Xu Ling's explanation made Xia Xinyu realize, "it's like this. I was ignorant before."

Xu Ling said with a faint smile: "it's not too late to know now. Just learn from me in the future. "

Xia Xinyu rolled his eyes angrily and said, "you are powerful. Don't forget that my master is also a historian."

Xu Ling nodded slightly and said nothing more.

"Why don't you believe it?" Xia Xinyu asked angrily.

Xu Ling replied perfunctorily, "letter, I believe everything you say!"

"Cut!" Xia Xinyu curled her lips and said, "come and have dinner with me at the master's place in the evening. You must remember what you said before."

Xu Ling shook his head, "no, I have something to do at night."

"What's the matter with you?" Xia Xinyu's Willow eyebrows stand up and gives Xu Ling a cold slant.

"Xu Ling shrugged," anyway something, you love to believe it or not! "

Xia Xinyu looks at Xu Ling, and suddenly a sense of banter appears on her face. "You guy, you don't want to go to my master to avoid trouble, do you?"

"Avoid trouble, avoid what trouble?" Xu Ling blinked in bewilderment.

Xia Xinyu replied with a smile: "hide from my second elder martial brother, Liu Sanyuan."

Xu Ling doesn't care to smile, "it's just a defeated general. What's to be afraid of?"

"Well, it's a tough mouth." Xia Xinyu rolled his eyes angrily, "since you are not afraid of him, why don't you go to my master's house?"

Xu Ling Ha ha a smile, "incite general method, have no use to me."

At the end of a word, Xia Xinyu is not given a chance to speak and turns to sneak into the office.

Xu Ling doesn't want to face up to the literary society's old pedants. It's a good dinner party. She has to hold a poetry contest. At the end of the day, the food is cold and she can't eat a bite of hot food. It's better to fry two dishes at home.

What's more, Yitian tulongji has signed a contract. After Xu Ling gets off work, she has to take time to write more. Fortunately, after she recommends it, she has a lot of saved manuscripts.

Write network novel, if write explosion fire or very make money.

In addition to making money by subscribing to the novel itself, we can also develop copyright resources in film and television, animation, games and other aspects. Which one can't make a lot of money?

It's a good business to make money. I'm going to accompany some old scholars to write poems. Unless Xu Ling's brain is damaged, he will never agree to Xia Xinyu's invitation.

After the live broadcast, Xu Ling had nothing to do, so he turned on the computer, entered WPS, and directly angrily coded 10000 words.

After finishing the coding, Xu Ling boarded the miracle works website, and then click to enter the works page of "the story of relying on heaven and killing the dragon", and found that there were more than ten wild comments in the book review area.

"I'll go. It's a good book, but it's written by a first-class author. Is it a new book written by a platinum God, Mimi in a new vest?"

My mother asked me why I was reading on my knees. I told her that I was reading the martial arts novel "the story of relying on heaven to kill the dragon". Now, we are both reading on our knees. The author has done a lot of harm. Ten recommended votes have been cast. Come on


"Crazy fat elephant reward warm wine 1000, happy point depends on the sky to slaughter the dragon."

"You can't cover your tail, you can enjoy 500 warm wine, and you can enjoy killing the Dragon by relying on heaven."

"Singing in a low voice, enjoying 20000 warm wine and killing dragons by relying on heaven."

When Xu Ling looked down, he found that a few wealthy book friends gave him a lot of happy points (the so-called happy point is a token launched by miracle works, which can be used to reward and subscribe to works.)

Happy and smiling, Xu Ling quickly transferred a chapter from the manuscript box and posted it on the Internet. At the end of the text, he specially called the three reward rich and young to thank them one by one.

Once again refresh the book review area, Xu Ling saw a bad review, can not help but frown.

"Junk book, I'm reading 389 times now. When I see it a thousand times, I won't read it."


This brother's comment is a bit interesting.

If I didn't insist on reading your comments, you would have been blackmailed by me.

After reading the comments area, Xu Ling went back to the backstage to check the number of people who collected the book.

100 wild collections!

Well, it's good. It's great without recommendation.

So, while excited, Xu Ling opened WPS and coded several texts.

Today, I'm in good shape.

Xu Ling was coding all the time. By the time he got off work, it was almost eight o'clock.

I don't have to take the bus. I have to take a taxi.

The driver is a middle-aged man in his fifties. He is very talkative and has talked a lot with Xu Ling.

However, after the end of a topic, he did not actively lead to the next topic as before, but quietly turned on the car radio.

"I'm sorry, little brother. Now it's the replay of my favorite radio program. I can't nag with you."

"Nothing." Xu Ling smiles and shakes his head, "brother, which radio station is this listening to?"

The driver said with a smile, "of course, it's Mingqi radio station in our city. Can it support outsiders?"

Xu Ling nodded with a smile, "big brother, help me!"

"It has to drop."

The radio station is now broadcasting an advertisement. When the driver is free, he talks to Xu Ling again.

"Little brother, I tell you, in the past, I didn't like to listen to the radio, but after listening to a program, that guy didn't listen to it all day, and he felt very sad."

Xu Ling asked curiously, "brother, what program are you listening to?"

"Haha, I'm not afraid of brother's jokes. In the past, I heard it was a fairy tale program hosted by Mr. Xu Ling." The driver grinned, "although it's a fairy tale show, Mr. Xu's speech is really good. In recent days, I heard that Mr. Xu seemed to be the host of the history storytelling column again, so I followed there again. Unfortunately, I didn't catch up with the live broadcast, so I had to listen to the replay."

Oh, you can stop a taxi at will and meet a big fan.

Xu Ling can't help but feel a little proud. Of course, she didn't confess her identity directly.

Repressing the joy in her heart, Xu Ling accompanied the driver master to listen to her replay.

"Hey, Mr. Xu is really a brilliant person. He has made Cao Cao's story so vivid. What's more, it's different from what other historians have said. It's not easy. It's not a waste of me to follow him from fairy tale programs."

After listening to a replay, the driver tut tut mouth, praise.

Xu Ling has no waves on her face, but is happy in her heart.

Listen to diezhongfen, praise him face to face, what a pleasant thing.

One word to describe.


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