Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1061: The outbreak of war!

"Mr. Bai, we succeeded. The eight dynasties successively sent troops ranging from 10 billion to 20 billion troops to the south. Not only that, they also united other dynasties by themselves. Today, a total of 15 dynasties have joined. The war situation has a total strength of hundreds of billions, which is unknown! "

At the camp of the army, the poplars gathered, and Jiang Haoran, who received the news, looked at the poplar and marveled.

It's incredible. Bai Yang actually used his plan to provoke more than a dozen dynasties to join the battle group, and the common goal was the 20 billion army of the Daguang Dynasty. This was something they couldn't even imagine before.

Although the combat effectiveness of the army of more than a dozen dynasties is not comparable to that of the Daguang dynasty, there are so many people that they can pile up each other!

Send envoys to spread the threat theory of the Daguang dynasty, interfere with the judgments of the patriarchs, and even use their own army to disguise the Daguang army almost to the point of falsehood, forcing those dynasties to target Daguang for self-protection!

Exhaling gently, Bai Yang knew that nowadays it is really stable. Although the military power of the Daguang dynasty is powerful, it can no longer return to the army with a force that is 20 to 20 times more than itself!

It ’s just a comparison of the number of troops. It seems that the dawn of victory is on their side, but do n’t forget that there is also Chu Tianya, as the emperor ’s mirror, if he cannot be killed, he may be able to control this time alone. The battle!

There is no way, the Emperor's Mirror is too powerful. If he doesn't face the army to kill the owners of the countries with his own hands, no one can stop it!

"Chu Tianya is not in Daguang's army. He will come at any time. What we have to do now is to monitor the situation of Daguang's march at all times. When they reach the front line, don't give them rest time. We will send troops immediately. The attack, caught him by surprise, once the war broke out, the army of more than a dozen dynasties in the rear came, and Daguang would suffer the enemy on his stomach! "Bai Yang's eyes flashed in a deep voice.

The first time to send troops to the outbreak of war was that Bai Yang didn't want to reconcile Daguang with those more than ten dynasties. Once they understood the truth, I'm afraid that instead of dealing with Daguang, they would join forces with Daguang directly, and once they fought There is no chance of reconciliation.

"Mr. Bai rest assured that we are monitoring Daguang's march at all times. They will arrive at most half a day, and more than a dozen dynasty troops brought in at the rear will arrive at most one day later," Chen Yongxin said.

Nodding his head, Bai Yang said, "Well, it's not too late, everyone, all come to the front line. Once we see Daguang's army appear, we will start the charge. As long as we drag the army behind, we will win!"

"it is good"

The crowd responded and left. Soon after, the 70 billion troops of the three countries stationed on the ice field acted, leaving 10 billion distributed on various lines of defense, and all others were ready to start the charge at any time!

Bai Yang also left the barracks and the war broke out. He could not stay out of the incident and was actively preparing.

Around the former Wolf Fortress, above the snowy field, large and small wolves gathered like tide water, without seeing the end, they were densely packed, no less than two billion, and the weakest ones were comparable to human warriors!

The coyotes almost summoned all the capable wolves on the ice field.

When he came here, Aspen watched the little wolf and commanded, "Soon after the war broke out, you led the wolves around the enemy flanks to launch an attack. The purpose was only to disperse their formation, so that they could not stop the effective formation."

"The master is assured, I will lead the wolf tribe to do it," said the little wolf, who looked like a nod, earnestly, his silver hair dancing and his whole body rising in battle.

"Well, we must pay attention to safety. Your task is to dissolve each other's formation. Do you need to know with them?" Bai Yang touched his head and said.

"We will protect Lord Wolf King," said fourteen wolf king Wang Jingqiang, standing behind the little wolf.

Looking at their expressions and tone, Bai Yang found that they seemed to be more respectful than the original wolf emperor, and had unconditional respect and surrender to the little wolf.

What caused the poplar is not clear, and there is no time to seriously ask.

Arranged here, Poplar went to find Zhao Shi and them again.

Six thousand people, now only a few people have not yet set foot in the realm of the Grand Master. For those who have not set foot in the realm of the Grand Master, it takes less than a minute for Aspen to send it to the nearest city of the Chen Dynasty. However, they are not suitable to join this battle unless they are in the realm of the Grand Master.

Later, Bai Yang arranged to Zhao Shi and said, "The battle is about to start, Zhao Shi. Your task is very important. Take a team of ten people to hunt down the King of the Kings of the Daguang Dynasty. Remember not to place orders. After I succeeded, I would help other teams immediately. I estimate that there are definitely not 600 people in Daguang ’s Wang Jingqiang group. Two hundred will be out of the sky. The great masters over there are all high-level generals above Daguang. They are dead, and Daguang ’s army is chaotic. It ’s good for us, but it ’s also dangerous. You must pay attention to your own safety. ”

"Master, rest assured, we must complete the task!" Zhao Shi nodded and promised.

"Well, get ready, see the timing, you will be dispatched as soon as the war breaks out, the target is the high ranks in the army of the Daguang Dynasty!" The order was completed, and Bai Yang left.

After the poplar left, Zhao Shi looked at Liuqian Shanmin and said, "Brothers, have you heard the command of the young master? This is our first battle. We must not lose face to the young master. The Daguang Dynasty came to kill the young master. , Master took us out of the forest, and let us see a wider world. With today's cultivation, it is time for us to repay Master. This battle will surely be dead, and many people will die. However, we used to be just lost in the forest. Mountain people like ants are the changes that the young master brought to us today. It is the young master who changed the lives of our family. Now we use this life to repay the young master, brothers, are you afraid of death? "

"Hahaha, I'm afraid of an egg. If it weren't for the young master, I am afraid I would have died at the beast's mouth. Now that I have such a skill, why not die for the young master? Moreover, it is not necessarily us who die!"

"That is, we all have the practice of the master's realm, practice the secret book of thunder, wear wolf emperor leather armor, and the single player's combat power is enough to be equal to the king of the people. Can't ten people kill one?"

Everyone, you say a word to me. There is no nervousness about killing, but I am very excited. I can finally help the master.

On the other side, on the top of a snow-capped mountain, Aspen looks out over the icefield in the distance, Lan Xin sits on the floor beside him, and drinks slowly.

"Brother Lan, if Chu Tianya is the only one in this battle, you don't have to take a shot," Bai Yang Yao Wang said from a distance.

After drinking, Lan Xin nodded and said, "Okay, but if there are other Emperor Mirror Powerhouses, Brother Bai can just focus on dealing with Chu Tianya, and the rest will be left to me!"

"Well, but if there are other strong emperor mirrors, do n’t fight if you are not. You have been to my hometown, and you should know that there is a saying that staying in Qingshan is not worrying about no firewood, and everything is life-saving. There is a life, no matter how great the hatred, there is a chance to report, no matter how many you have, you have a chance to get it back, "Bai Yang said.

"I understand, Brother Bai, have you thought about it, what if there is more than one or two Emperor Mirror Powers in the light of the Great Master?" Lan Xin thought for a while.

With a tight heart, Bai Yang said, "If you have more than one or two, you can kill if you can kill, but you should keep your life as the priority!"

With a smile, Lan Xin stood up and patted Bai Yang on the shoulder and said, "Do n’t think so much, I ’ll just say that, the Daguang Dynasty, the Shinto monk at Zhang Dongge died, the head of Duan died, and the old **** protecting the country also Dead, except for Chu Tianya, there should be no other Emperor Mirror Powerhouse, so everything is still under control, I guess I have no chance to shoot. "

"Of course it's best," Bai Yang said with a smirk.

"In short, everything is careful, brother Bai, you must understand that you are about to be a dad, and there are so many people behind you who care about you, so be careful" Lan Xin repeatedly warned.

"Haha, don't worry, I won't die. I'm afraid there are few in the world that can beat me," Bai Yang said with a confident smile.

Speaking, Aspen's eyes were frozen, the ice field was at the end, and a black line appeared on the horizon, a heavy sense of depression came to his face.

The black line is advancing, and the end can not be seen at a glance. It is the 20 billion army of the Daguang Dynasty!

Countless huge floating warships cut through the sky ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seems like a sky is rolling over. In the face of such a picture, Rao is filled with depression.

Don't look at him as a strong man. If he was alone in the encirclement of the 20 billion army, he would probably be killed alive!

"The war has begun" Aspen took a deep breath.

On the opposite side, in the army of the Daguang Dynasty, the two front coaches, Chu Hao and Chu Jiang, saw the distant defense line at a glance at the first sight, a sneer appeared on their faces, and the thoughts were based on what you arranged. Resist my army?

Looking at the Chujiang River hundreds of miles to the left, Chu Hao said, "Nine brother, we are about to reach our destination. We will stop at an encampment thousands of miles away from the enemy to welcome the father, and the father is ready. So much, he will personally lead the army to smooth the ground here! "

"I know, you don't need to say it," Chu Jiang nodded in the opposite direction.

Their conversations were conducted by way of transmission and were not known to anyone else.

As a dynasty army, when they face the little dynasty, they are confident that they can only bully each other, and the other party is absolutely afraid to take the initiative to attack, I am afraid that they will come for mercy soon?

As for the sneak attack two days ago, it was only an accident. The two brothers selectively left it behind ...

With this mentality, Chu Hao and Chu Jiang led the army forward with a downward attitude.

However, a stunned look appeared on the faces of all Daguang troops soon after.

The earth is trembling, Tianyu is twisting, and the endless ice fields seem to be collapsing. Opposite the sky and the ground, hundreds of millions of troops are almost flooding everyone's sight.

How many small dynasties dare to take the initiative to charge them?

A multi-faceted battle, so there is no outbreak of the slightest omen!

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