Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1078: pollen

Tianchen Xingjin is too rare. Even on Tianyuan Xing, not many people know the existence of this kind of thing. Those who have seen or even own this metal are rare.

The reason why Poplar knew this metal was purely because of the cheats left by the Cold Palace Taoist.

Visually, this big uncle Tianchen was star-studded, and Poplar's head was a little bit stingy.

Whether it's Destroyer Gold or Tianchen Xingjin, there are extremely precious and scarce things on the other side of the world. Hundreds of yuan are not necessarily born of such things, and even if they are born, it will not be too much.

However, on the earth's side, it was extinct gold first, and now it is celestial star gold. They have appeared in succession and all fell into the hands of poplars, and their volume is quite large, which is somewhat unreasonable.

Could it be said that this starry sky is particularly capable of giving birth to such a fetish?

Poplar muttered, but felt it was unreliable. In the end, he thought that it should be the reason that there were almost no monks in the world before him. No one used it, and the number was more.

After all, even ordinary things, endless mining and utilization for countless years, will look extremely rare and precious in the end.

As for falling into his own hands, Poplar can only say that this is luck and chance.

"Husband, what is this? So beautiful" Wang Qingyu next to him looked at Tianchen Xingjin and asked.

Recalling his thoughts, Bai Yang explained: "This is a very special metal called Tianchen Xingjin, so you can describe it, even if it is just as large as a fingernail, which is enough to buy 100 earth in terms of money. ! "

Wang Qingyu was shocked at the scene and couldn't understand why this kind of thing was so precious. In response, she tangled and said, "My husband says it is a metal called Tianchen Xingjin, but it doesn't seem to be solid."

Poplar smiled and said to Wang Qingyu: "It is indeed metal, but it is now in its natural state, not solid. Once processed by special means, it can become solid metal. At that time, unless it is destroyed into dust, it must be Otherwise, its state can no longer be changed, but this metal is not known for its solidity. Perhaps it is not as hard as steel. The reason why it is precious is that it comes with a unique characteristic. Because of that characteristic, it only Looks precious "

"What characteristics?" Wang Qingyu asked.

Recalling the explanation in the Secret Code, Bai Yang introduced: "I'll explain it to you, maybe you can't understand it, but you can get a general understanding. Its characteristics, in the words of a monk, are natural. It is a kind of crushing force. Of course, after processing, in the face of that crushing force, conventional things will break as soon as they get closer. The closer they get, the more they will break. Take a piece of pig iron to describe it. After processing this metal, I am afraid it will break into an atomic structure! "

"So ... magical?" Wang Qingyu was surprised.

With a smile, Bai Yang said, "There is something more magical. If it is made into a weapon or a magic weapon and urged by special means, it will attract the blessing of the broken rules of the heavens and the earth. If the strength is sufficient, use this Weapons or magic weapons made of metal can break everything! "

After hearing the words of Bai Yang, Wang Qingyu was at a loss, and she could not accurately understand the words described by Bai Yang.

But Poplar stumbled again at this time, and suddenly thought about something.

It's no wonder that the three swords created by Taoist Leng Gong claim to be able to annihilate the present, the past and the future, because the materials used to make the three swords and implements are so extraordinary.

Destroying gold can destroy deities, which is its unique characteristic. The strange weapon made by it can stimulate the blessing of the rules of heaven and earth even if the poplar is not a true mirror, although it is very weak.

Once Tianchen Xingjin is incorporated, it will increase the power of fragmentation, which will lead to the blessing of the broken rules. In the same level, the enemy's weapon armor and even the body may be broken at the touch!

If all nine of the most mysterious metals in the heavens and the earth were collected and refined into that piece of tool, Aspen could not imagine what kind of tool could be reached by that piece alone!

Between the poplars, Wang Qingyu on the side pushed her and looked at the Quartet in horror: "Look, what's going on around me? Why is there an endless golden cloud out of thin air? Here is the cold starry sky, but there is no What is reflective and why is this vision happening? "

As Wang Qingyu said, at this moment, with the poplars as the center, the endless golden clouds appear in the cold and dark cosmic starry sky, covering the four sides, as the tide of the sea rolls.

Aspen responded, with an unexpected expression on his face, saying, "Clear rain need not be surprised. This is because I solved the celestial body, prevented the earth ’s disaster from coming, and the merits of the heavens felt and descended. Too much ... "

To save the earth, Aspen expected merit to increase, but the golden light of merit that appeared at this moment was really too much.

To what extent?

The golden light of merit appearing at this moment is ten times more than the golden light of poplar that appeared in the reign of Daguang in the Daguang Dynasty!

This is impossible for Poplar to understand. Once the evil disaster of the Daguang dynasty is swept out, the affected souls must be counted at least in trillions, and the earth, at best, has more than 7 billion people. How could it be possible to solve this disaster with more merit than that?

Mind flickered, and Poplar quickly understood the reason. This earth disaster represented the extermination, and the disaster of the Daguang dynasty last time only meant to harm one side!

The meaning of the representatives of the two sides is different, so although the earth pattern is small, the merit gained is ten times more than last time!

With a shudder, thinking of this, Poplar suddenly realized that if this was the case, wouldn't it mean that there were no humans at all except the earth?

After the disturbing thoughts, the poplar Jinlian in the consciousness of the sea automatically flew out, suspended above his head, Jin Xiacancan, slowly rotating, like an invisible black hole devouring the boundless merit of the surrounding golden light.

Suddenly, the vast and boundless merit golden cloud surged in, and quickly merged into the merit golden lotus.

With the boundless merit flowing into the golden lotus, the ninth layer of buds that had just been absorbed by the golden light in Tianyuan Star not long ago bloomed to the naked eye.

The golden petals stretched out, and a pink pollen-like mist was flying out of the center. Like a snake, the stream continued to pour into the poplar's mouth and nose, smelling the fragrant smell. The poplar was shaken, the head was clearer than ever, it seemed like a soul. Got sublimation.

For the blessing of the soul, Poplar immediately took up Tianchen Xing's gold cross-legged and sat in a state of practice, and did not forget to protect Wang Qingyu first.

I don't know what happened, Wang Qingyu didn't bother talking, but looked at the changes around him in amazement.

The boundless merit of golden light surging in and out of the golden lotus of the poplar's head, Jin Xia bursts, bathed in the light emitted by Jin Lian, Wang Qingyu only felt warm and indescribable, and then she subconsciously crossed her legs. Sit and start practicing.

During the practice, Wang Qingyu felt that the speed of her practice was one hundred times that she was bathed in the golden light of merit.

"Does the golden lotus above my husband's head still have the effect of accelerating the practice?" She thought so, and then began to cultivate with all her heart.

In fact, it was Wang Qingyu who thought wrong. The merit gold lotus did not make people increase the speed of practice. The reason why she practiced a hundred times faster was actually the reason that some merit gold light automatically integrated into her body.

After all, she was with Bai Yang to solve this earth disaster. Although she did n’t work hard, she felt that God had given me some merits. Compared with what Bai Yang obtained, her point was insignificant.

However, Wang Qingyu did not know how to use the golden light of merit. At this time, her speed of practice was purely consuming merit.

At this moment, Jinlian's merit Jinlian fell into a deep state of cultivation, as did Wang Qingyu.

They were caught in the practice and they didn't find out for the moment that the change of the merit golden lotus with the ninth layer of buds bloomed didn't stop ...

The Taoist True God Chapter silently reverberates in the heavens and the earth. Only Bai Yang can hear and feel. He has once again come to that misty world.

At this time, his head was absorbing merit and golden light evolved merit Jinlian. A wave of pink pollen-like mist passed from his mouth and nose into his body and merged into the sea. His energy was extraordinarily strong. .

In his eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ The misty world became clearer as the Scriptures were read.

Speaking a hundred times, he can already see a few meters outside the mist. At this time, he would feel tired, but now instead of being exhausted, he is getting more and more vigorous!

Two hundred Scriptures, he can already see ten meters away, and he is still not tired!

Three hundred times, five hundred times, one thousand times, ten thousand times ...

The misty world gradually became clear, five meters, ten meters, one hundred meters, kilometers ...

This misty world seems vast and boundless, and the clear part is still shrouded in mist.

In the already clear part of the misty world, the rules of heaven and earth are horizontal, some are like the size of hair, some are coiled like pythons, and further away, more powerful rules appear, like the texture of the avenue and the chain of order. .

Each rule gives a different feeling, some kindness, some violentness, some full of destruction, and some vibrant ...

There is no difference between strong and weak rules. They are only used. Even rules that are as thin as hair are also useful. They have mysterious characteristics that other rules do not have.

There is no doubt that the deeper the depth of the foggy world, the more useful the rules will be!

Aspen tirelessly, reading the Scriptures over and over again, the foggy world in his eyes became clearer farther away, but when he could see a place ten thousand meters away from the foggy world, he still did not touch the margins, far away. Still misty.

Ten thousand meters away, the rules of every day are like the yoke of heaven and earth, crossing the sky, looming in the fog, inscrutable and powerful.

"When is it the head?" Bai Yang was speechless.

However, under the influence of that strange fragrance, he was full of energy, and he was tireless. The opportunity was rare. He didn't stop to recite the scriptures ...

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