Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1025: Closed door

There are cultural differences between countries, and when they set foot in the territory of the Great Moon Dynasty, the humanistic customs here gave Bai Yang a very different feeling.

I went all the way to the direction of the capital of the Dayue Dynasty. Bai Yang found that this country did not know if it was because of the identity of the emperor's woman. It seems that the position of a woman is better than that of a man!

This discovery is not a wild guess by Aspen, more than half of the officials from this country are women.

In this regard, Poplar can only say that one person can raise hundreds of different people. Since the social order in which men and women are reversed exists, there is a reason for her existence.

The country of the Big Moon Dynasty is called Mingyue City. Here, the streets and alleys are covered with a special plant called moonlight grass. This plant is white and white, even during the day, it emits the moonlight-like light. Once at night, countless The moonlight grass shines together, and the whole city seems to be shrouded in the glory of Yuehua, so beautiful.

国家 The royal palace of this country is also located in the sky above the city, but it is not a huge floating island, but consists of tens of thousands of small and large floating islands. The buildings of the palace are built on those floating islands.

These floating islands are also not ordinary mountain stones, but a kind of white stone, blooming with a pale white halo. Tens of thousands of such large and small white floating islands have formed a meniscus-shaped disk in a special dome through a special arrangement. It looks like the moon is empty.

城市 This city is very beautiful. Anyone wants to live here forever. Aspen seriously doubts that this city is so beautiful because the King of the Moon is a woman.

Well women, it is natural to yearn for beautiful things.

闯 It was impolite to break into the palace of others, and in addition to being unfamiliar with King Dayue, Bai Yang wanted to see that she could only report through the people below.

Each country has a department that specializes in receiving foreign guests. On the other side of the globe is called the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Inquired about the place where the Dayue Dynasty's foreign history was located. Bai Yang came here without a word. There were long queues outside the gate, all of whom were waiting to be received. These people were arrogant, disciples, and children of officials in North Korea. Wait.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Personnel, who co-authored this country, are combined ...

Looked at the long queue in front, Bai Yang thought to what time it was going to go. After thinking about it, he went straight to the front of the queue.

The long line of people looked at the poplar strangely, no one spoke, and even a little gloat, knowing that people in the country hate unruly people from top to bottom. They think that the poplar is going to be unlucky. No matter what you want to do ...

At the front of the queue, a scholar-like youth walked into the door with a sorrowful mood. Bai Yang immediately stepped forward and arched the guard of the gate: "I want to visit the King of the Moon, I don't know what procedure to take?"

The guard who guarded the gate looked at the poplar squinted, raised his chin, and said, "Waiting in line behind me"

That's what the saying said, the other person almost pointed at Bai Yang's nose and yelled at you that the old man would like to visit His Majesty.

Bai Yang understands the reason for queuing. However, when such a long queue is his turn, he knows how long it will take, and he can only show his identity. He said, "I am the Chen Dynasty dynasty master Bai Yang. I want to visit His Majesty the Great Moon. If you want to talk about things, please tell me about it. "

Suddenly the guard looked at the poplar for a moment, and at one glance this man was a fool's expression, and said coldly, "Don't you understand to ask you to wait in line? If you make another noise, you will be arrested and sentenced to a crime that obstructs official duties!"

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