Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1030: ladder

After the poplar entered the alien space, the light and mist surging over the lake once again covered the water surface. The radiant figure of the woman sat on the lake, everything was normal, and nothing seemed to happen.

King Taiyue on the shore is in a state of subconscious cultivation and does not know what is happening here.

The entrance of this space is from bottom to top, that is, the poplar enters the space from the outside water surface, but when the poplar really set foot here, he finds himself standing on the water!

Standing in the position of poplar, everything is upside down. Looking down through the water surface, you can see the mist and mist, and you can see the big moon king sitting and practicing on the bank.

It seemed that the small lake was a mirror, and Aspen entered the mirror from the other side of the mirror.

He was standing on the lake at this time, the environment was no different from the previous one, and he was still in the valley. The surrounding landscape did not seem to have changed.

Uneasy, my mind flashed through countless thoughts.

It is really not an ordinary natural wonder here, but a so-called enlightenment place. In this case, the speed of practicing on the shore of the lake has increased by a factor of 1,000, which is justified because of the environmental impact here.

Then a new question comes, who is that light and shadow woman? What kind of realm did she reach, and why did she become enlightened so that she can grow at a speed of a thousand times? Is it possible to achieve this level of cultivation at a certain time of the day or is it only effective at a specific time period?

Without enough information for Poplar analysis, these questions naturally cannot be answered.

"Only by holding a portrait can we set foot in the inheritance. In this case, Jingchen, the leader of the blood lotus religion, also came here," said Bai Yang secretly in his blank scroll.

The previous several unconscious fall into cultivation state Bai Yang has deliberately recorded with time. Each unconscious state will be maintained for half an hour. I do n’t know if he stayed in this place of inheritance for half an hour. He checked the surrounding environment. .

Although I don't know what state of the light and shadow woman left the place of enlightenment, but judging from the vision that Xiaohu could not see through, Bai Yang felt that the light and shadow woman must be an existence beyond her imagination.

Being able to come here is a great opportunity for myself. According to the other party, there is only one chance. What you can get in the end depends on your fortune.

Looking at the surrounding environment, there doesn't seem to be any difference between the valley here and the outside, and even the white poplar looks far away. The surrounding mountains and rivers are exactly the same as the outside. Except there is no life body, here is the true copy of Tianyuanxing!

"Everything is real, and it can show the outside world. What kind of method is this?"

Looking closely at the surroundings, the poplar's heart was beyond shock, the rocks and plants were all real, and it was impossible to notice that this was just a space created by man!

Looking up, Aspen looked to the front, which was deep in the valley.

In the real world outside, the valley is desolate, but here there is a complete building deep in the valley. The building is not gorgeous and beautiful, just a thatched house.

The door of the thatched house was open, the interior was empty and empty, and I didn't know how long it had existed, and no dust had accumulated.

Look at the edge of the thatched house, which is the deepest part of the valley near the mountain. Unlike the outside world, a stone path is built next to the mountain, which leads directly to the top of the peak in the depth of the canyon.

The stone diameter is not wide, only about three meters, and there are ninety-nine levels visually. Each side of the stone steps has a stone platform. There are things on the stone platforms. The things on each stone step platform are Under Bai Yang's gaze, he couldn't see what it was.

"Those are supposed to be the so-called mysteries of inheritance. Do you have to touch them before you can see the specific content? The chance is only once, I'm afraid you can't touch them randomly ..."

With this idea, Aspen stepped down to the stone steps.

Standing outside the stone steps, Aspen looked at the platform on the first-level stone steps. There was a book on the table. The book was clearly in front of him, but it seemed that the mist was covering him and he could not see the cover.

Looking up, this is almost the case.

"Few footprints left on the stone path. Someone must have been here before. I am not the only one who has been here. There are no footprints on the stone steps above 30. Is it true that people who have been here have not set foot? That highest place? The stone steps are weird. If you judge in this way, the higher you step, the better the inheritance ... "

Thinking in his heart, Aspen stepped forward and embarked on the first stone steps.

However, when he stepped on the first-level stone steps, he froze on the spot, turned back, and found that he was still standing outside the stone steps!

Look at yourself again, obviously already standing in the world ...

"This is my spirit and soul phase. Under the stone steps is my true body. Unconsciously, this place of inheritance pulls my spirit and soul phases onto the stone steps. Moreover, the gravity on the stone steps is double the outside. Is it true that when Shinto monks and martial monks came to this space, they stepped on the stone steps differently? Because Shinto monks are the strongest souls and martial monks are the strongest bodies, so as a Shinto monk, I set foot on the stone steps It's a soul, and you can set your feet on the higher stairs in the strongest state ... "

Standing on the first-level stone stairs, Bai Yang's mind flickered, and he probably understood this so-called inheritance ladder. He was very sensitive to the change of gravity with the ability of gravity, and he had these guesses when he felt the change of gravity the first time.

Is this the case? Just take one more step, and double the gravity without any pressure on him.

Once again, when the poplar reaches the second level, the gravity doubles again. The gravity on the second level is already four times the normal level!

Feeling this change, Poplar looked up at the top of the 99th-level ladder and took a sip of air-conditioning. The first-level gravity doubled. What is the concept of the 99th-level?

As an analogy, no matter how thin a piece of paper is, if it is folded ninety-nine times, its thickness will exceed the distance the earth reaches the sun!

At this time, this metaphor is also the same for the increasing gravity of the ladder. The gravity has been turned ninety-nine times. Aspen cannot imagine how terrible the gravity will be then!

"Sure enough, this simplest test is often the hardest. The strongest inheritance that wants to get to the top is simply wishful thinking, and unfortunately, everyone has only one chance to set foot in this inheritance. I want to wait until the future is strong. Not once ... "

The egg was so painful that Aspen took another step forward, which step could be counted.

Without looking at the items on the side table of the stone steps, Aspen stepped up step by step. At the third step, the gravity here is already eight times that under normal conditions, sixteen times the fourth step, and thirty-two times the fifth step. And so on ...

With the strength of the poplar's soul, he was already struggling when he stepped on the twentieth step, and he doubled the gravity one step up. He felt that he could not bear it.

The gravity change here is not a one-plus-one-plus increment, but a double!

"I don't know if it's okay ..." Flashed his eyes, and Bai Yang looked at the twenty-first staircase.

As soon as your heart moves, the gravity ability will be cast, doubling the gravity state around you!

As a result, Bai Yang felt the pressure on his body was light!

"It's really okay. In this way, I can now adjust the gravity up and down to a limit of a thousand times, and I can step up a few more steps ..."

Feeling the change of gravity, Poplar smiled bitterly.

He can adjust the gravity without false, but it is calculated according to multiples of normal gravity, up to a thousand times. This so-called thousand times is not a thousand times superposition, and it is simply not comparable to the magic of this step.

Think about it, the gravity on the stone steps is superimposed, and each level above 50 is an astronomical number. Dividing it by one thousand is not something he can bear.

Regardless of him, keep going upwards, where can I go.

With this idea, Aspen continued to step up and step on the twenty-first step. At this time, he only felt that he was carrying a mountain, and his body seemed to be crushed at any time.

Take a deep breath, adjust the gravity to the maximum state you can currently adjust and continue to move forward ~ www.readwn.com ~ However, when he stepped on the 22nd stage, he was lying on the ground by the horrible gravity ...

Looking at the steps above, Aspen smiled bitterly, even though he adjusted the gravity multiple that he could adjust to the maximum, this is already his limit!

When he was down, he saw someone stepping into the 30th level. How did the other party do it?

"Can't we just stop there?" Bai Yang smiled bitterly, but he was very reconciled but could not help it.

Just when he was about to give up, below the stone path, where he really was, a small dot on his eyebrow flew out, and instantly passed through the twenty-step ladder to the top of his spirit and soul phase. The small dot turned into an irregular bronze. The color shards floated and trembled slightly. At once, the poplar felt only a slight pressure around it, and it was no different from standing outside.

Looking up, Aspen looked dumbfounded by the bronze shards above his head, and this operation?

Say you have this feature come out earlier, I almost gave up ...

At this time, it wasn't time to consider what the bronze fragments were. Aspen tried to set foot on the next stone step, so he found that he didn't feel any change in gravity. It seems that the existence of the bronze fragments has long blocked the rules on the stone steps!

So what are you waiting for, continue, next level, there is still no change in gravity ...

As a result, Bai Yang was in a state of mind where I couldn't figure out what the situation was, and stepped onto the top of the 99-step stone steps with ease.

Looking back, Bai Yang was dumbfounded, so I came up?

Scratching his head, he couldn't figure out the situation, and Bai Yang looked at the stone platform in front of him.

This is already the highest point of the ninety-nine step. There is no road ahead. I do n’t know if it is because it is at the highest point of the step. There are two things on the stone platform, a book and a stack of white writing. paper……

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