Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1050: variable

After a period of time, the capital of the Great Emperor Dynasty has resumed its past prosperity. It seems that the chaos a few days ago did not happen.

A few days ago, Poplar's move here hurt the royal face too much, and the world didn't even dare talk about it, quietly talking about it in the back.

That incident, for the entire Daguang dynasty, was not only a royal shame, but also a national shame. The country was beaten, the people were beaten, and the entire Daguang dynasty was full of anger from top to bottom. .

Disgrace can only be washed with the blood of the enemy!

In a side hall of the Daguang Palace, Chu Tianya was sitting in a golden dragon robe, with a calm complexion, but his fists clenched under his big sleeves showed that he could not release a anger in his heart at this time.

In this side hall, there are no court eunuchs or subordinates. In addition to Chu Tianya, there are two people, two people who belong to Daguang but not Daguang. The anger in Chu Tianya is brought by these two people. of.

The two men and one woman looked very young. The man's white gown was handsome and handsome, his eyes were slender and his eyebrows were slightly raised, making this man look very difficult to get along with, it seemed that everyone was laughing at him. .

The woman's dark-stained battle armor, with a cold complexion, was astonishing, and seemed to be the killing **** who came out of the blood of the dead mountains.

Chu Tianya was the Emperor Daguang, and he could be said to follow the whole country. However, the two men stood in front of him and looked at him equally.

The woman was okay and her face was calm, but the white man had a contemptuous look.

"Chu Tianya, the more you live, the more you go back, to see what a country is made of, I am ashamed of you, don't you feel blushed? Good skill, I was beaten to the country, big After a troubled departure, I really don't know how thick your skin is to have the courage to live. "The man in white watched Chu Tianya's words and his vicious taunt.

Chu Tianya is the king of a country, but he gives no face at all, he has the qualification and confidence to not give Chu Tianya face.

The woman wearing the dark armor was unable to stand any longer, frowning: "You have enough Song Changge, no matter how you say Chu Tianya is also the king of a country, it's too much!"

"I'm too much? Xiao Bingyan, look at what Chu Tianya has done. I grew up in this country. This is my hometown. But now my hometown is shamed. Chu Tianya has not been able to clean up the shame. How can I Forbearance? It ’s okay to say that he ’s in Chu Tianya? Even if he does n’t pull him off the throne, he will be given face recognition! ”The man in white named Song Changge sneered.

Chu Tianya didn't say a word, a flash of killing in his eyes flashed away, but he resisted. Although this Song Changge was his Daguang emperor's people, he went out very early, but now he cannot control Chu Tianya .

Because the other party is now a disciple of a holy place and has a lot of energy in the holy place!

Chu Tianya cannot and dare not easily offend!

It is also because of the identity of Song Changge's Holy Land disciple that he can point to Chu Tianya's nose and scold.

This guy was purely uninvited. Chu Tianya didn't ask him to help him get revenge. He heard what happened to Daguang and ran back.

Unwilling to talk more with Song Changge, Xiao Bingyan, wearing a dark armor, looked at Chu Tianya calmly and asked, "Your Majesty, when are you waiting? I can't leave for too long."

"Xiao Bingyan, you are just the fourth-grade general of Kunming. Don't make Kunming leave you and you won't be able to operate," Song Changge said, mockingly.

Kun Kingdom is not a small country, but an empire. It is one of the hegemons of the entire Celestial Star. Xiao Bingyan can be a general of Sipin in Kun Kingdom.

Song Changge and Xiao Bingyan are the best out of Daguang. One went to the Holy Land to practice, and the other joined an empire to serve in the empire. The meaning of identity made Chu Tianya have to tolerate repeatedly.

Hearing Xiao Bingyan's question, Chu Tianya exhaled softly and said, "It has already begun, the army has already begun, and when it is close to the destination, you will be crossed by the imperial convoy!"

"That's all," Xiao Bingyan nodded.

Song Changge said, "This is what it looks like. A little dynasty guy dared to come and insult my hometown. It was so tired and crooked. When that guy gave it to me, I would give it a thousand swords, and As a punishment, the small country and countless souls around it have to be buried, and I want to make that place alive! "

There was a hint of irony in the corner of Chu Tianya's mouth. As a disciple with some influence in the Holy Land, Song Changge was undoubtedly capable, but he was too proud to seem to put anyone outside the Holy Land in his eyes. Such a person would suffer sooner or later.

Think of it this way, Chu Tianya sighed in his heart, what is the name of himself and this kind of guy who does not have a brain? If this guy holds the current mentality to deal with Bai Yang, I am afraid he will carry a big heel, he thinks there is a good show.

There are countless people in Daguang, but in the thousands of years, Song Changge and Xiao Bingyan are one of the two most outstanding representatives. One joined the sacred place and one joined the empire. They had all left for hundreds of dollars. They heard that the shame in their hometown had returned. I have to say that although the two men didn't take Chu Tianya too seriously, they still had a bit of friendship for this country.

On Tianyuan Star, there are many outstanding geniuses in various places to practice and practice in the Holy Land and Empire. The entire Daguang can join the Holy Land and Empire. Thousands of yuan have not come to more than a dozen people. Once entering such forces, it can be described as a fish. Yuelongmen has never been the same.

But some of those people will never return, while others have fallen. Although Chu Tianya thinks that the help of these two people is not needed, it is not easy to get rid of them when they come.

After the last poplar's departure, Chu Tianya never underestimated the poplar and made all-around preparations secretly, only to wait for the moment, but now the arrival of the two men has greater control, although that is not what he wants.

At the border of the Daguang dynasty, a total of 20 billion troops were assembled and dispersed. It is infinite, people eat horses and chews, and every day ’s consumption is astronomical.

Every soldier of the 20 billion army had a anger in his heart. Only at the moment of the outbreak, the war was soaring and he was a division of tigers and wolves.

This group of army has two coaches, each of which leads the 10 billion army, and they will lead the army as their vanguard.

The two coaches are Chu Tianya's sons, Chu Hao and Chu Jiang.

Appointing their two brothers as coach, Chu Tianya seems to have a vague test of their ability, so both brothers are trying to do their best.

As soon as he thought about it, the Emperor also said.

The army assembled, and the country sent a command from Chu Tianya to march. Suddenly, two hundred billion troops were dispatched, and cross-border operations wanted revenge and resentment!

On the sky, a huge floating warship was erected, covering the sky, and each one was hundreds of miles long. It was not only a weapon for transport, but also a war machine.

Taking this weapon of war, Ren Wangjing has to go for two yuan. The army only needs a moment!

Obviously, the Daguang dynasty itself did not have the ability to produce such warfare weapons, and they all imported from the empire at a great cost.

The army set out and made a smooth journey, and the nations along the way opened doors of convenience to let this army pass.

Daguang's cross-border battle is only to deal with one person and to rid the anger of several little dynasties. It has to be said that this is a big news, and it cannot be talked about worldwide. All the surrounding parties are waiting for the result.

Once Daguang's revenge is smooth, after all, it is all expected. If something goes wrong, hehe, it's fun.

Bai Yang can be described as the public enemy of Daguang. The army's revenge is just one aspect. Countless people with lofty ideals have already acted. Countless folk warriors and monks rush to their destinations through various channels with a disgraceful attitude. The blood washed away the shame on the body.

Such a large-scale marching action cannot be concealed. The distant Chen, Chaojiang, and Dayue dynasties all got the news and were actively preparing for the catastrophe.

A little poplar's estimate is wrong. The army sent by Chu Tianya is not 30 billion but 20 billion. Perhaps Chu Tianya thinks this is enough, but there are two variables, Song Changge and Xiao Bingyan ...

In the forest of Chen Wangchao's sidewalk, Huzi has been traveling for thousands of miles for three days, and still hasn't found the place where Aspen populated.

He was also a bad-tempered man. He could n’t find the gorilla and angered him. The gorilla was a few times on this day. The gorilla gave the numbness that was so bad-tempered. Who has me.

Do n’t dare to run if you are stabbed, and get stabbed even harder at the first run, so the gorilla sorrows into a tiger's mount, and smokes and frustrates to take him around the forest all day.

Poplar caught in deep cultivation did not pay attention to the outside world and naturally did not know that Huzi had been looking for him for a few days.

Until now, Bai Yang has not been able to set foot on the True God Mirror ~ www.readwn.com ~ even the time to set foot seems to be indefinite.

With the constant refinement of the Tianyan Scriptures in the Taoist scripture avenue, his dojos and dharmas have reached an appalling level, at least in the Tianshi mirror.

Reading the Scriptures of the Tao, Bai Yang has been able to recite nearly two hundred times at a time. In the misty world, he can see a few meters away, and the rules inside are refreshing his cognition every day.

However, he felt that this was not enough. His dojo and Fa-phase had not reached the limit, and he wanted to see a wider place in the misty world.

As he penetrated into the misty world, the poplar became more frightened. The misty world seemed to have no end. The more hidden the avenue rules became, the more terrifying he was. He couldn't imagine how mysterious avenue rules would be seen after seeing through the misty world. I want to go a little deeper.

After another mental exhaustion, the poplar withdrew from the misty world and regained its vitality.

Feeling that there was a change outside the array he arranged, he frowned, and it turned out that the tiger was riding a gorilla blindly.

Seeing Hu Zi punching and punching and sitting down, Gorilla kept smashing the picture where Master was there, and Poplar opened the formation to pull him in and asked, "Huzi, do you want me?"

Suddenly appeared in an unfamiliar place, the tiger was shocked, almost did not cry after seeing the poplar, and quickly said: "Master, I find you so hard ..."

"Stop me, there's something to talk about, I'm busy," Bai Yang interrupted without a word, and you cried too much.

Scratching his head, Huzi hurriedly said, "Master, there is news from the Chen Dynasty, the Daguang Dynasty has begun to act, and you need to preside over the overall situation."

With a frown, Bai Yang's heart said that the day still came. It seemed that he couldn't break through the true mirror before that.

"Since the realm cannot be broken ... it should be too late" Bai Yang thought ...

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