Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1059: Chu Tianya has a conspiracy!

"What's unstable, surnamed Bai, that's my thing, I didn't say I'll give it to you, okay?" The sea king stared at Bai Yang with a stare.

Ignoring this kind of boring topic, Bai Yang looked at everyone present and said, "You have done a battle with Daguang's army before, and wiped out 400 million enemy troops. Such a shameful thing they will continue to suppress. This will give Given our large operating space, I would like to ask, do you remember those big generals who were killed by you? "

"Of course I remember, after all, it happened not long ago," Jiang Haoran nodded and replied.

So Bai Yang said: "Okay, then we will select a few people to take the kind of elixir of the King of the Sea, disguised as the great general killed by you, and then immediately set off to find the army that has not returned, and detoured behind ... "

After a lot of crackling, Aspen gave them a detailed elaboration of the next action plan.

After listening, everyone looked at Aspen's eyes almost like monsters. This kind of insidious trick was all imagined. Those countries that watched from the wall would not be dragged into the water.

"My surname is Bai, and I didn't say that I would take out that elixir for free ..." The sea king was still struggling, but when he saw the eyes of others around him, he could only shut up.

"The soldiers are expensive and fast, everyone acts, and strives to bring reinforcements when the decisive battle comes"

After the plan was discussed, everyone acted quickly.

Because Daguang's army will reach the front in two days, this time Chen Yongxin Jiang Haoran and Dayue Wang did not go out. They went to Chen Yongfa Xiang Ming Ye Tiannan and Mu Lingye. In addition to the four of them, they also brought Four other men left Wang Jingqiang.

Eight people, disguised as the general killed by Daguang, took the 4 billion ambush army to detour behind!

At the same time, the three dynasties of the Chen Dynasty, the Jiang Dynasty and the Dayue Dynasty, immediately dispatched a large number of envoys and immediately set off for the dynasties targeted by the Poplar.

Daguang Xiongbing is on his way, or it will arrive in two days, and there is not much time left for Bai Yang.

Time slipped away quietly. One day later, the envoys of the three kingdoms of the Chen Dynasty, the Jiang Dynasty, and the Dayue Dynasty came here to meet the head of the South Xinjiang dynasty.

The southern Xinjiang dynasty is a country with an overall national strength that is not worse than the original wolf dynasty. The territory is huge and the population is large. In this country, there are four kings who are strong on the bright side, and there may be secretly.

The king of southern Xinjiang can be regarded as a hero. Although he has not succeeded in expanding the territory after taking over the throne, he can maintain his national strength without decline under the eyes of many neighboring countries, which is enough to reflect his means.

In recent days, the king of southern Xinjiang was a little upset. The army of Gein Daguang passed by his country. There were secret reports. Two people in his country, Wang Jingqiang, who did not obey the command of the dynasty, joined the army of Daguang. More.

The King of the Kings is a strategic weapon of the dynasty. It was taken away by Daguang. It is only strange that the southern Xinjiang king can have a good mood. Although the two are not obedient, Daguang did not force any When people joined, the Southern Xinjiang King could only secretly get angry in his heart.

When I received reports from three people in the south, envoys came from the south. At first, the king of the southern Xinjiang did not want to pay attention to it. After all, in his opinion, the three countries have been stared at by the big light. However, more than one envoy from one country came, but envoys from three countries came together. This aroused the interest of the king of Southern Xinjiang and was ready to meet.

In the chapel, the king of the southern Xinjiang looked at the envoys of the three countries below, and said with a smile, "The Daguang Dynasty has already been under great pressure. Do you think that there is still time to protect our country and defend our country?"

Below, the envoys of the three dynasties of the Chen Dynasty, the Jiang Dynasty, and the Dayue Dynasty looked at each other, and the envoys of the Jiang Dynasty stood out and arched: "See His Majesty the Southern Xinjiang, I'm not here to protect our country and protect our country ..."

Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, the Southern Xinjiang King interrupted with a smile: "So what are you doing here? Is it because you want to join the Southern Xinjiang Dynasty when you see the destruction of the country? If so, it is not impossible."

Facing this slightly ironic tone, the envoys of the three countries were not angry, and the people of the Chen Dynasty came out to look at the Southern Xinjiang King and said, "Thank you for the good intentions of the Southern Xinjiang King. Although my country is disturbed, I haven't waited. In order to serve the purpose of other countries, I am here to implore His Majesty the King of Southern Xinjiang to send troops to help deal with Daguang, and please His Majesty ’s grace. "

Hearing this sentence, the king of the southern Xinjiang looked cold, and his heart did so. He sneered, "Don't you think that you dare not kill you? Please send troops to deal with Daguang together. I want you to Will the Southern Xinjiang Dynasty destroy the country! "

The soldiers of the South Xinjiang never thought about sending troops to help them. But the Daguang dynasty had to open a convenient door for marching from his own country.

Facing the aggressive stance of the king of the southern Xinjiang, the envoys of the Three Kingdoms had already anticipated and had prepared speeches long ago, and the people of the Dayue Dynasty came forward and said, "Her Majesty the southern Xinjiang, forgive me, I am afraid you are sending reinforcements. The most correct choice, if not, I'm afraid it will ruin the country! "


At the exit of this sentence, a roar rang, and a man in the Southern Xinjiang Dynasty, Wang Jingqiang, stared at the envoys of the Three Kingdoms with a slashing sword.

The king of Southern Xinjiang frowned to prevent the impulse of the man, and he looked at the envoys of the Three Kingdoms and said, "You guys talked to him, why do n’t you send troops to reinforce the country? If you do n’t know why, do n’t blame him. You are a guilty conspiracy! "

In the face of this situation, Bai Yang planned long ago. The envoys of the Three Kingdoms knew something. Chen Dynasty ambassadors came forward and said, "His Majesty the Southern Xinjiang, please listen to me for analysis. The army came across the border to destroy our three countries. You know this, but do you think it's really that simple? "

"A joke, is there any hidden affair? The emperor Chu sent troops to avenge and vent his anger. The world knows, what is the relationship with us?" Shen Wang of the South Xinjiang said.

"The problem is here. If you want to come to the South Xinjiang King, you also know that the reason why the emperor Chu sent troops to destroy some of our countries is because of what Mr. Bai Yangbai did in Daguang, but please still think about it. The Emperor Chu could vent his anger by killing Mr. Bai. Why is it so much fanfare? "

Without waiting for the King of Southern Xinjiang to speak, the envoy continued: "The reason is very simple. The Chu emperor's army was only an excuse for venting his anger. He has a bigger plan or conspiracy!"

"What conspiracy?" The Southern Xinjiang king asked subconsciously.

If Aspen were here, it would probably be said that the King of Southern Xinjiang was taken to the ditch.

What I want is your response. The envoy continued to say, "Mr. Bai knows all about the trouble, but nobody knows about it. Mr. Bai's trouble is a secret of Emperor Chu. Plan, this secret is of vital importance. It is related to the survival of many neighboring countries. It is precisely because Mr. Bai took away the secret from the emperor that he could not wait to dispatch troops just after stabilizing the domestic situation. He started that in advance in the name of revenge and anger. Secret plan! "

"Clarify to you, what exactly is it?" Wang Nanjiang frowned slightly.

Looking at the King of Southern Xinjiang, the envoy said, "This secret is that the Emperor Chu knew how to set foot in the mirror of the Emperor, and it has been implemented in secret. Mr. Bai accidentally learned this secret, so the Emperor Chu was so impatient. Killing people so much that there was such a big movement in the Emperor Guangguang. This time, the army of 20 billion yuan came in. The king of the southern Xinjiang, do you think they are only dealing with the three dynasties? If this is the case, you do n’t need to dispatch an army at all. , Not to mention the masters along the way, the emperor Chu has a bigger plot, after annihilating our three countries, he will immediately march north, destroy the countries along the way, and bring the borderless territory into his own hands! Your Majesty, think about it, would Daguang let you go after destroying our three kingdoms? Once he set foot in the Emperor's Mirror, the territory of Daguang would be worthy of his strength? So, you are already at risk and you do n’t know, I Waiting for reinforcements is not as simple as asking you to save our three nations. You also need to save yourself. The only way to gather the power of many countries is to crush Chu Huang in one fell swoop. Conspiracy to peace and harmony, but also the way to the southern foot of Heaven mirror you do not want the king to know it ...... "

A lot of envoys crackled ~ www.readwn.com ~ All are fooled words arranged by Poplar, the purpose is to make these countries have a sense of crisis, so that they have to send reinforcements, and the secret of stepping into the mirror of the emperor is probably not much Personally does not move!

Of course, just one side of this word is definitely not convincing to the other side, and it needs the cooperation of other parties.

When the king of Nanjiang heard this, his face sank and said, "Shut up, come, take them down!"

He didn't want to listen anymore, and he didn't dare to listen. If it was really like what the envoys of the Three Kingdoms said, I'm afraid something would happen!

After the envoys of the three countries went down, the southern king asked the remaining ministers, "What do you think?"

"Your Majesty, don't believe their words, this is clearly trying to drag our Southern Xinjiang Dynasty into the water," said an old minister.

"Yes, Your Majesty, Daguang is not something we can provoke. Don't let this muddy water flow ..."

In your words to the ministers, there was an urgent military situation from outside, and they went straight to the Great Hall of the Capital.

A border officer came to the National Palace Hall kneeling anxiously and said, "Under the command, our spies found that a billion light troops far away from the border are hiding their hidden purpose, and please subscribe to it!"

"Is there such a thing?" The king of the South Xinjiang suddenly got up and said suddenly.

"This matter is true. One billion troops are all wearing Daguang equipment. Two of them, King Jing, have records in each country. They must not be fake!" Said the general who came to report.

"The newspaper, His Majesty, secret letters came from a number of countries around the country, saying that the Daguang Army's dormant purpose was unknown in many places. Many countries have confirmed that many billions of troops are indeed Daguang Army. No doubt, all parties asked His Majesty to do "Why?" At this moment, an old **** hurried to speak.

Two consecutive news blasted above the chapel. Suddenly, the military and military officials of the Southern Xinjiang dynasty and the military context sank ...

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