Everyone around Xu Ling, chattering, each face is filled with excitement.

In the past, those experts said that the history of the Three Kingdoms was basically about supporting Liu and opposing Cao. It's the first time that we have heard someone complain about Cao Cao's injustice.

What's more, Xu Ling's overturning of Cao Cao's case does not rely on two empty words, but on practical historical data as evidence. He dissects historical figures from a new angle, which makes us feel fresh and understand their historical images better.

Xu Ling said with a faint smile: "don't get excited. The previous remarks are completely my own words, which can't represent anything. After you've heard them, you don't have to be too serious about it."

"Ha ha, it's true. You know yourself a little well."

Suddenly, a young man came out of the crowd and stared at Xu Ling unskillfully. "Xu Ling, are you not afraid to ruin this program by talking nonsense like this?"

Xu Ling looked at the stranger and asked, "who are you?"

The young man said with a smile, "I'm the host of storytelling column, Zhao Xinhuan."

"Looking for a new girl? I'm afraid there are four or five people who have given you this name, right

Xu Ling laughs. The name of the goods is really cute.

"Zhao Xinhuan, not looking for a new girl! Is there something wrong with your ears? " Zhao Xinhuan said hatefully.

It's the first time he's met a guy who makes fun of his name, especially in public. It's so rude.

"Ha ha." Xu Ling said with a perfunctory smile, "I don't care if you are Zhao Xinhuan or looking for a new lover. You are not qualified to say that my live broadcast is nonsense. We are not colleagues in the same group, and you are not my leader. "

Zhao Xinhuan said, "I'm just telling the truth. What's more, you should respect the historical facts most in this historical commentary program. How can you explain it at will? "

When the two young people met, the needle pointed to Mai Mang, and the crowd cheered.

"Hey, Mr. Zhao has a problem with Xu Ling. He's a famous doctor of historical facts in our stage. He's really good-looking."

"I support Mr. Zhao. Xu Ling is talking nonsense. How can Cao Cao be a positive person?"

"Ha ha, I think teacher Xu's viewpoint is quite novel, much better than those experts I usually watch on TV. I like Cao Cao. He is a lovely and frank traitor, much better than Liu Bei's real villain."

"I also like Mr. Xu's program. Who said that he didn't respect historical facts? Didn't he say that some stories came from the annals of the Three Kingdoms? The chronicles of the three kingdoms were written by Chen Shou of the Jin Dynasty. This guy used to work in Shu. The book he wrote is certainly not fake. "

Because of Zhao Xinhuan's fault finding, the people who originally surrounded Xu Ling quickly divided into two groups. One group continued to support Xu Ling, and the other group defected, which became Zhao Xinhuan's firm support.

For the reaction of the public, Xu Ling just laughs at it. He says to Zhao Xinhuan, "since you say I don't respect historical facts, please show me the evidence, otherwise I have to go to the leadership to sue you for slander!"

"Ha ha, you think I'm you, dare to talk freely here without evidence?" Zhao Xinhuan sneered, sorted out his emotions, and said: "Xu Ling, your live theme is a mistake. True or false Cao Cao? He he, Cao Cao is a villain and a scum. No matter in unofficial history or official history, where is the difference between true and false? "

"Unofficial history is just the words of one family. It doesn't help us to evaluate historical figures at all. It may even affect our judgment. As for the official history, ha ha, maybe we are not the same people in the same world, and we don't see the official history the same way. Let's take a simple example. Chen Shou's Three Kingdoms annals are official history. Go and see how he evaluates Cao Cao. "

Zhao Xinhuan pleaded: "the annals of the Three Kingdoms written by Chen Shou did not specifically evaluate Cao Cao, but we can see from the scripts of the Sui and Tang Dynasties that ordinary people hate Cao Cao so much. Now look at the historians, who don't hate Cao Cao? Who doesn't say he's a crook? "

"Hehe, did you study sophistry in university?" "As a qualified historian, it's taboo to analyze historical figures from one angle. Since you say that historians despise Cao Cao, I can only say that these people are not qualified to be experts," Xu Ling said impolitely

"You, how dare you talk such nonsense."

Zhao Xinhuan didn't expect that Xu Ling would make wild remarks and deny all those historians.

Where did this guy get the confidence and courage to say such arrogant words.

"Don't get excited. I haven't finished yet."

With a faint smile, Xu Ling refused to give Zhao Xinhuan a chance to make trouble and continued to talk, "you said that people in the Sui and Tang Dynasties looked down on Cao Cao, which I don't refute, because in feudal society, the three cardinal principles and five constant principles of speech bound people's thoughts, so it's not uncommon for people to support Liu and oppose Cao, The image of Cao Cao among the people can not be taken as the image of Cao Cao in history. "

Xu lingdun, continued: "in fact, any historical event and historical figure, there are three kinds of image. One is the true face of history, which we call historical image, that is, what historians actually record; The second is the image in literary and artistic works, which we call artistic image. The third is the image of historical figures in the hearts of the common people. There is a big gap between these three images. If we only focus on the folk image and forget the original image of history when we study history, it seems that this person is not qualified to be a historian. It's no big problem to find a new friend, don't you think? "

"My name is Zhao Xinhuan!" Zhao Xinhuan roared angrily.

Xu Ling does not care to smile, "you see you, I just called the wrong name, you are not happy, that Cao Cao was misunderstood by you for thousands of years, is not long ago can not hold the coffin board, jump out of the grave, find you to say?"


Zhao Xinhuan was so angry that he could not say a word to refute Xu Ling.

To be sure, Xu Ling's explanations are well founded. In a short period of time, Zhao Xinhuan still can't pick out any thorns.

"Since you have nothing to say, it's insulting and slandering to say what you said to me before." Xu Ling was unreasonable. He said to Liu Xia, who was not far away from the theater: "Mr. Liu, you hear me. This guy slandered me in front of so many people. As the leader of the column, you can't sit back and ignore me!"

Seeing Xu Ling's misfortune, Liu Xia turned a blind eye at first. Then, with the focus of the crowd's eyes, he walked slowly into the entrance.

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