"It's not interesting. Just talk about it." Xia Xinyu holds her head high and looks at Xu Ling with pride.

Xu Ling glanced at Xia Xinyu lightly: "dogs can't spit out ivory."

"Who are you going to scold?"

"Dog mouth scolds you!" Xia Xinyu didn't even think about it, so she went back.

Xu Ling chuckled.

"Well, well, that's what you said. The dog scolded me." Xu Ling said with a smile.

"I was just scolding you. What's the problem?" Xia Xinyu didn't react, so she continued to ask.

"Dog mouth scolds me, then you are not dog mouth?" Looking at Xia Xinyu's face, Xu Ling still couldn't help laughing.

"Go away!" Xia Xinyu kicked Xu Ling hard and left angrily.

That's tough. It's a kick.

Xu Ling covered her legs and almost lost her footing.

Who's to blame for what you've done. Xu Ling shook his head helplessly.

After finishing the Three Kingdoms program, many colleagues in the radio station have been off work, and some evening hosts have come to the station one after another to prepare for the evening program.

Xu Ling of course, as before, continued to stay in the office and continue to write down the manuscript of "Yitian Tulong Ji".

We should not delay the development in many aspects.

In fact, it's really cool to write a novel. Xu Ling felt it at this time.

In the past, he felt that this was an extremely boring job. He looked at the screen all day. In the past, he might have written with a pen, thought about the plot and shaped the characters.

But now it's really my turn to write. Although I refer to the book of elder Jin Yong, I still rely on my own consideration for many details in it. The plots I wrote are telling stories face to face with readers, and the images I created are just like my own children.

Especially after writing a few chapters and seeing the readers' praise, I still have a sense of achievement.

After writing this period of time, Xu Ling has changed from writing a chapter in two hours to writing a chapter in one hour.

The task of six thousand words per day can be completed in almost two hours.

After that, it will be uploaded to the miracle works website, and the rest is to see the readers' comments.

A fan group was set up yesterday. Today, there are more than 500 people in the group.

This can be saved by their own fans, looking at the heart or very happy.

"Today's article has been updated @ all members," Xu Ling said in the group.

"Great! I knew I would be on time!"

"Hurry to see the plot behind, but I'm in a hurry."

"Wenjiudashen, you are responsible for us! We are all hooked by you! "


There was a heated discussion in the group, and soon it was quiet again. It was estimated that they all went to read the updated novels.

With the fans, it's much more convenient for Xu Ling to communicate with the fans.

In the past, we could only look at the comments and the rewards.

Look at the comments. Xu Ling has always been lazy to reply. He always feels that the author's reply is stupid.

The reward is real. Only those who like this book will give a reward.

But now this fan group is also real, at least there is no trouble.

Even if there is black powder coming in, if you want to make trouble, at least you have to read books.

Xu Lingke is not afraid of these at all, just like the old brother last night, who asked a few questions and was perfectly answered by Xu Ling one by one.

This not only didn't embarrass Xu Ling, but also gave Xu Ling an opportunity to explain his ideas to fans. Xu Ling couldn't wait for more such problems.

A brief look at today's reward shows that it is much more than a few days ago. It may have something to do with the climax of the plot.

There are a lot of people in the comment area who want to read the whole book quickly.

When Xu Ling saw such comments, she was also happy.

After sending the new chapter, the number of fans has increased a lot. It is estimated that in a few days, the number of fans in the group will break 1000.

It's quite good for a new writer to have this achievement.

There are thousands of fans. This is just the first book. If this book is finished or the next one is finished, the number of fans will definitely break through.

Nowadays, what is the most valuable? It must be traffic.

Where does traffic come from? It comes from fans. If there are more fans, there will be traffic.

The people here don't have much consciousness, but Xu Ling is very clear.

Just like people in previous lives have always said that Wang Sicong is a waste relying on his father.

Xu Ling doesn't think so. In his opinion, Wang Sicong's fans and hot topics are enough to support him to do anything.

Xu Ling wants to develop in that way. With a fan base, he can make some more content. Then he can't do anything if he wants to.

At the thought of these, Xu Ling's heart is also happy.

"Call it a day, call it a day!" Xu Ling clapped her hands and turned off the computer.

Walking to the door of the company, Xu Ling makes a call to Yu Wenwen.

"Hello? Brother, is it done? " As soon as Yu Wenwen answers the phone, she doesn't have any polite words and asks directly.

"I'll do it myself. What else can't I do?" Xu Ling said triumphantly.

"Go home and give it to me."

"I'm in a hurry. I'll do something for you. I haven't eaten yet. Look..." Xu Ling stopped half way and pretended to cough a few times.

"Brother, I understand, Shao County snacks at the gate of the community, we'll see each other." Yu Wenwen finished and hung up.

"Hello Xu Ling was at the other end of the road, and his wishful thinking failed.

Originally, Yu Wenwen was expected to invite him to have a good meal, but Yu Wenwen's reaction was quick. She gave him a meal of Shaoxian snacks.

Well, some of them are better than none. Who let himself be a brother.

Xu Ling said to himself.

Twenty minutes later, Xu Ling appeared at the snack bar on time.

Yu Wenwen also arrived later and sat down at a table with Xu Ling.

"Brother, whatever you like." Yu Wenwen pointed to the menu hanging on the wall and said in a rich way.

"Beef, rice and a bottle of soda." Xu Ling looked and said.

"I'll do it for you right away. Eighteen in all. Anything else?" Asked the waiter standing by.

"No, here you are." Yu Wenwen shook her head and handed over a 20 yuan note.

Yu Wenwen looks at Xu Ling with a smile on her face.

"Here, why are you staring at me? It's not written on my face." Xu Ling gave the U disk to Yu Wenwen, and all the music scores and lyrics are in it.

"Wow, my sister-in-law is so good. I'll find someone to write it so soon. When I see her in a few days, I have to thank her very much." Yu Wenwen took the USB flash drive and said with satisfaction.

"Hey, brother, I'll help you. You're here to thank others. Why don't you say thank you to me?" Xu Ling said.

"Thanks as well. I have a deep relationship with my sister-in-law." Yu Wenwen said with a perfunctory smile.

"I wrote the song."

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