Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1028: Once again

The night was quiet and time passed by.

The abnormal vitality of this area attracted many people. Over the night, King Duobao arrested more than 100,000 people and still failed to calm down the situation.

Until the next day, more people came to this area successively over time.

In order to prevent people from disturbing the retreat of the Dayue King, as a last resort, the four strong kings of the Dayue Dynasty had to stand on the bright side and announce that this place had been blocked and listed as a state secret. Leave, or be treated as treason.

When they announced the order, plus a billion-unit blockade, one had to believe it.

However, the movement was too big, and the news passed out. The people who did n’t know the truth wanted to understand what was happening in this place. More people came together.

In this regard, there is no way for King Duobao and others to kill the lively people, after all, they are compatriots in their own country.

The people who come together do not make trouble, but they do n’t leave, so there is no way to engage in ...

"You all saw the movement last night. Your Majesty is the critical period for breakthrough. You can't allow anyone to disturb. Your Majesty can set foot on the Emperor's Mirror for a few days at most, so we must make sure that these days are secure." King Duobao secretly gave others The three passed the message.

Mu Lingye replied: "Yes, these days are a critical period. Once His Majesty stepped on the Emperor's Mirror and led the Dayue Dynasty to the promotion of the Dynasty, the level of blessings we enjoyed by the National Games increased, the benefits are endless, and nothing can be done.

"I'm worried that too much movement will lead to the presence of others Wang Jing, so I must be prepared," said the bald man in the Dayue Dynasty.

"Well, who dares to disturb Your Majesty, I must first ask the spear in my hand to promise or not to agree," Xiang Ming said aggressively.

A few of them discussed and raised their spirits to pay attention to the Quartet to ensure that King Dayue set foot on the Emperor's Mirror in peace these days ...

As time goes by, the sun rises and sunsets, and when another night comes, there are already tens of millions of people gathered around this area, and more people are coming farther away.

The movement last night was too great. In case any treasure was born, I can't say that I still have the chance to touch the fish with muddy water ...

Although the number of people gathered is large, no one dares to make trouble by taking the deterrent power of the four kings.

At night, as the moon rose, the white poplar hidden deep in the valley began to pay attention to the change of the small lake. He wanted to discover something. He was inexplicably engaged in spiritual practice last night. Until now he has not been able to think of a reason. Come.

Near the middle of the moon, Dayue Wang also came to the lake again, waiting quietly for that moment.

She has been experiencing this soaring experience for more than a while. No one has bothered her, and she is confident that her layout is strict enough, and her subordinates will deal with the matter.

If the situation of the four majors Wang Qiang and the one billion elite army cannot be resisted, then her Big Moon King is helpless ...

The moonlight shone down from above the valley, slowly covering the small lake.

Both the poplar and the big moon king are uplifted, and that moment is coming again.

The difference is that Dayue Wang expects Xiuwei to skyrocket once again, while Bai Yang wants to figure out the key to the problem.

When the moonlight completely shrouded the small lake, the magical scene that happened last night reappeared, the lake surface became calm as water, and then the dense fog began to converge and bloom, and when the light was bright to the extreme, it rose to become a flower bloom!

As a result of last night's experience, Bai Yang raised 120,000 points of mental observation throughout the journey, even risking to cover the small lake with thoughts, but he did not find any abnormal situation from beginning to end, as if the small lake had changed. Just a natural sight.

Aspen was sure that was not a natural phenomenon, but where exactly did the problem occur?

The critical moment came, and a larger cloud of light rose up, turning into a light and shadow woman on the small lake.

At this time, King Dayue on the shore of the lake subconsciously sat down with his eyes closed and fell into cultivation. Everything was so natural that he lost his self-consciousness without even struggling.

Underground, Bai Yang originally thought that he was well-prepared and should not be defeated. However, when he saw the figure of the woman, like Wang Yue, he lost his self-consciousness and fell into deep cultivation.

Last night's movement reappeared, the endless vitality raged, this valley was like a black hole swallowing the vitality of the Quartet.

Outside, King Duobao and others calmed their minds, and the secret passage began again, paying more close attention to the surroundings.

That endless vitality gathered, they were excited and looking forward to, such a big movement, Her Majesty was convinced that he was about to set foot on the mirror!

Three thousand miles away from this closed area, above the void, a young man in white clothes stood with a sword in the clouds and looked with horror in his eyes in this direction.

The vitality gathered too fiercely. Although somebody Wang Jingxiu did, he didn't dare to set foot in that direction easily.

In this entangled mentality, time passed by a little bit, and after half an hour, the situation where the billowing energy gathered there disappeared, and eventually the young man in white didn't rush to set foot there, and decided to look at the situation tomorrow.

King Duobao and others waited until the gathering of vitality disappeared, secretly relieved, no one came to make trouble, okay.

His Majesty made such a great deal of motion that he still hasn't really set foot on the Emperor's Mirror. This is understandable. After all, the Emperor's Mirror is not so well promoted. I am afraid that it will be successful after a few more impacts ...

Deep down in the valley, Poplar awakened for the second time from that inexplicable situation and inspected it. He was not harmed in any way, but the state of injury was restored to 10%.

"The injury has recovered 70%, why is this happening? What is going on?" Bai Yang was puzzled, apparently he was fully prepared and still could not prevent it. As a last resort, Bai Yang could only lurk again. He felt that One time, he must not be inexplicable.

The big moon king on the lake woke up and added some more to his own cultivation. Very good. He left the lake to consolidate the cultivation and waited for the opportunity for the second cultivation to rise tomorrow night.

One night passed so peacefully. The next day, the people gathered around this area doubled, but they just waited and see, without the strong ones taking the lead, they dared not make trouble.

Until the night, when the moon was in mid-sky, the moonlight shrouded the small lake, and a vision appeared, and the poplar and the big moon king were somehow caught up in the cultivation, even if the poplar was careful, it was not spared.

The vitality riots reappeared, and King Duobao and others were vigilant, and the eyes of the white youth in the distance gathered in surprise.

This night, in addition to the white king who came here the night before, another one came from afar. It was a Shinto Celestial Mirror old lady who stopped to wait and see without rash action.

Half an hour later, the vitality riots subsided, and they could only wait and see if they didn't understand what happened.

This night, Poplar's injuries recovered to 80%, this is the third time.

On the fourth day, the number of people gathered in this area doubled again, and the number increased, but the scene was still under control.

At night, on the moon and mid-day, a vision appeared, and King Baiyue Dayue once again fell into subconscious practice ...

Outside, in addition to the King of the White Man and the Granny of the Shinto Master who arrived two days ago, there have been two strong men of this level, a woman in red and a man in black hidden in the dark.

The arrival of these four strong men did not alarm others, but they were not a group of themselves, dissonant, and did not attack the defense line of King Duobao and others.

After half an hour, the vision disappeared and the vitality subsided. They didn't know what happened and they had to wait for the next time.

That night, Poplar's injury recovered to 90%.

On the fifth day, the number of people gathered from foreign exchange in this area doubled again, reaching hundreds of millions, but without the strong leader taking the lead, they remained safe and secure.

King Duobao and others felt the pressure, why hasn't His Majesty set foot on the Emperor's Mirror? If this continues, the scene will be out of control.

At night, when the moon was on the sky, the small lake vision reappeared, and the poplar and the big moon king were still subconsciously engaged in cultivation.

Poplar simply sold her mom, and every time she thought she wouldn't win, but she couldn't get rid of it ...

This evening, in addition to the four hidden people Wang Jingqiang, two more came, one of them was Chen Yongfa of the Chen Dynasty ~ www.readwn.com ~ and the other was the sea king of the Jiang Dynasty. Respective countries came.

"Under the sky, you are coming to the center of that place. Why don't we join forces to break through the defense line of King Doobao and others to see what's going on?" The young man in the white shirt who first arrived at the periphery of this place secretly told others Transliteration.

"The billion-strong army of the Da Yue Dynasty formed an army formation, and was guarded by the four strong kings. We wouldn't work together, but what if someone couldn't do their job and wanted to pick a bargain?" Said the woman in red.

"Then we can't just watch it, right? This is the fifth day," Shinto's mother-in-law said.

"Hey, no matter how much he is, let's join in and rush in first. What are the specifics?" Said the man in black hidden in the dark with a faint smile.

"I think we'll take a look and say, you see, the vitality riots have subsided, at this point I'm afraid it's inappropriate," Chen Yongfa frowned.

But not, they haven't discussed yet, so the vitality riots subsided.

"It's been like this for five days, and it seems that tomorrow is no exception. At this time tomorrow, we have to join forces to rush past," said the sea king pointing over there.

Although, she said it seriously, but her voice was like a little girl, it was not convincing ...

Because of the mutual suspicion of these people, in the end, they still didn't do it, waiting unconsciously to wait for the vitality riots at this time the next day to come together and rush forward.

On this day, Poplar woke up from cultivation, and the spirit that was injured by Chu Tianya has completely recovered, and his strength has reached its peak!

Looking through the surface to the calm lake, Poplar had a hunch in his mind. The next time the vision of the small lake, he should no longer lose his self-consciousness inexplicably like the previous five times ...

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