Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1115: hunger

The weird ship came, silent, after harvesting endless life and taking away some life, it disappeared again, leaving no shadow in the vast sea, such as a shadow in the darkness.

Bai Yang and others who were taken away by the big ship did not know that this big ship can only be seen within a certain range, and the creatures in that range except the death are with the ship.

The weird ship is like a passing passenger in eternal time. It exists quietly, but it is unknown.

Its appearance and disappearance caused a huge wave in the entire boundless sea and even the entire celestial star, which can be described as shocking worldwide!

When the endless creatures in the sea disappeared with the ship, the entire boundless ocean exploded. Many of those disappearing existences were the arrogance of all ethnic groups and hope for the future. The ethnic groups in the sea boiled, and the entire ocean was searched, which almost set the bottom of the vast ocean. Chaotian.

But I couldn't find it, the endless beings, disappeared out of thin air!

This situation immediately cast a shadow of horror on the heart of the endless race across the vast ocean.

What kind of existence is it that can walk away so many souls and strong men silently?

Not only is the whole endless ocean race discussing this matter, the news has spread to human society, and it has also caused an uproar.

Of course, unlike the horrified creatures in the sea who have lost endless life, human beings are somewhat gloating. Many strong men who have left with big ships are also famous in human society.

The disappearance or death of alien powerhouses has only left a little bit of talk for humankind.

On the third day when the weird ship disappeared, the six overlord populations in the sea made sounds, all from the highest level.

"Zha, if anyone can provide their news, this tribe will satisfy the wishes of those who provide the news, no matter what they wish!"

These words were spoken by the dragon, turtle, whale, aquarium, saury, and merman clan. The disappeared souls have these six races, and they are proud of themselves. At the same time, they promise to make a promise as the clan. Find them!

The six overlord populations in the sea have made this promise, especially five of them and the imperial powerhouse. I can imagine how crazy this news is.

The sea is boiling, and endless creatures are dispatched. Every corner of the sea is visited by countless people, in order to find those disappearing existences. However, after searching for them, there is no trace of those disappearing souls, and no hair is found.

Where did they go?

When the endless sea creatures and even humans joined in the search for those missing creatures, the five emperor-level powerful men in the sea talked about this event in an airspace dialogue.

"The children of later generations disappear for no reason, what do you think?"

"The Emperor's Mirror has thousands, the King of Kings has tens of thousands, and the rest of the souls are in the trillions. Such a large handwriting, even we cannot do it!"

"They all disappeared because the whales came together!"

"Well, you also know what a terrible power it is. You ask yourself, can you kill them all silently and silently? Not to mention my grandchildren!"

"But why did they disappear for no reason?"

"I thought of the legendary ship, the one that only had the legend but nobody had seen it, maybe it was related to him ..."


"Apart from this explanation, can you think of other reasons?"


"That ship has its legend from ancient times to the present, but no one has seen its true appearance. It seems to exist forever. If it is because of it, how can we rescue the younger generation?"

"If anyone else in the world can figure out the truth, I'm afraid that is the only one!"

"The Emperor Tianyuan?"


"Then we have to ask him to help find out this thing?"


"Is there a better way for all of us? We all live a few thousand yuan, who has seen that ship? To understand the truth, I am afraid only the Emperor Tianyuan who hopes for humanity."

"But will he help?"

"This is not a matter for our family. Our five emperors will go to him for help. If you want to come to the emperor, you will still give face. Everyone, although similar things have happened, they are just petty ramblings. This time, thousands of places have disappeared. Huang Jing, there are genius descendants of all ethnic groups, now I have to figure it out! "

"Yeah, if you want to come to the Emperor Tianyuan, you will be curious. He is a hero by Tianwei Di. He named Tianyuan star Tianyuan to see his ambitions. He asked himself to respect himself for nine days and ten places. He should not allow things beyond his control, but we After all he asked him to help ... "

"When the time comes, as long as he doesn't make too much demands, we can't agree to it."

"Okay, just do it ..."

The dragon, turtle, whale, aqua and mermaid, the patriarchs of the five overlords in the sea, and the emperor-level strongman, in order to disappear the descendants, actually reached an agreement, and went to the Tianyuan Empire to seek the help of the Emperor Tianyuan!

Emperor Tianyuan is the most brilliant person in the world since 10,000 yuan. He established Tianyuan Empire, the largest empire in Tianyuan, and named Tianyuan Star as Tianyuan Star. With one person's strength, not only the entire number of Emperor Tianyuan stars could not stand up. Come, even more open up an extraterrestrial battlefield to battle the sky ...

His great achievements can't be finished for three days and three nights. If anyone else in the world can understand the truth of the ship, the five emperor-level powers in the sea think that they can't think of a second person except Tianyuan Emperor!

Although they existed as emperors themselves, they also had to admit that the Emperor Tianyuan was too extraordinary and sent him too much.

Even if today the Emperor Yuan is already dying, but one day he does not die, his own light will envelope the entire Tianyuan star, and the endless souls will be suppressed, and they will not be able to lift their heads!

No one knows what the five emperor-level powerful men in the sea ran to discuss with the Emperor Tianyuan, nor did anyone know the result, and no one knew what agreement they reached. Eventually, the five emperor-level powerful men returned, and over time This thing seems to be forgotten by the world.

However, when the five Emperor-level Emperors returned from the Tianyuan Empire, they actually started the swordfish family for the first time!

The five overlord populations joined forces to chase and kill the saury clan. The saury clan did not have an emperor-level powerhouse. After a battle, the saury clan was almost destroyed!

As for the reason? That's because the descendants of the five overlord populations came together and disappeared because of the saury family. Whose anger is not taken by the saury family?

At this point, there are only five of the six hegemonic populations in the sea, and the saury family has become history. Occasionally, those who escape can only dodge and dare not take the lead ...

"Where is this ship going?" Jiang Nan did not know how many times he said this.

Bai Yang and his party stood on the deck of the weird ship, and did not rush into the attic of the ship. The same is true of other water aliens in the form of human beings in the distance.

The ship was surrounded by eternal darkness, no sound and no light, nothingness, no reference, this ship traveled in the dark void as if motionless.

The only light source is the white lanterns in the corner of the attic on this big ship. Under the bright and pale light, the whole ship looks dark and weird.

Poplar took a look back at the darkness and frowned, and frowned, "Where is this ship going to leave without considering for the moment, anyway, it always has a" shore ", now, don't you feel very hungry?"

"Brother Bai, I wanted to talk about this for a long time. After Xiu Wei disappeared, we seemed to be ordinary people. We have n’t eaten for a day, and we are particularly hungry now." Lan Xin said on the side, hoping that Bai Yang could get some Here comes the food.

"It doesn't make sense. Although our cultivation has disappeared, the vitality is still there. It doesn't matter if you do n’t eat for a long time." Jiang Nan said in a humorous voice, but after speaking, his stomach called like thunder. stand up.

"Let's eat something first, there are individual rations in the backpack, which should be able to handle the problem," said Poplar, taking off the tactical backpack and pulling out a pack of vacuum-packed pieces of meat to chew.

Others have learned everything. Suddenly, they made a horrible eating sound here.

Only after eating a pack of meat packed in a vacuum, Jiang Nan looked up and said, "Brother Bai, where did you get the food? Not only delicious but also hungry."

"This is an individual combat ration, cooked with exotic animal meat, and the meat contains essence. We are now ordinary people ~ www.readwn.com ~ Of course we can eat enough" Bai Yang explained casually, not Explain in detail the source, Jiang Nan, they do not know the existence of the earth.

Jiang Nan stopped asking, took a sip of water from the special kettle, and drank enough. He looked to the distance gloating: "Look, those alien guys seem to be very hungry. When we see what we eat, saliva comes out Up "

This is indeed the case, when it is the weakest, when hunger strikes, eating instincts reappear, seeing poplars and others eating, the eyes of those aliens are green.

More than a thousand meters away from the poplars, a group of more than ten people gathered together, let's call them people.

For the first young man in black armor, his stomach thundered like thunder, he couldn't stand hunger, his eyes flashed fiercely, discussed with the people around him, and then strode toward Bai Yang and others.

Seeing them doing this, the aliens' eyes farther away flickered, and they were quietly approaching Bai Yang and others.

In the state of hunger, eating is the instinct of any living thing, while poplars and others are human beings, and of course they have become the target of various ethnic groups.

"A few brothers, eat and drink enough to start working, we don't go to them, we actually came to the door!" Jiang Nan stood up and sneered.

A few people looked at each other, the creatures on the ship were the weakest, and they were fully armed, whoever came to trouble was looking for a way out!

Over there, the young men in black armor took people to the poplars more than ten meters away. They couldn't understand the strange equipment on the poplars. They were afraid to say, "What did you just eat? Give them up!"

"Sir, if you want me to say anything to them, kill them directly. Not only can they get the food on them, they can also become our food. I heard that human flesh is delicious!" Said the young man in Heijia. Afterwards, a bloodthirsty face next to him suggested ...

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