"When it comes to the Three Kingdoms, there is always a figure that can't be bypassed. This person is Cao Cao, Emperor Wu of Wei Dynasty. Of course, during Cao Cao's reign, he didn't usurp the Han Dynasty as emperor. Cao Pi, his son, recognized the title of Emperor Wu of Wei Dynasty. Cao Cao has a bad reputation in history. To put it mildly, he is a traitor. To put it bluntly, he is a traitor to the letter. However, I think that Cao Cao is actually a man of ability, but at least a hero. Although I don't love Cao yidang, I admire him very much. "

After reading the opening remarks, Xu Ling went straight into the theme of today's show.

As Xu Ling has heard Yi Zhongtian's Three Kingdoms for more than ten times in his previous life, he is basically at the key point, scanning the manuscript, and other time points, he is speaking out of manuscript.

Of course, the first lecture of the genuine Yi Zhongtian's Three Kingdoms is to go to the East, while the real and fake Cao Cao's is put in the second lecture. However, because the manuscript of that lecture conflicts with Xia Xinyu and other people in the parallel world, Xu Ling did not take the initiative to comment before verification.

On the one hand, it is to take care of Xia Xinyu's mood. This girl is a person who must repay; On the other hand, Xu Ling is just a class leader. If she is too noisy, how can she stay in this column group in the future?

In addition, Liu Xia's face, more or less to point, and then make a moth, Xu Ling only roll blanket rolling share.

But Xu Ling didn't know that when he finished the first paragraph, the two people listening to the live broadcast outside the studio were surprised. Xia Xinyu even had the impulse to rush into the studio and beat Xu Ling.

"What the hell is this guy talking about? Cao Cao is a traitor to the letter. He is a villain. Everyone has to be punished. How can this guy still speak for Cao Cao? It's ridiculous. "

Xia Xinyu's teeth are itching with hatred. As a child, she has heard the story of the Three Kingdoms. She has always hated Cao Cao. This time, she heard Xu Ling's intention to overturn Cao Cao's case. It's like a cat with its tail on.

Although Liu Xia does not agree with Xu Ling's point of view, he is calmer than Xia Xinyu.

"Xia wench, don't be excited. Since he dares to throw out this point of view, it shows that he must have his own reasons. First listen to what he says. If what he says is wrong, it's not too late to refute it."

"Well, I'll let him talk casually. Who knows, this guy is full of nonsense." Xia Xinyu said bitterly, "if I can't hear a reasonable explanation later, I have to rush in and tear his mouth to pieces!"

Liu Xia said with a smile, "listen to him. We can see the talent of Mr. Xu. Maybe he can bring us a new live broadcast."

"I think he's just trying to impress people." Xia Xinyu holds her arms in her hands and looks suspicious.

In the studio, Xu Ling didn't know about the dispute between the two people outside. He still talked about the story of Cao Cao in his heart.

"Hero, traitor, traitor, these are three kinds of evaluation of Cao Cao, so which image is accurate? Through this program, I have a good discussion with the audience. Let's talk about three aspects of Cao Cao's dislike. First, Cao Cao is treacherous. There is nothing wrong with this point for military generals. The so-called "crafty soldiers" and "crafty war fighters" are nothing to do. What's more, treachery is just a commendatory term for the enemy and for our own side. It's more appropriate to call it resourceful. "

"Second, Cao Cao usurped the Han Dynasty. In fact, this point is even more fallacious. No one stipulates that the Dynasty must be the Han Dynasty, and the emperor must be surnamed Liu. The rise and fall of the dynasty is a necessary process of historical development. Even if Cao Cao does not usurp the Han Dynasty, someone will seize the land of the Han Dynasty. It's just a matter of time. "

"The third point is also the one that Cao Cao has been criticized for. He once said that he would rather I serve the people of the world than let them bear me. If it is true that Cao Cao is detested by the common people, there is nothing wrong with it. However, has Cao Cao ever said that? In history, what is the reason for Cao Cao to say such a word? Let me take my time. "

Inside the studio, Xu Ling talks, outside the studio, Xia Xinyu looks better.

Liu Xia said with a smile: "you hear me, this boy is not talking freely, but he has a real reason to be unfair to Cao Cao."

Xia Xinyu was unconvinced and said, "ha ha, it's just a rhetorical argument. He hasn't said the third disgusting point of Cao Cao."

Liu Xia light smile, "then we listen carefully, see how teacher Xu comment."

"As I said before, there are actually three different versions of Cao Cao's killing LV Bohe's family. No matter which version is correct, it is undeniable that Cao Cao has made mistakes. Then, what was Cao Cao's reaction at that time? According to historical records, Cao Cao sighed and said‘ It's better for me to be negative than for others. " This is Cao Cao's original words at that time, and it only means to discuss the matter on its own. Combined with the context at that time, it is just Cao Cao's words to comfort himself. Now, this sentence has become a righteous one, and it has changed the original words to prefer that the world should bear me rather than that of the world. In this way, Cao Cao's villain image was instantly established. "

At this point, Xu Ling took a rest. While drinking water to moisten his voice, he read the manuscript and went on to say, "I'd rather be responsible for the people in the world than for the people in the world. As for Cao Cao's original words, the restaurant teahouse, which was first spread in the Tang Dynasty, was a deliberate smear measure taken by storytellers to create a distinctive image of historical people and objects, You can take a look at the chronicles of the Three Kingdoms compiled by Chen Shou. Chen Shou is from the Jin Dynasty. He is the closest to the Three Kingdoms, and his credibility is very high. "

When Xu Ling said the Three Kingdoms annals, Xia Xinyu immediately took out her mobile phone and searched the Three Kingdoms annals with her browser to see if Cao Cao's original words were the one Xu Ling said, "I'd rather be a loser than a loser."

Soon, Xia Xinyu found the result he wanted.

Liu Xia asked: "how about it? Is it recorded in the annals of the Three Kingdoms as Mr. Xu said?"

Xia Xinyu nodded, "really let him be covered."

Liu Xia was dumbfounded and said, "can this thing be used? Don't be upset. It seems that Mr. Xu is really talented. "

Xia Xinyu looks up at him without saying anything. She lowers her head and continues to search on her mobile phone to find out the historical evidence and refute Xu Ling's point of view.

However, after searching for a long time, no favorable evidence was found.

Xu Ling continued to talk in the studio.

"No matter what Cao Cao said, I have to say that this is his outstanding point. Why? If they were other people, they would surely say that they would rather all the people in the world would be sorry for me, and I can't be sorry for all the people in the world. But in fact, their deeds are no worse than Cao Cao's, but Cao Cao has the courage to admit it, which at least shows that he is a little frank, so I say that Cao Cao is a lovable person. "

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