Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1089: Point-and-shoot

The construction of the teleportation team was successful. Aspen appreciated his masterpiece and was generally satisfied. After all, he succeeded for the first time.

The teleportation array can open a space channel and stabilize the space channel. At that time, the teleportation array was extremely solid and integrated with the space. Unless it has the means to break the space, it can hardly be destroyed.

However, the teleportation array is very fragile when it is not opened, and it is very easy to be destroyed. It is like the teleportation array of the Daguang Dynasty was destroyed by the poplar. After all, the material carrying the transport array is not very strong, so it needs to be Other means to protect the teleportation array.

Next, Poplar arranged several defensive formations around the teleportation array to ensure the security of the transport array itself.

Seeing that Bai Yang stopped, Wang Qingyu came over and looked at the teleportation array and asked, "Husband, how is the result?"

"My husband, I got off the horse, of course I succeeded," Bai Yang laughed.

Wang Qingyu kissed Bai Yang and coaxed the child and said, "Okay, okay, my husband is the best, but how is this teleportation array used? Can it really allow us to reach the earth from here?"

Looking at the teleportation array, Bai Yang led Wang Qingyu to a certain place and said on the way: "I will take you to the control core of the teleportation array. Now I will explain to you how to use the teleportation array. There are three types. The first is fixed transmission. This This method can only reach the designated corresponding teleportation array. The second is directional delivery, which requires the input of direction and distance to accurately place people or items in the teleportation array to the designated location. The third is the access of the teleportation symbol. It is similar to the function of returning to the city. No matter where you use the teleporter, you can instantly return to the teleportation array ... the control core is here. "

Earnestly remember the three teleportation methods mentioned by Bai Yang, and then Wang Qingyu curiously watched Bai Yang operate the teleportation array.

As soon as Poplar came to the edge of the teleportation array, his finger lightly touched a certain node of the teleportation array. At once, this node of the teleportion array lightened slightly, and a white light ball the size of a ping-pong ball flew out and left the ground. Meters around.

Bai Yang pointed to the little light spot in front of him and said, "For now, this teleportation matrix is ​​blank and can be operated by individuals, so you need to set permissions in the core of the matrix method to prevent others from using it. See? This humble little point is the control core of the entire teleportation array. "

"Eun, I saw it, what should I do?" Wang Qingyu nodded.

As Poplar smiled, Volley reached out and grabbed Wang Qingyu, taking a breath that was not visible to the naked eye, and integrating it into the control core of the teleportation array.

After doing this, Bai Yang looked at her and asked, "Now you feel it, do you feel that you have a special way of contacting the entire teleportation team?"

"Yes, I feel that I have a speechless connection with this little light spot" Wang Qingyu nodded.

At this time, Bai Yang grabbed Wang Qingyu's hand and used her forefinger to point to the little light in front of him and said, "Now you can operate this teleportation matrix. Let me explain it to you. What I set up for you is this teleportation matrix. Highest authority, no one except you can control this teleportation array at the moment, but you can give or take back the operation ability of others "

When speaking, Wang Qingyu's finger was already on that little spot of light. Then, the spot size of that table tennis ball suddenly became large, became the size of a basketball, the light was soft, and there were some special runes on it.

Then Bai Yang used Wang Qingyu's finger to point to one of the runes and said, "This symbol is the place to take back and empower others to use the teleportation array."

When Wang Qingyu's finger touched the rune, the symbol flew out of the light ball on the spot, and the volley became two runes. Bai Yang pointed to one of them and said, "This is a rune that gives someone a teleportation matrix. When you touch this rune, the rune will emit light to cover the person you designate and inhale the breath of this person. This will be controlled by your will to give it the right to use the teleport array. Another rune is to take back the use of the teleport array. Permission, you will be able to display those who have the ability to use the teleportation array when you touch him, but it is blank now, please try it in Qingyu "

After Bai Yang said it, he let go of Wang Qingyu's hand and stood on the side.

Wang Qingyu followed the operation of Bai Yang curiously and nervously, first touched the rune that gave others the ability to use the teleportation array with his finger, and immediately the rune lighted up the beam. Wang Qingyu looked at the poplar, and the beam was shining on the poplar. In seconds, the beams receded and the runes became dim.

At this time, Bai Yang said, "I now have the ability to use the teleport array, but I cannot use the power to grant and revoke the permissions of others to use the teleport array. Only you have it."

When speaking, Bai Yang proved to Wang Qingyu that he reached out and couldn't touch the two runes in front.

"Really? I try," Wang Qingyu said cheerfully.

Then she opened another rune. The rune lighted up, and a little beam flew out, showing the figure of poplar. Looking at the figure of poplar in the beam, Wang Qingyu wanted to erase the ability of poplar to use the teleportation array, and then in that beam The figure of Aspen disappeared.

At this point, Poplar said, "I now lose the ability to control the teleportation array."

"It really seems like it, I can feel it vaguely," Wang Qingyu blinked, then continued to operate the first rune, and another beam of light flew out of the envelope, giving him the ability to use the teleportation array.

Several times, Wang Qingyu became familiar with this operation, and then looked at the other runes of the basketball ball in front of him happily and said, "Husband, what is the use of other runes?"

At this time, Bai Yang explained: "Qingyu, you remember, you only have the authority to grant and revoke the ability of others to use the teleportation array. As long as you touch the rune on the light ball, it will fly out of control ... 'button', let alone Call it, the other runes are also the same operation method, the second rune is corresponding to the teleportation array, as long as you click him, there will be an operation rune corresponding to the transmission array, the third rune is directed delivery, after clicking open You can enter the direction distance operation. The fourth rune is a link operation. You can choose to close and open. After closing, others will not be able to use the teleport to return to this teleport. However, this function is usually turned on. This is a life-saving means. Except for the runes that grant and retract the authority to use the teleportation array, other teleportation methods require energy consumption. There will be a place to put energy on the side ... the fifth rune ... "

President Lin Lin and Poplar introduced the use of the teleportation array to Wang Qingyu in detail.

After listening to it, Wang Qingyu said with a strange expression: "My husband, listening to you, I found that the use of the teleportation array is actually very simple, just like a fool-like operation mode."

Bai Yang laughed: "Many things are like this. It is difficult to create an item, but it is not troublesome to use. The same is true for the teleportation matrix. If you build it, the unreactive practices and techniques are not possible, but the operation is very simple."

"En En, then husband, how do we use this teleportation array to return to the earth now?" Wang Qingyu asked with interest.

"If you want to use this teleportation array to return to the earth, because at this time there is no corresponding teleportation array on the earth side, you must first know the direction and distance of the earth from our place. Honestly, I am not very clear about the direction now. Distance, so for the time being this function can only be shelved, "Bai Yang laughed.

"So ..." Wang Qingyu said helplessly.

Aspen touched her head and said, "It's not easy. I'll take you back to the earth. It's not enough to measure the distance. It is also necessary to arrange a relative teleportation array on the earth side."

"Then when do we start?" Wang Qingyu was surprised.

"Let's go now, arrange the teleportation array on the other side of the earth, Qingyu, you can also start to let people study the kind of creatures on Mars," Bai Yang looked up at the sky and said.

Wang Qingyu opened his mouth, felt something, and smiled without words.

Next, Poplar and Wang Qingyu crossed the starry sky to return to the earth, and found a secret place on the earth to arrange the teletransmission array. With the experience of arranging the teletransmission array on Mars, the second teletransmission array on the earth is even simpler.

Although Aspen returned to Earth and roughly knew the distance and direction between Mars and Earth ~ www.readwn.com ~, considering that the planets are moving with each other, the directional delivery function can only be shelved.

However, the opening between the two teleportation arrays was able to transmit across the stars.

Bai Yang took Wang Qingyu back and forth between Earth and Mars through the teleportation array. After several times, Wang Qingyu was thoroughly familiar with the operation method of the teleportation array.

At this time, Wang Qingyu proposed that Aspen was busy by herself, and she arranged for people to establish a base on Mars, and began to develop Mars and study that Martian creature.

In this regard, Poplar could only say that Wang Qingyu was sorrowful and did not say anything, and he started to get busy.

Over the next half month, Aspen traveled to and from several major planets in the solar system, and established a teleportation array on each of the planets. Even large-scale stars like Saturn and Jupiter established more than one transport array. There are, but under his actions, the human being has not yet stepped on the sun.

During this half-month, Poplar not only arranged the teleportation array between the planets of the solar system, but after the layout was completed, she also brought Wang Qingyu to give her the highest control authority of each teleportation array.

At this time, it can be said that the entire solar system is Wang Qingyu's back garden, which can be strolled at any time. However, except for the earth, the location of other teleportation arrays is a fatal threat to Wang Qingyu. Bai Yang repeatedly warned her to use teleportation with caution. Array, and also left some means to protect her.

Later, Poplar took in the special frequency of each teleporter and made some teleporters to deliver to Wang Qingyu. They can return to the teleporter at any time through the teleporters. In many cases, this is a life-saving thing.

Everything on Earth is evolving vigorously to a higher level, but Wang Qingyu has quietly developed other planets of the solar system through the teleportation array ...

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