"I bah" Xia Xinyu wanted a mouthful of mineral water to spray on Xu Ling's face, "who is like him? If you talk nonsense again, I dare to tear your mouth."

Xia Xinyu didn't understand the meaning of Zhenxiang law. Anyway, it didn't seem like a good word. Besides, Xu Ling's dog couldn't spit out any ivory.

"You see, when you talk about the pain, you get angry. Tut tut." Xu Ling shook his head with a cheap smile.

"You Xia Xinyu pointed to Xu Ling's nose, "I'll settle accounts with you later!"

"Good." Xu Ling nodded with a smile.

"It's so busy." Just as Xu Ling and Xia Xinyu bicker with each other, several more people walk into the office.

Xu Ling looked at them. They were all wearing glasses and dressed like scholars. It was probably related to Liu Jinchuan.

"Come on, sit down. The live broadcast will start soon."

Sure enough, Liu Jinchuan saw several people come in and stood up to greet them.

"I'd like to introduce them to you. They are members of our research group on the history of the Three Kingdoms. They all have some research on the history of the Three Kingdoms. They are very interested in Mr. Xu's live broadcast, so I called them together."

"I dare not. We know a little bit about it. We are still on the way to study. I hope you don't dislike it."

Ah, they said something. Looking at their high spirited expression, it was the same as when they came from the Three Kingdoms. Xu Ling carefully looked at the way they spoke and said in his heart.

"You are welcome. Let's listen to Mr. Xu's live broadcast and discuss it together."

After everyone is seated, Xu Ling also knows that today's live broadcast can start.

Xu Ling went into the live room alone with the written manuscript.

"As the Yangtze River flows eastward, the waves wash away the heroes. Success or failure turns to nothing. The green mountains are still there, several sunsets are red. White haired fishermen and woodcutters are used to watching the autumn moon and spring breeze. A pot of turbid wine. There are many things in ancient and modern times. Speaking of the poems about the Three Kingdoms, I believe you will think of the song "nostalgia for Chibi" mentioned in the last program. Then speaking of the Three Kingdoms, you will definitely think of the battle of Chibi. "

"When we talk about the battle of Chibi, we have to mention Zhou Yu. At that time, Zhou Yu, 34 years old, as the commander-in-chief of sun Liu's united army, was a man of great stature. His charisma came to our eyes when he talked and laughed. Imagine the scene of the battle of Chibi. At that time, Cao Cao had basically unified the whole North and led more than 100000 troops to attack. The generals of the eastern Wu Dynasty would persuade them to surrender one after another, but Zhou Yu didn't think so. He calmly responded to the enemy. "

Xu Ling is playing quietly in the studio, and people in the office are listening carefully. When Xu Ling wants to talk about Zhou Yu, everyone starts to talk about it.

"What else can Zhou Yu say? He's just a small person."

"Yes, he even talked about the battle of Chibi. Compared with Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu was nothing. Without Zhuge Liang, the eastern Wu was directly destroyed by Cao Cao at that time."

Several people brought by Liu Jinchuan began to talk about Tao, and they despised Xu Ling's words.

"Learning is to explore, first listen to what others say." Liu Jinchuan sat aside, certainly not without hearing.

"It's a good word, but it's too bad." Xia Xinyu whispered to himself.

Xia Xinyu and others heard Xu Ling talk about Cao Cao last time, so they won't jump to a conclusion about what Xu Ling said as they did last time.

"When Zhou Yu was 24 years old, he was named Jianwei Zhonglang general by sun CE and took Xiao Qiao as his wife. It can be said that he is a rare young hero. How can such a rare talent envy others? It's almost like we envy him. So Zhou Yu can't be angry to death by Zhuge Liang. It's just the fictional plot in the novel. "

"In fact, after so many years of development, people have a very fixed image of the characters in the Three Kingdoms, just like everyone's view of Cao Cao, they all think that he is a real traitor, but when it comes to the most touted characters in the Three Kingdoms, it's Zhuge Liang, who is almost deified."

"He's crazy, isn't he? Zhuge Liang is also in charge of his evaluation?"

At the mention of Zhuge Liang, it seems that these people can't sit still any more. They want to pull Xu Ling out and criticize him immediately.

Zhuge Liang has always been regarded as the embodiment of wisdom, and has a high status in the hearts of the literati in the past dynasties. No one has ever said anything wrong with Zhuge Liang. Xu Ling threw out such a sentence, which shocked everyone.

"Glib, I'll see what else he can say this time." Xia Xinyu also murmured in a low voice. He had a fight with Xu Ling just now, but he was still angry. He wanted Xu Ling to make a fool of himself.

"Why? First of all, first of all, Zhuge Liang's greatest contribution to the battle of Chibi, which we all like to talk about, is that he contributed to the alliance between sun and Liu. The rest, basically, is the contribution of Zhou Yu. It's all fictional. In order to deify Zhuge Liang, many people add these deeds to him“

"Second, I believe everyone has heard the story of Zhuge Liang's empty city plan, but if you think about it, Zhuge Liang is facing Sima Yi, who has more than 100000 troops. Facing a seemingly empty city, how can he be easily scared away? Even if we go to attack, there will be many ways to try to find out the truth. Such an unreasonable thing is completely fictitious."

"Third, many people touted Zhuge Liang's military and political talents. Zhuge Liang's greatest contribution was to formulate a three-thirds political strategy for Liu Bei. But after that, or after Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang's ability to govern the country has always been criticized by people, and he has not lost many battles in his life, which is not as predictable as we all see, It's like opening the eyes of the sky. "

"The purpose of making up so many stories is to deepen people's worship of Zhuge Liang. But when we talk about history, we must not talk about it in order to cater to the views of most people. We should analyze the history, analyze the character and restore the original appearance of the character from the perspective of history. I think it is very necessary."

Xu Ling's 3:1 was thrown out, and the people listening to the program in the office immediately exploded.

"When we talked about Cao Cao last time and Zhuge Liang today, we have to make a shocking point of view every time. In my opinion, it's just grandstanding."

"Last time I talked about Cao Cao's point of view, I didn't agree with him very much. He just analyzed it from his point of view. He was supposed to focus on most people's point of view. No matter how reasonable his fallacy is, it's still fallacious."

"I'd like to hear what else he can say."

There is a lot of discussion in the office. Liu Xia also began to worry about Xu Ling's live broadcast.

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