The wolf emperor killed by the poplar, as the emperor's mirror power, has a large territory under his control. The entire ice field is his territory. Although this ice field is large, it is far from the empire's territory. After a while, the area of ​​this ice field should exceed the entire area of ​​the Chen Dynasty, and not reach the extent of the two countries of the Chen Dynasty and the Jiang Dynasty.

This is a paradise for the wolf. Although there is no shortage of other races to survive here, it is dominated by the wolf.

The vast icefields can be called endless. Although desolate, it is a fertile land that has not been reclaimed. The underground minerals and their richness, if fully exploited, will double the overall national strength of a dynasty.

However, it's too bitter here, and it is difficult for ordinary people to survive. It requires a huge upfront investment to cultivate.

On the way to the destroyed Wolf Castle, Poplar saw two underground orestone veins, one of which was even more abundant than the one controlled by the blood lotus.

This piece of icefield is deserted and unpopulated. Poplar put the battlefield where the Daguang Dynasty was decisively placed here. After the war, I don't know what it will look like.

When I came to the ruined Wolf Castle, I looked around. The mountain collapsed, and countless wolves gathered around, howling and crying in the sky, his voice was stern and desolate.

Regardless of the wolves that came together, the poplar soil powers performed and turned the land over. In the end, he only found less than 20,000 live humans. Before killing the wolf emperor, there were at least 500,000 humans have been enslaved, and there are only so many left today.

At that time, the situation was urgent, and Bai Yang could not care about those who were enslaved. In the face of the wolf emperor, he had to go all out. This was also no way out.

Less than 20,000 people were finally rescued by Bai Yang. Most of them were wounded. They survived the waves in the previous battles. I have to say that these people were really lucky.

"The wolf emperor has been beheaded by this seat. Your suffering is over. I am very sorry for those who have died. The past has passed. In the future, you need to continue to live. Settle down for a while. I will take you to the nearby city of the Great Moon Dynasty, and then you will go home. "

The rescued people below looked at Bai Yang in the sky, their eyes were dull and numb. They didn't know how long they had been enslaved. Each day could be their end, and this time they were relieved, but they were a bit unreal.

With a sigh in his heart, there is only so much that Poplar can do.

In the waving hands, more than a dozen werewolves Wang Jingqiang, who were suppressed in the meridian Jinlian space, were released by Poplar. Looking at them, Poplar Shen said: "The Wolf Emperor has been assassinated by this seat. The method was cruel. Originally, I didn't want to keep you. I read that there is a good virtue in heaven, and I will give you a chance to make up for it. Now, go and call me all the wolves on the icefield that are comparable to human warrior mirrors. Go south and feel your mind carefully. If you don't want your head to explode into pieces in a flash, don't listen to this seat! "

More than a dozen wolf celebrities who turned into humanoids were trembling, and the wolf emperor was killed by poplars, which made them unable to even think of resistance, especially when they felt their minds and found a devastating thunderous dormant, even more Make them afraid to act lightly.

Life is hard-won, and the wolf powerhouse of more than ten Wang Jing has already possessed a high degree of wisdom, and of course he doesn't want to die if he can live. He can only obey Bai Yang's words.

Next, the wolf clan of more than ten kings of mirrors scattered around, and went to all parts of the ice field to summon the wolves according to the instructions of Bai Yang.

Soon after, the icefield trembled, and turbulent wolves swarmed on the ground, more and more, and finally covered the sky, without seeing the end.

The wolves came here, shivering in the ground, and they all saw the very empty picture of Bai Yang Zhenlong before. As beasts, the strong are the most respected. At this time, the wolves had to surrender at the feet of Bai Yang.

In one day, Aspen sent away more than 10,000 survivors and came here again. More than a dozen kings, the King Wolf and the Clan, have all returned, bringing a huge number of wolves. According to Aspen's requirements, the weakest fighting forces are Comparable to human warrior mirror.

Take a few counts, and the wolves that came together were 14 kings, 1,586 masters, and the number of masters was as much as 140,000. As for the martial arts mirror, the number was even more. Billion!

The wolves gathered here can be described as the backbone of the entire icefield. Although the number is large, it is less than one percent of the entire icefield wolves. After all, this territory is too large, but the others are too weak.

Faced with the huge number of wolves in front of them, they originally wanted to take them south, but At this time, Poplar had to adjust the deployment. If they were taken away, the placement alone would be a headache.

There is also a key factor. If the poplars take away the wolves in front of them, the ecological environment of this ice field will be destroyed, and other strong aliens will inevitably jump out.

Weighed my heart, Aspen looked at the overwhelming wolves below and said, "This seat will not take you away. If you go south, it will be void. You will stay here. Soon, this seat will send one of your clan to take over you. All you have to do is listen to him. If you dare to yin and yang, then think of your heads and let them go. "

The wolf clan of the more than ten kings looked at each other, and the poplars arrogantly asked them to gather the wolves together, and then a few words broke up, did this not toss the wolf.

However, the situation is stronger than people. No matter how speechless, I can only bear it. More than ten people ’s wolf clan of King Mirror disperses with wolves, and is guessing which one of their clan comes back to take over here. Is that comparable to the Wolf King ...

The unstable factor of Wolf Emperor has finally been resolved. Looking at the ice field, this will be the buried place of Chu Tianya, if he really dares to come!

Next, Poplar needs to be ready for the coming of the war. Although there is already a certainty in his heart that he can kill Chu Tianya, Poplar will not abandon his strength to a higher level.

Turn around, head south, back to the valley.

In the distance, the Jiang dynasty border, the sea king stared at the north with eager eyes, there was too calm, and she was so scared.

"Isn't it over? Is it dead or alive to give a letter, isn't this tossing someone silently?"

The king of the sea was extremely entangled, and Xiaoming was in the hands of Bai Yang, and Bai Yang went to the Wolf King, but she did n’t know how it turned out. She did n’t stay or stay.

Let ’s go, just in case I do n’t know where it hurts when I walk around? Don't go, when does this have to wait?

The entangled poplar of the sea king did not know, even he almost forgot about the twin flowers, anyway, he would not lose a hair when the sea king was injured or hung up.

In the dynasty dynasty, inside the palace, since returning to the palace, the lord of the month has no idea how many things have been smashed, and the hope of being promoted to the emperor's mirror is cut off by life, no one will have a good temper.

Setting foot on the emperor's mirror is not as simple as absorbing the vitality a thousand times. The place of enlightenment of the cold palace master is affected by the cold palace master himself. The laws of heaven and earth are different from other places. Even the understanding of the laws of heaven and earth can be increased a thousand times!

Therefore, don't look at the King of the Moon just need to retreat in that place for a few days to be able to promote the Emperor Mirror, but in other places, it is far from spending thousands of times to set foot in the Emperor Mirror. In the end, the thousand The principle of multiple perception is the key!

His Majesty was in a bad mood, which led to the entire sky over the kingdom of Dayue Dynasty. Everyone was cautiously afraid of angering His Majesty to cause death. In the short time of the return of Dayue King, dozens of people have been hacked!

At this moment, King of the Big Moon shook his fist, sitting in the study with a bleak face, and footsteps sounded at the door.

Mu Lingye stepped in here, his eyes were complicated, and he watched King Dayue cautiously, "Sister, I have found out clearly."

"Say," Wang Yueyue said coldly.

Taking a deep breath, Mu Lingye said, "Sister, Bai Yang made a big disturbance to the Emperor Guangguang a while ago, killing a Emperor of the Emperor Guangguang to protect the eunuch, and even looting the Daguang Treasury, and even nearly killed Chu Tianya ... Therefore, the estimate that Bai Yang said is true, the Daguang Dynasty will definitely come here to vent its anger ... "

Even though he was still angry, after receiving these reports, King Dayue took a sip of air-conditioning ~ ~ and then he knew what Bai Yang did.

The Emperor's Mirror was all killed by Bai Yang, or the existence of Daguang's elder eunuch. I am afraid that he is not his opponent when he set foot on the Emperor's Mirror?

At this moment, Xiang Ming stepped in here, and said with a shocked expression: "Your Majesty, the latest news, Bai Yang walked alone on the ice field, alone in the wolf emperor, and finally killed it in the depths of the ice field!"

It's another explosive news. Listening to the presence of several people, one by one, their hearts can't shake themselves.

Taking a sip of air-conditioning, King Wang Yueyue said: "Send the order and actively prepare for the war. Send an ambassador to the Chen Dynasty and Jiang Dynasty to communicate with Chen Yongxin Jiang Haoran and jointly cope with the coming calamity!"

After understanding the truth, especially how powerful Bai Yang was, King Dayue had to let go of his anger and prepare for the war. If he didn't take action, then the Daguang dynasty would come, and I am afraid that the homeland would be destroyed!

At the same time, Chen Yongxin of the Chen Dynasty and Jiang Haoran of the Jiang Dynasty also received information one after another, and the poplar went to the icefield alone to kill the wolf emperor!

This news is only circulating in a small area at present. Those who have heard of this news can imagine how shocking it is. I have seen it with my own eyes, and it is so gone.

This news is shocking and shocking, but another effect is to inject a dose of strong needles into several countries that are about to face the calamity. In the face of the big light, their high-end combat power is not without power.

All the way south, Aspen soon returned to the Hulu Valley on the banks of the Bibo River.

During his absence, everything remains the same.

In the valley, in the small courtyard where Poplar lives, when Xiao Lan saw the figure of Poplar, she was surprised for the first time: "Aunt, you are back"

Nodded, what Bai Yang was about to say, but looking at Xiao Lan's gaze suddenly suddenly ...

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