitting on the opposite bench, staring at the fire in the medicine stove, dazed and dazed. Chang Yuchun is lying in the grass cave outside the door. Each of the three had his own concerns, and none of them meant to speak.

Hu qingniu devoted all his life to medical skills. He was able to get rid of any difficult and incurable disease. This earned him the nickname of "medical immortal". It is obvious that he was so skillful that he was called "immortal" because of "medicine". However, he had never encountered the cold poison of xuanming ShenZhang in his life, and it was even more incredible that he could not die and entangle it in the viscera for several years. He was determined not to treat Zhang Wuji's wounds, but he encountered such strange diseases as wine drinking and meat tasting. How could he give up? "

This is the end of the story.

It's also a skill to write a novel by deliberately blocking the highlights.

It can leave readers infinite reverie and taste.

In this way, readers will have the impulse to read after reading, and will not give up the book after reading all the updated chapters. On one hand, it will greatly keep the readers' heart, let them look forward to the update every day, and have the motivation to read it all the time.

"Hoo --"

With a long sigh of relief, Xu Ling opens the miracle works website, uploads three chapters and six thousand words of updates, saves the rest of the manuscript, and waits for the recommendation of the work, and then explodes a few waves.

After all, no one has paid attention to this book, so there is no need to update too many chapters to keep the bottom line of 6000 words.

After uploading the manuscript, Xu Ling's eyes caught a glimpse that the QQ icon in the lower right corner of the computer was flashing.

It turns out that adding friends will make you successful in the future.

Xu Ling points to open the chat dialog with the editor in the future and sends a message.

Xu Ling: Hello, dada. I'm the author of Yitian Tulong Ji, Wenjiu.

Not a long time, the future sent news.

Future: Hello.

Future: the works are well written and can be signed.

Xu Ling: OK.

Then, the future sent a document to Xu Ling, which is the signed contract.

Future: fill in the contract well and send it to me after confirmation.

Xu Ling: good.

Carefully fill in the contract, Xu Ling sent it to the future. After seeing that the other party accepted it, he didn't say much. He downloaded the backup of the contract to the U disk, and after the heat, he set up QQ and shut down the computer.

According to previous experience, Xu Ling is not willing to chat with the editor.

Although the editor is in charge of the life and death of your book, relatively speaking, the editor's work is still relatively busy. It doesn't matter to take care of many writers, but also needs to complete the tasks required by the website.

Basically, there is no time to chat with others. Therefore, Xu Ling is very knowledgeable and has nothing more to say except about work.

When you write a book quietly, everything happens by chance.

"Brother, are you at home?"

Xu Linggang stood up from his seat and heard the familiar female voice coming from outside. It was Yu Wenwen who came back.

This girl, also don't know where to go crazy all night.

While thinking, Xu Ling walked out of the house.

"Brother, how was your last night?" Yu Wenwen leans lazily on the sofa and asks with a wink: "did you experience a night that is both enchanting and unforgettable?"


Xu Ling stretched out two fingers and flicked them on Yu Wenwen's clean forehead. "What's in the melon seeds? Where can you tell that I had a good time last night? "

Yu Wenwen ate the pain, holding her hands in front of her chest, and hummed discontentedly, "it's still useful to see. Just look at your face full of spring color."

Xu Ling angrily touched his nose, "no, I'm happy for something else."

Yu Wenwen joked: "it's not normal for you and your sister-in-law to leave each other and get married

"What's with what, can you stop using idioms?" Xu lingbai didn't want Yu Wenwen to know too much about the relationship between him and Chen Yunxi, so she quickly changed the topic and said, "tell me about you. You didn't come back last night. Why did you go? Are you going out with your friends or dating your little boyfriend

"Brother, you talk nonsense!" Yu Wenwen broke into Xu Ling's chest and said, "am I still single?"

Xu Ling looked up and down at Yu Wenwen and said with a smile, "depending on your figure and appearance, you can't be single. It's estimated that the boy chasing you can get to the center of the city from here."

"I don't have a boyfriend anyway, believe it or not." Yu Wen Wen curled her lips. "I knew my sister-in-law was coming home, so I ran out and spent the night at my best friend's house."

Xu Ling blinked and asked uncertainly, "really?"

"Still cheat you, want to show you my sister-in-law and I chat record?" Yu Wenwen asked with an air of complacency.

Xu lingbai waved his hand, "I'm not your parent. Why do you look at your chat records?"

"Brother." Yu Wenwen suddenly got close to Xu Ling's face, and LAN Qi vomited softly, "brother, you should be honest. Last night, you didn't really have anything to do with your sister-in-law?"

When it comes to "that what", Yu Wenwen clapped her hands with a smile, full of banter.

"No!" Xu Ling firmly replied: "even if you are a little girl, how can you think so dirty? Be careful not to get married."

"I don't worry about getting married. Didn't you say that my pursuers could get to the center of the city from here?"

Yu Wenwen turned her lips, thought about it and said, "brother, go to see my game at the weekend, don't forget it."

"I can't forget my sister's game." Xu Ling nodded slightly, and asked: "how are you preparing? There are still three days left. You have to practice hard. Don't be eliminated in the first round. At that time, you will lose not only your face, but also Chen Yunxi's face."

"I hate it, brother. Why can't you expect me to order something good?" Yu Wenwen pouts her little mouth, and her face is full of Jiao Chen.

Xu Ling laughs

Yu Wenwen said: "brother, I'm going to move out these days."

Xu Ling is startled, "move out to live? Are you really looking for a boyfriend? How long have you been talking about it? How soon will you live together? Did you tell your parents? "

Xu Ling, who wants to be crooked, immediately throws out a series of questions.

After all, if her delicate sister has been arched by a pig, Xu Ling will be sad for a long time.

Yu Wenwen said angrily, "I like to think wildly, don't you? Didn't I tell you before? I'm single and I don't have a boyfriend. Even if there is, I will not live with him until I get married. "

"Oh, that's it." Xu Ling relaxed, "then you live here well, why move out?"

Yu Wenwen blinked suspiciously, "didn't my sister-in-law tell you?"

"Say what?" Xu Ling is a little confused.

Chen Yunxi said a lot of nonsense last night. It seems that none of them is about Yu Wenwen.

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