Chapter 247 Inner Ghost

  Yan Shenjue arrived at Liujin Garden, and it was the first time someone jumped out to block him, cupped his hands and said, "Young Yan? What can I do for you?"

Yan Chenjue could tell that it was the person who watched the night last night, but he didn't understand why. There was hostility in his words, and he just cupped his hands and said, "I have something urgent, and I need to call Uncle Shen. May I ask who is staying behind at Chaotian Gate, it was you who told me about it." Does it count?"

   "Yes," the man's eyes were bright, and he said, "My lord, Wang Xun, the guardian of Chaotianmen, I don't know if there is any news, Young Master Yan can tell me directly."

  Yan Shen Jue said: "I'm afraid it's inconvenient, I have to borrow a way."

What he meant was to use their method of communication to use his name to communicate. This kind of thing is rare in Jianghu, but it is not impossible. After all, it is just "borrowing". No effect.

  Wang Xun's face darkened: "Young Master Yan, do you not believe me?"

Yan Shenjue said, "It's not that I don't believe it, it's just that the matter is of great importance. If one less person knows about it, it will be more safe. I have a long-standing friendship with Uncle Shen, and I sent a message to him last night. If Uncle Shen is here, I will definitely agree of."

  Wang Xun's eyes flickered, and he said: "The present is no better than the past, and I cannot agree to that. If Shao Yan has anything to do, please tell me directly."

  Yan Shen Jue remained expressionless from beginning to end, neither anxious nor urgent, and calmly said: "This matter concerns Uncle Shen's safety, maybe you can take this responsibility?"

  Wang Xun said coldly: "Could it be that you, an outsider, can take responsibility?"

  Yan Shen Jue lowered his eyes.

  Although he is young, he has seen a lot of people's warmth and warmth. He does not confront an important sentence, but asks it back... This kind of person probably has a ghost in his heart!

  Since he had this doubt, he didn't delay for a moment, and said with a sneer, "Since you don't care about the safety of your sect master, why should I be an outsider?"

  He cupped his hands: "Farewell."

  He quickly pulled away and left.

  Wang Xun's face darkened, and he waved his hands anxiously for others to follow.

  But less than a quarter of an hour later, the two returned and said with a wry smile, "I lost my follow."

  Wang Xun gritted his teeth and cursed: "Trash!"

The man couldn't help but said: "Guardian, the sect master has a very good relationship with them, they are like family members, if he hadn't sent a message yesterday night, I am afraid that the sect master really wants to follow the way of the young lady... Then why not ask him to borrow a way ?Maybe he really has something important?"

  Wang Xun said coldly: "What do you know!"

  He turned around and left, and more than one person behind him muttered: "But what if the sect master is in danger?"

  Wang Xun paused, then continued walking forward without paying attention.

  Shen Shouyan, in his opinion, is just an incomprehensible reckless man, but he is so popular in the sect!

  If this is not the case, why did they bother Fei Nuo and spend several years trying to plot him!

Step by step, he finally calculated that he had a heart to retreat, and the old lady who persuaded him wanted to go back to his hometown and bring him back together. Now, it is obvious that he is raising flowers and planting grass in this remote area, and he hardly cares about the affairs of the gang. As a result, when it came to the last step to close the net, everything went wrong again!

  First, Zhong Limin was poisoned but would rather die than cooperate, but now, with a sure stab, he still failed!

  Wang Xun was panicked and scared.

  He has been with Shen Shouyan for ten years, if their plan fails, sooner or later he will be found out!

   If you don’t do it, you will never stop!

  Wang Xun confessed a few words casually, then found an excuse, went to the back, quickly wrote a note, summoned the pigeons, and let them fly out.

   Who knew that just after they were released, a person came from behind and said, "Dharma protector?"

  He held a bowl of vegetables in his hand, and while eating, he said casually: "Where is the Dharma protector?"

Wang Xun's eyes sharpened, but the man didn't notice it: "It's delicious, do you want to eat it? This is the last crop of cockscombs. Why hasn't that little baby come these days? Maybe he can still eat it when he comes. something delicious."

  Wang Xun walked over slowly, and said with a half smile, "Give me a taste."

  He didn't know that just as the pigeon flew out of the yard, a figure rose up and gently grabbed the pigeon in his hand.

  Yan Shenjue removed the small bamboo tube under the pigeon's feet, took out the note inside, and wrote only a few words: "Someone came to look for Shen, but he didn't know where he was going. There might be changes."

   Sure enough, he is an insider!

  Yan Shen didn't delay much, he quickly grew up and jumped off the eaves.

   At this time, Yan Chenjue pulled away, and everyone was a little at a loss. Mrs. Lin asked, "Where did Xiaojue go?"

   After she finished speaking, she suddenly thought of something, and her eyes widened slightly.

   Tang Qingshan was a little helpless.

   Or don't dare to let her know about these things. Although Mrs. Lin is smart, she is straightforward. She won't leak her words, but you can tell by her expression.

   Fortunately, Tuanzi reacted quickly and blinked his eyes: "Xinbao, Xinbao asked Brother Xiaoxian to buy something."

  Ms. Lin quickly cooperated: "What to buy?"

   Tuanzi had no time to think about anything else, so he could only say, "Buy sheep."

  Ms. Lin asked strangely: "Why are you buying sheep?"

   Dumplings with big eyes: "Make something delicious."

   Tang Qingshan came over and asked, "Is this bookshelf usable?"

  The only person here who is not from the Tang family is Shen Zhuoli. This kid is also sensitive, so I'm afraid he has already seen it, so he's going on and on.

  Ms. Lin said: "It's all in good condition, and it can be used. It's strange!"

  While several people were talking, there was a man dressed in ordinary clothes who jumped over the wall and entered, cupped his hands and said, "Hi everyone, little Yan Shishi, our master Yan Shenjue ordered the little one to come and protect you..."

  He also cupped his hands to Shen Zhuoli: "Young Master Shen, the master said that Chaotianmen is afraid that there may be an inner ghost, so I told you not to go back and stay with the Tang family."

  Shen Zhuoli was taken aback: "The ghost? Then my grandpa..."

  Yan Shishi said: "The master has already rushed over, so you don't have to worry about Young Master Shen."

  Ms. Lin stood in front of her family calmly: "I've never seen you before?"

  Yan Shishi said: "Don't worry, Mrs. Tang, the master didn't have time to bring the little one over, so he just told the little one to tell Miss Xinbao..."

   Xinbao hid behind A Niang, and quietly revealed half of his face when he heard the words: "What did you say?"

  Yan Shishi said: "Pearl milk tea."

  Xinbao breathed a sigh of relief instantly.

   It must be Yan Chen who knows about pearl milk tea at this time. When they were talking, I'm afraid that even Mrs. Lin next to them didn't hear them.

  She said: "Hello Eleven Brother, when will Brother Xiaoxian come back?"

  Yan Shishi smiled and said, "I don't know, it should be soon."

   "What about Chang'er?" Mrs. Lin asked anxiously, "Where is Tang Shichang?"

Yan Shishi said: "I have already asked someone to pick it up, and I will be here in a while. You don't have to worry, Second Master Shen is extremely skilled and has a stable position in the sect. There is nothing to be afraid of if you are small, and the small ones are just for the sake of it." Just in case, you can do whatever you want, and you will be fine."

  Shen Zhuoli said: "Excuse me, Uncle An will not be in danger, right?"

  Yan Shishi said: "Don't worry, Young Master Shen, they don't need to deal with a housekeeper."

  Shen Zhuoli hesitated to speak, but finally said: "If this ghost doesn't tear my face apart, can I go back?"

  (end of this chapter)

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