Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1098: Whale

The vast sea surface, the vortex of thousands of miles in diameter spins rapidly, as if the sea surface collapses and sinks, the wind brought by it tears the space out of the dark cracks, and the horrible suction is to swallow the poplars and others!

With a cold look, Poplar felt that this sudden vortex was no less than a blow from a powerful Emperor Mirror. Once they fell into it, perhaps he and Jiang Nan and Lan Xin would be fine, but Lu Yang and others absolutely wanted Torn to pieces!

黑色 A little black lightning twirled at his fingertips, with a sense of destruction, and Poplar will immediately attack his existence by underwater attack!

"Don't do anything, there may be some misunderstanding!" Jiang Nan reminded him when he saw Bai Yang's move changing.

Aspen frowned, thinking of the vast ocean here, there are too many unknown existences, depressing the anger in his heart, reading a volume, and taking Lu Yang out of the vortex envelope.

In the blink of an eye, all of them were away from the vortex and stood in the void to watch.

Over there, vortices surged, endless sea water was swallowed up, and the resulting storm was raging on the surface of the sea, with lightning roaring.

This kind of picture lasted for nearly an hour. At a certain moment, the vortex raging sea surface seemed to stand still for a moment, and then a water column as thick as hundreds of miles soared from the center of the vortex to the sky. fall.

Humming ...

The next moment, it seemed as if the entire sea was turbulent, at least 10,000 miles across the sea surface was rolling, the calm sea surface was endlessly rising, and a mountain formed by seawater was infinitely elevated!

Boom! The huge mountain formed by the sea exploded, and a behemoth appeared in the void.

That is a whale. It is white in color, and the surface is shining brightly. It is too large. It is at least ten thousand miles long. It looks like a piece of land in the sky.

The whale opened its mouth and tweeted, and the voice spread all over the world.

Seeing such a scene, Bai Yang and they understood that it wasn't that the aquarium strongmen had secretly accounted for them before, but just happened to encounter this huge beluga whale breathing.

白 The life of this beluga whale is no less than that of Monk Mirror martial arts monarch. Just one breath can swallow thousands of miles of water, and the jet of water turns into a storm that covers tens of thousands of miles of sea!

Boom! Its huge body jumped out of the sea, rolled in a circle in Tianyu, and fell into the sea. The waves were soaring, as if mountains were pushing towards the Quartet.

"Fortunately, no hands. This is a beluga whale, the purest manifestation of the blood of the sea whale family. If it conflicts with him, I am afraid we will be chased by the entire whale family. If it causes an emperor whale, we will I'm afraid I'm going to go to the Tianyuan Empire, "Jiang Nan said with some regret.

Bai Yang nodded, and his heart was difficult. This is the whale that is one of the six hegemons of the ocean. Just a beluga whale is so huge. He can't imagine how terrible the emperor of the whale family is!

The turbulent sea gradually subsided. It seemed that the beluga had gone. Seeing nothing else, the poplars were ready to set off again.

However, at this moment, in the turbulent ocean, a small splash turned up and could not be seen without attention.

From that little water splash, a fat man who only appeared to be five years old appeared on the water surface, and looked away from Bai Yang and the others a thousand miles apart. He scratched his head and said slightly, "Are you humans? Sorry, I just said I didn't notice you, I almost made you fall into the sea. How about you?

As soon as his heart moved, Bai Yang realized that the huge white whale just now might be the five-year-old child in front of him.

It ’s been long since Bai Yang knew that the alien could transform into a human form, but just now the huge white whale turned into such a small fat man, and he also came out to apologize, but Bai Yang was still a little unacceptable.

"It's okay, we're fine. Children go back early, lest your adults worry about it," Bai Yang said, treating him as a normal child.

Although he is a beluga whale that is thousands of miles long, at this time he is simply a young child, and Bai Yang also said so subconsciously.

When the little fat man saw Bai Yang, they didn't blame him, so he smiled and said happily, "Hey, big brother, you guys, but I tell you, I'm not in danger. I'm going back, so my grandpa won't worry. You can come when you have time. I play"

After the little fat man said, his little body jumped into the water and disappeared.

似乎 He seems to be just a ignorant child, and there is no clear idea of ​​what he said.

Through the water, the poplars can vaguely see that a huge beluga whale deep in the water is gone.

At this time, Poplar realized that the little fat man actually spoke human language and Tianyuan language, the universal language of Tianyuanxing.

"It is rumored that the whale family is naturally docile and good with human beings. Many times they will take the initiative to help humanity. Now it seems to be true. As a child, it has a length of thousands of miles, and is no less dangerous than the human Emperor Mirror. It is impossible to imagine what kind of existence the grandfather in his mouth said. Jiang Nan looked at the sea and said in a deep voice.

"Brother Jiang, you said that the white whale is the purest expression of the whale family, and this beluga child has such a breath of life. Perhaps the grandfather in his mouth is the emperor whale," Bai Yang said for a moment.

"Maybe yes, let's go, no matter what, we can intervene in the ocean, don't try to get close to that 'little' beluga, in case it angers the whale family, it's not good" Jiang Nan shook his head. .

Next, the poplars continued their journey, experiencing the previous events, and had a clearer understanding of the vast ocean.

The boundless ocean is unfathomable and cannot be viewed with ordinary eyes.

With this experience, Aspen's next journey is as far away from the water as possible, rushing in the void for thousands of miles, so as not to provoke sea creatures without their knowledge.

In fact, the poplars didn't know that when the beluga turned into a child to meet them, under the rough sea in the distance, two pairs of eyes quietly stared at them. If there is a slight change, the two hidden existences must be the first. Take a shot!

As they continued to hurry, the poplars went deeper and deeper into the ocean. In the next ten days or so, they saw too many huge scenes, most of which they needed to detour.

In those vast scenes, there are horrific storms covering hundreds of millions of miles of sea, there are pictures of underground volcanoes evaporating to dry tens of thousands of miles of sea, and there are more than a dozen marine creatures comparable to the human emperor's mirror to lead the ethnic group to kill ...

In short, every time they encounter such a poplar, they try to avoid to get involved in it. They just cross the ocean to the Tianyuan Empire to enter the extraterritorial battlefield just to catch their way. Although they are not afraid, there is no need to cause trouble here.

After a while, aspens, they have set foot in the vast ocean for a while, and the journey to the Tianyuan Empire has taken almost a third, and it can be said that they have penetrated into the central area of ​​the ocean.

The poplars stopped at the top of the Baiyun to rest on this day, and recovered from the exhaustion of driving at full speed a few days ago.

Responsible for alerting the little wolf around him lying on the clouds and looking down at the ocean below, he seemed to see something interesting, and he saw it with interest.

"What did you find?" Lu Yang asked curiously when he came to him.

After understanding during this time, Lu Yang knew that under normal circumstances, the little wolf would stay close to Bai Yang intimately. While running like this, pay attention to other situations rarely. There must be something that caught the little wolf's attention.

The human form of the little wolf is a child with long silver hair. At this time, he pointed to the sea below and said, "Senior Lu, you see, at least the Baiwanli sea area below has turned red. There should be aquariums fighting underwater. ? But in the depths of the ocean, you ca n’t see what is fighting here. ”

When Lu Yang looked at it, it was true that the boundless sea turned blood red, and the blood smell was like a sea of ​​blood.

It is supposed to be the blood of a powerful creature that contaminates the surface of the Red Sea, which contains the essence of crickets. Numerous small creatures in the sea are scrambling to devour the sea water in this area.

"The water in the ocean is very deep, we shouldn't care about it, just look at it, just don't come near it" Lu Yang nodded.

To be honest, Lu Yang, who is the King of Mirrors, didn't experience a big scene, but since Bai Yang's departure, the seas they passed along, the things they encountered completely refreshed his cognition, almost everything It made him feel his weakness, and the self-confident mentality was buried deep in his heart, and he became cautious.

At this moment, the blood-red sea surface tumbling below, the sea surface in the area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles tumbling, a white-colored sharp rushed out, covering the hundreds of thousands of miles.

The bright white fronts that cover the vast sea area are simply endless blades, and Lu Yang feels ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you fall into it, you will be torn to pieces in no time!

"What is that? Each Daomang seems to be a living thing, isn't it? It's a living thing at all, can it be said that it is one of the saury family of one of the marine overlords in the mouth of Jiang Nan's predecessor?" .

He saw it really. The sword-blades that covered hundreds of thousands of miles of sea crisscross were basically fish-shaped creatures. They were narrow and different in size, ranging from tens of thousands of meters in size to hundreds of meters in size and white. His body shone with metallic luster, and his body was cold and sharp like a long knife.

"That is the swordfish family. Now you see it. This area of ​​the sea is covered by the swordfish family. It seems that the endless swordman swarms, even if I fall into it, it ca n’t be dealt with. This is a small scale. The swordfish family of thousands of miles in the sea, the emperor-level powerhouses will be far away and not dare to provoke it.

In just two sentences, there have been new changes in the waters below.

The endless saury rushed out of the water, as the sword surge rolled down and disappeared into the sea of ​​blood, but at the next moment, a large piece of flesh flew out on the blood-red sea surface, each like a small island, countless huge The chunks of meat lay across the sea, as if fragmented land!

"It should be the body of a whale, which was torn to pieces by the swordfish family." Bai Yang didn't know when he came here and frowned below ...

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