Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1034: Come to the door

Bai Yang understands that superiors such as King Da Yue can not be tolerated by others. She said that if you want to kill, you must kill, regardless of the identity of the other party!

But now it's really not the time for infighting, and death like a hermit is dead, after all, it is an uneasy factor. At this time, it is estimated that nothing can calm the anger of Da Yue Wang's heart, and Bai Yang can only change the topic.

"Her Majesty, listen to me. Now that the enemy is now, if His Majesty is determined to kill them and then fast, I am afraid that when the catastrophe comes to an end, it will be easy to kill them, but it will be difficult for them to come. Defend a strong enemy? "

After listening to Bai Yang's words, despite the fact that King Dayue was still angry and arrogant, he saw that Bai Yang didn't seem to be joking, and frowned, "What do you mean by that?"

After looking at King Duobao and others behind King Dayue, Bai Yang didn't want to make everyone aware of the crisis of the Daguang Dynasty. He said to the other party: "Your Majesty, Daguang Dynasty Chu Tianya will always bring thunder Tianwei is coming. This is by no means an alarmist by Baimou. Listen to me and temporarily put down the grudges and prepare for the battle. If there is not enough preparation, then the Great Moon Dynasty, the Jiang Dynasty and the Chen Dynasty will scorch life into charred soil. Do you want to see it? Have you come to your country to destroy the broken mountains and rivers? "

King Dayue was suspicious, and Shen Sheng responded, "Why are you saying this?"

As the head of a country, King Dayue of the Daguang Dynasty still heard it. Bai Yang said that the other party would come at any time. This could not be ignored by her. Still, as the head of a country, she often had to think for the bigger picture. She felt that It's not too late to ask for more murder.

In the face of Dayuewang's counter-question, Bai Yang was a little embarrassed. He coughed and said, "Your Majesty, this thing is actually caused by me. During this time, I heard that you were retreating, and maybe I do n’t understand the outside world. It will be clear if I go on a search. Although I am affected by this in various countries, Bai is also actively preparing and will be responsible for it. We need everyone's cooperation to ensure foolproofness. Nowadays, Chen Dynasty and Jiang Dynasty all know this. , Is already actively preparing for the war, so please also consider your thoughts. In the face of the crisis of great light, the most important thing for all parties at this time is to unite and gather all our forces to deal with the strong enemy, not to consume our combat power.

"Did you provoke the crisis of Daguang? Can you tell me specifically?" King Dayue looked cold.

No matter who it is, you will not feel good when you know that you will be affected by others. Moreover, as a woman, King of the Moon can still hold back the anger by not chopping Yang Yang's heart.

With a dry cough again, Bai Yang said, "Your Majesty will inquire about it a little bit, and I wo n’t say much. Now I hope that His Majesty will take the overall situation as the first priority, and let go of my personal grievances for the time being. Would you like it?"

"No matter what you say is true or false, anyone who cuts my path today will die!"

The big moon king who had been talking to Bai Yang seriously the other day suddenly chuckled coldly at this moment. He had already started when he talked. The forty-meter sword in his hand was chopped in the air.

So don't guess a woman's mind, turning her face is faster than turning her book.

"Oh, dying ..." The king of the sea behind Bai Yang screamed, his body trembling, and she had seen the horror of the previous King of the Moon. At this time, she couldn't even raise her resistance.

Aspen is speechless. This woman is difficult to do. Does she have no sense of priority? It will not be the relatives of King Dayue these two days. The mentality is too unstable ...

With a few fingers, Jin Lian, the top of the eight ranks, merits Jinlian flew out, slowly spinning while standing in the air, hanging down another Gua merit, Jinguang shrouded Bai Yang and others.

King Dayue slashed on the meritorious golden lotus with a sword, and the sword fell apart, and the golden lotus pattern remained motionless. She was so angry that she couldn't shake Jinlian.

With a cold eye, the King of the Moon no matter how he waved his sword again and again, each sword contained the power of killing the killer king, as if the waves were washing the golden lotus, and he wanted to crush it.

However, the eight grades of merit Jinlian is a smooth and stubborn stone.

Hundreds of knives couldn't break the defense of Jin Lian. King Dayue's heart sank, and he stepped on the void, and the void beneath him twisted into a world of thousands of miles and blue waves. A bright moon hung on the sky in the sky. .

The sea rises to the bright moon, this is the realm of the big moon king.

She slashed again, and the moon in the field rolled down, integrated with the sword, and the power increased tenfold.

Om ..., Jin Lian trembled gently, the surrounding world shivered, breaking the road without a sharp edge, and the opposite King Yue Yue went backwards a thousand miles, looking at this side with a dignified face.

"Have your Majesty calmed down?" Bai Yang asked slightly.

King Dayue had a gloomy face and put away the forty-meter knife. He said, "I am a little convinced that you have really caused the crisis of the Daguang Dynasty. I will trust you for now. Confirm that I will go to discuss with Jiang Haoran and Chen Yongfa. If you dare to deceive me, I will make you pay! "

Speaking of this, King Dayue looked at Chen Yongfa and the sea king and said, "Your things are written down for me, this is not the end!"

After speaking, King Dayue turned and said to King Duobao and others, "Go!"

In fact, she already believed Bai Yang's words, but as a woman, she could not come down to the stage. She chopped her for a long time and hurt her hair. She would only lose face if she stayed there.

Although the King of the Moon is not the strongest state to attack Bai Yang, but she continues to know that it has no meaning anymore. In the realm, Bai Yang cannot be shaken by him!

When they saw the King of the Moon, they wanted to leave, and Bai Yang kindly reminded: "Your Majesty, the sky is proud and the demon moon is over to you. The enemy now, they will also be a great help, just as I am a little bit to bring the crisis Compensation is good "

Although Yaoyue and Changkong Ao have great strengths, they are nothing to Bai Yang, and giving them to the King of the Moon is a step down.

In a footstep, King Dayue told the Duobao King next to them: "Take away!"

Then she stepped out and disappeared into the sky first.

Next, King Duobao and others left with complex feelings. It was a shame that King Da Yue failed to set foot on the Emperor's Mirror, but they were busy, and they would verify Bai Yang's work in the Da Guang Dynasty as soon as possible. Therefore, follow-up arrangements must be made urgently after verification. These poplars do not need to participate, as long as the weapons and equipment are distributed to the three countries at the appropriate time.

However, no one knows that it seems that King Da Yue lost a chance to set foot in the Emperor's Mirror, and Bai Yang was the winner, and he inherited the tradition of the Cold Palace Taoist. Come to snatch, Poplar will never let the second person know!

"Finally it's over" Cang Haiwang patted his chest and was afraid.

Poplar put away the eight grades of merit, Jin Lian turned and shook his lips and said, "End? Soon, wait until the crisis of the Daguang dynasty is resolved. Please ask for blessings. I do n’t think King Da Yue can let you off so easily."

"What to do then?" The Cang Haiwang dumbfounded.

Poplar rolled her eyes and said, "It's my fart"

At this moment, Chen Yongfa looked at Bai Yang with a bitter smile and said, "Brother Bai, the golden lotus before, but the Jingshi lotus platform that was originally obtained by the leader of the blood lotus religion Jingchen?"

"Good," Poplar nodded and replied.

After touching the seemingly ordinary yellow gourd on the waist, Chen Yongfa smiled bitterly and nodded: "I have to go back and cooperate with my Majesty to prepare for the great light, hey, troubled autumn ... say goodbye"

After that, Chen Yongfa turned and left.

Bai Yang probably understood Chen Yongfa's mood. At first, his Xuanhuang gourd was not worse than Jingchen's Jingshilian platform. However, Jingshilian platform has become a merit golden lotus in Baiyang's hands. The gap is like cloud mud.

What makes Chen Yongfa's mood more complicated is that when he first contacted Poplar, Poplar was just an ordinary person who had not yet set foot on the path of cultivation. How long has it passed? Bai Yang has left him far behind ...

It ’s time to go, the King of the Seas tangled for a moment, and stared at Bai Yang: "Hey, surname Bai, what do you want to do next?"

"No, Loli is good, but I'm not interested in you, so I don't want to do it," Bai Yang said with a shrug.

The king of the sea actually understood in seconds, and took two steps back and stared at him with a sip and said, "The surname is Bai, how can you be so filthy when you are young? I ask what you plan to do next"

Alas, it seems that the king of sea is afraid of a thousand-year-old old monster according to the age of the earth?

Come over ~ www.readwn.com ~ Poplar is terribly cold, take two steps back and stay away from the other side and say, "Go back to the Jiang Dynasty, or the King of the Moon will come back and not hack you, as for me, I will go to the north That old wolf is chatting "

After speaking, Aspen turned and left, and disappeared instantly.

"No ... hey, you can't die, I'm finished when you die. Hear no, you can't go, dangerous, then the wolf emperor will kill you ..." Cang Haiwang screamed in place.

However, Bai Yang had already gone. She suddenly burst into tears, and said to herself, "How can you be so stupid, you use the twin flowers on that guy. The most important thing is the other party." I am looking for excitement, and I will be killed at any time. Why is my life so hard ... "

A long-distance poplar almost fell down in the void, and together with the sea king specifically asked me what I would do next without any other interest, purely concerned about my own life.

Towards the north from the Dayue Dynasty, Aspen soon left the territory of the Dayue Dynasty completely, the farther north and colder, the snow and ice melted in the south, but here the frozen world is rare, and in the end the whole world has become a barren paradise of cold-resistant animals. .

People can't break their promises. When they say they want to talk to the wolf emperor, they must go. The war is imminent. This instability must be resolved. As for how to solve it, it depends on the specific situation facing the wolf emperor.

Stepping into the depths of the ice field, Aspen has not yet seen the Wolf Emperor's Wolf Castle. The ice field in front is broken and the ice debris is soaring into the sky. A 10,000-meter-long King Mirror Snow Wolf rises into the sky, and a cold fog covering the sky is spraying towards the sky. Aspens shrouded.

"I don't know if I live or die" Bai Yang Lengheng pointed out, the blue thunder turned across the sky, tearing the cold fog, and even tearing the snow wolf of the king's mirror into pieces, spraying blood, and redening the snow-white ice field ...

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