Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1007: Stranger

"Brother Bai, I suddenly realized a problem" Lan Xin's eyes flashed.

Aspen is unknown, so he asks, "What?"

He took a deep breath, and Lan Xin said, "That is, Emperor Tianyuan is too powerful!"

When Xun said this, Lan Xin even shook her body, a deep weakness and despair revealed.

Bai Yang was stunned, and old iron was fine. He said, "The Emperor Tian Yuan suppressed the world. No one regrets its sharpness. Can it not be strong?"

"No, Brother Bai hasn't realized it yet?" Lan Xin tangled.

白 Bai Yang really froze at this moment. After Lan Xin reminded him, he shuddered subconsciously, then took a breath and said, "Indeed, Emperor Tianyuan is too powerful!"

At this time, Bai Yang's remarks have another meaning.

所说 The former said that it is powerful, but it means that the Emperor Tianyuan himself is powerful and suppresses countless people, and the second time that he is powerful is that the mind and mind of the Emperor Tianyuan is strong. This kind of power makes people desperate!

Why did you say that? Because he issued a call!

说明 What does this show? It shows that he has disclosed the secrets of stepping into the Emperor Power. He is not afraid of many people in the same realm. He is confident to suppress any existence in the same realm!

Before him, maybe someone also knew the secret of stepping into the emperor level, but did not make it public, but quietly passed the secret to his close friends, to a certain extent, set foot in the starry sky and aliens killed and looted to promote the emperor level, but Emperor Tianyuan directly disclosed these half-open secrets directly. How many people can achieve this courage and mind?

I'm not afraid that people in the same realm are strong enough, I'm afraid not enough!

Only this sentence can describe the mind of Emperor Tianyuan!

"Brother Bai understand," Lan Xin asked again, taking a deep breath.

Nodded, Bai Yang said, "I see, but after understanding, my heart has a deep sense of powerlessness. It can be said that the Emperor Tianyuan is in a day, and the entire sky is covered by his shadow. He is like a moon and stars, the stars All overshadowed him! "

"In fact, the most valuable information on the call order is that the Emperor Tianyuan created four fronts in one hand. It can also be said to be the defense line of the Tianyuan star. With the Tianyuan star as the center, the four fronts penetrate the starry sky. Who in the world has such a big spirit? What is even more shocking is that these four fronts have stood steadily and have not been repelled by the hundreds of people, and they are even advancing at a slow speed. I dare say that if Emperor Tianyuan has been Alive, he is probably trying to lead Tian Yuanxing to dominate the starry sky and drive hundreds of people to the edge of the universe. If she can really do that, she cannot imagine how high he will reach! "

After hearing Lan Xin's words, the entire scalp of Aspen was numb. The ambition of Emperor Tianyuan could not be guessed with ordinary heart. The more he thought about it, the more he would be scared. Heart of comparison.

Looking at the last item in the silver box, that is, the jade piece, Bai Yang said: "This starry sky chart is advancing towards the Quartet with Tianyuan Star as the center. It is hard to imagine that Tianyuan Emperor really compared the universe starry sky to a chessboard. Make Tian Yuanxing the center of the entire chessboard? No, he has already done it! It's terrible! "

What is recorded in that piece of jade is not an inheritance method, but a map of the sky. Each small point in it represents the territories of stars controlled by the Yuanxing power today. Outside this range, the alien race is raging. The place.

I can imagine that since the endless years, with the advancing of the four fronts, how many strong people have buried their bones and starry sky, simply use their own flesh and blood to pave the way for the latecomers.

At the same time, the endless resources of those starry territories occupied by the people of Tianyuanxing have become the resources for the promotion of the latecomers. Those were killed by the predecessors with one sword. In the future, there may be countless others who will embark on that path!

When I thought of the magnificent picture, Aspen trembled, and there was even an urge to dive in immediately.

Who else doesn't want to stand in the cosmic starry sky and yell at the endless alien powerhouse!

After swallowing the saliva, Lan Xin said, "Brother Bai, I thought a little bit more, I'm afraid that Celestial Star is not everything we know. In the cosmic sky outside Celestial Star, I am afraid that there will be a strong human race on these stars. The civilization of the people ’s mirror, the king ’s mirror, the emperor ’s mirror, and even the emperor ’s mirror is probably more than we imagined. It ’s just that they have been in the cosmic starry sky. The frog at the bottom sits in the sky watching the sky! "

Aspen is silent, and Lan Xin is right. Tian Yuanxing is by no means the only planet of life. Even the Shinto Sky Master is capable of transforming a planet that is not too big. For countless years, God knows how many stars have become a 'colonial colony of humanity.' '?

With a large territory and a large population, countless strong people can be born under a huge base. This is something that Poplar has never thought of before.

I ca n’t continue to think deeply. The more I think about it, the more I become scared, the more I feel weaker, the more I think, the more I feel that I am just a dust in the sky, too small.

Looking up at the starry sky, Poplar Shen Sheng said: "In the future, if I have a chance, I must set foot on the starry sky, choose a front, and stand on the edge of the endless human race Tianjiao, compete with the powerful of the races, and die without regret. Go forever! "

"Let's be together" Lan Xin said seriously to Bai Yang.

"it is good!"

Bai Yang answered extremely simply, whether it was him, Lan Xin, or anyone else, and when they learned that there were such magnificent pictures, they wanted to participate, even if they couldn't shine, they had to stay. Mark of!

的 The secrets of being promoted to the rank of emperor, the starry battlefield, the races of all races, piece by piece, all make people uneasy.

This is what Poplar did not know before. The Daguang Dynasty went for a while. Although it was dangerous, it opened a new door for Poplar.

I was just a little annoyed that now the door has been opened, but Bai Yang does not have the full capital to participate in it, good gas ...

Put three items in the box and put them away. These things will be of great use in the future.

Stow away the things, the two are silent, it is really difficult to calm down, no matter who it is, you can not achieve complete peace after knowing these secrets, right?

No wonder Chu Tianya values ​​this box so much. Having it is equivalent to having the capital to set foot in the sky, and also got a ticket to set foot in the mirror of the Emperor. For this reason, it is not difficult to understand that he would not even hesitate to act against the poplar. Already.

But Bai Yang didn't know. Although Chu Tianya knew that the contents of the box were precious, he didn't really understand it, because he was afraid that he was not ready. Because of this, although he knew that the box was about the secret of becoming an imperial powerhouse. , But cheap aspen.

Twenty-five hours later, Poplar calmed down and waved his hand. Hundreds of thousands of people appeared in the mountains and forests, and hundreds of thousands of people in prison uniforms appeared.

These people are members of Tianyinzong rescued by Bai Yang in the Daguang Kingdom. Almost everyone can say that they can be related to Duan.

Hundreds of thousands of people are scattered in this area, their expressions are bewildered, and they have not yet reacted to the changes in the environment. They have been repaired as seals, and they are no different from ordinary people today.

Sealing their means is not so clever, after all, the strongest of them is the state of the great master, and Poplar can unblock them, and Poplar does so, and touches their seal with his hands.

At this moment, their strength returned, and they also reflected back. The eyes of hundreds of thousands of people all focused on the poplars, one by one with complex expressions but not speaking. There was a moment of silence and the atmosphere was somewhat depressed.

"It's you!"

In the silence, someone in the crowd looked at Shen Yang with a tone of hatred and anger, which was suppressed by him.

That man had a master mirror repair, but Bai Yang didn't know it. Lan Xin was a bit impressed. It was the man who wanted to forcibly capture the four sisters Bingqing Yujie when they first went to Tian Yinzong. At that time, Lan Xin is in a state of confusion and does not know the other party's name.

"Brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters, if you still recognize my identity as the head daughter, how about giving it to me now?"

There was a voice from the crowd, and the voice was clear, but it was dull like a pool of standing water.

I was talking about Bai Yun, who was the head of Duan Yinzong's daughter.

开口 She spoke, after all, she had her identity there, and other people agreed, and did not say it, it was all her decision. Who knew after that?

After being recognized by everyone, Bai Yun, in a prison uniform, left the crowd and came to Bai Yang.

I looked at Bai Yang, Bai Yun's eyes were complicated, his face was tangled, there seemed to be too much to say, and he couldn't say another word.

Finally, she asked Bai Yang: "Did you save us?"

"Yes" Bai Yang answered.

He nodded and Bai Yun said, "Although you saved us, no matter what, the destruction of Tian Yinzong, my mother's death, whether you admit it or not, you are indirect, right?"

"You can say that" Bai Yang sighed.

Nodded again, Bai Yun bitterly said, "Chu Tianya once sent someone to instill a lot of information that hates you, but I am not a fool, I have my own thinking, whether it is good or evil, or my own judgment. The destruction of Tian Yinzong, Indirectness is what you cause ~ www.readwn.com ~ Say don't mind it's fake, I even want to kill you, but you saved us, leaving a fire for Tianyinzong ... "

Having said that, Bai Yun was silent for a while, watching Bai Yang take a step back, picking up a wooden stick on the side and snapping off, saying, "I can't let go of the hatred that Tian Yinzong destroyed, but I won't forget you save With our kindness, the two will cancel each other out. When we meet again later, we are strangers and have nothing to do with each other! "

He said, Bai Yun turned resolutely, and looked at the hundreds of thousands of eyes around him and said, "Let's go!"

Then, hundreds of thousands of people took a look at Bai Yang and followed Bai Yun without a word. It seems that they have nothing to do with Bai Yang anymore.

I opened my mouth several times and wanted to say something, but in the end Bai Yang still didn't say a word. As Bai Yun said, regardless of whether he admitted or not, the collapse of Tianyinzong was caused by them indirectly. This happened. The enemy, how can the two sides face each other? But they saved them again. How do they deal with them because they owe themselves a kindness?

Bai Yun is not a fool with a brain. He did not report resentment with virtue or retaliation with resentment. He just made a clear distinction from the end of the world ...

"In fact, this is already the best situation, isn't it?" Lan Xin patted Aspen's shoulder on the side and said.


Bai Yang didn't say anything, just issued a complicated sigh ...

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