Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1124: Bones

"Impossible!" Upon hearing Bai Yang's answer, Wen Lan looked like a deceit to you, although his own image was not much different from a ghost at this time.

"How is that impossible?" Jiang Nan was not convinced by the side.

He sneered and sneered, and Wen Lan scorned: "You said that the current was an external force? It's just nonsense. On this ship, everything is sealed. Only oneself can rely on. Don't tell me that the current is a fu spur. Come out, Fu Yan here is no different from waste paper, don't tell me special magic weapon, what's the difference with stones? Don't say it's special elixir, elixir is worse than sludge here ... Now, you still Do you insist on using external force? Don't say it if you don't want to say it, I ca n’t help you anyway, don't just make an excuse for me, am I like a three-year-old? "

There was a lot of crackling, and Wen Lan was so excited that they felt that the poplars didn't want to tell themselves the truth.

Actually being questioned to this extent, Jiang Nan was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, and threw the flashlight in his hand. Anyway, this thing in the other's hand would not pose a threat to himself.

The flashlight fell beside Wen Lan, and Jiang Nan laughed with laughter: "Senior Wen, you said that you can't use external force, then you see what this is? Why isn't he an external force? Don't give me what it is. Or it ’s magic, it ’s just a delicate device. ”

Looking at the flashlight around him, Wen Lan was dumbfounded, picked it up and looked around. Although she lost her cultivation, her vision was still there. No matter how you look at it, the flashlight is not like something a monk should have made. .

"How is this possible? It's impossible, it doesn't make sense, at first I thought you were holding the night pearl in your hand," Wen Lan said blankly.

"The bow and arrow can be used, and the bow and crossbow can also be used on a ship. To put it plainly, this flashlight is also an external force like a bow and arrow, but it is composed in a way that you do n’t understand. You have the same reason to control your current before, specifically I I won't say it, "Lan Xin explained on the side.

"But, but ..." Wen Lan still had a look that was incomprehensible.

"Senior, there are more things you don't know, so please don't be so arbitrary," Jiang Nan said, unhappy.

It's almost a fight, and Poplar coughed to attract attention and asked Wen Lan, "Senior Wen, can you take us to the person you said?"

To the person who has lived the longest time on this ship, Bai Yang has great interest and wants to meet with the other party. Perhaps the other party knows many secrets that are unknown.

Raising his head, Wen Lan trembled and said, "I'm going to you, I'm not going to die. You don't know the horror of that person. If you anger him, it's no different from trying to die!"

Is it so scary? Jiang Nan didn't believe it, holding up the automatic rifle in his hand was a shuttle bullet, hitting the bones in the room to pieces.

In the splash of Mars, Jiang Nan sneered: "The person you are talking about has been capable of terrifying such weapons?"

"This is what you call the external force?" Wen Lan swallowed and asked, it is really that the firearm is beyond his cognitive scope. Of course, if the self-cultivation is still there, of course, the firearm in Jiang Nan's hand is nothing, the problem is now Nothing to do. With this weapon in hand, isn't the ship almost sideways?

"This is not the point at all, since we dare to find him, naturally we have the confidence, you just take us to it" Jiang Nandan pained, who would discuss any external forces with you.

"This ..., then I won't go, not to mention the horror of that person. It's just the way to the bottom. The danger is comparable to the sword and fire. Really when those people below are vegetarian? Maybe we will become others along the way. "The food in my mouth is gone," Wen Lan shook her head.

In short, I will not go!

This can't be done ...

The other party's attitude was so resolute. Jiang Nan could not help it. Looking at Bai Yang, he seemed to be asking if he could find it by himself.

Bai Yang sighed, there are more than 2,000 people below, and the environment is intricate. Although I know that person is at the bottom, no one can find it and find it troublesome.

It seems that there is only a trick!

A glass bottle was wiped from the trouser pocket, and Aspen gently twisted the cap off, and then, a pungent wine fragrance permeated.

Grunting, Wen Lan stared at the glass bottle in Bai Yang's hands and swallowed, his eyes were red.

"Yes, Senior Wen, this is a bottle of wine. I'm afraid the senior missed the taste of the wine, right? As long as you take us to find that person, we are responsible for your safety, and that bottle of wine belongs to you by then, how about it?" Aspen smelt the glass bottle lightly and reveled.

In fact, it is a bottle of Erguotou, a bargain of a few dollars, but on this ship, the value of this bottle of wine is unimaginable and cannot be measured by money. Bai Yang believes that for this small bottle of wine, some people are desperate. Desperate!

"Too few, if more ..." Wen Lan shook his way.

After closing the bottle cap, Aspen turned and said, "Thank you, Senior Wen, and I am very happy to talk to you, and I apologize for the inconvenience. We won't embarrass you, just don't stop ..."

"Don't make a deal!" Wen Lan said quickly, before being firm, I didn't know where to lose.

Lan Xin gave a thumbs up secretly, meaning that you still have a solution.

The two sides reached a tacit understanding. Baby Wen Lan couldn't help but hold such a small bottle of Erguotou and could n’t bear it. Since he wanted to lead the way, he felt that he should be advised to Bai Yang and said, "Since this time, I have only been here a few times. The road is I still remember, but the crisis is heavy, and for us to go down, it is undoubtedly a food delivery, so ... "

"Why is senior Wen even more embarrassed than me? Just lead the way, and whoever doesn't have long eyes dare to hit our idea and keep it forever!" Jiang Nan interrupted impatiently.

Wen Lan is helpless, I think I may not want to come back again, but there is a bottle of wine, even if it is dead. He feels that if he really wants to die, he must drink the wine in his hand before dying Drop ...

With Wen Lan leading the way, the next thing is simple. Bai Yang and others just follow the other party.

All the way down, the bottom of the treacherous ship is indeed a group of people who have been on the ship to the present. They have undergone at least thirty assassinations of various kinds, but 90% of them have never returned, except After being a collection of poplars and others outside of humanity, the next road was not harassed.

Although those people are fierce, it is clear that no one would want to lose their lives in vain. It is even more unnecessary if it is for food. Anyway, there is more food in the upper part of the ship.

"Here is where the man is. I can only take you here!"

A few hours later, Wen Lan took Aspen to the bottom of the ship. Despite being astonished by the means of Aspen's use along the way, Wen Lan said nothing when he came to this dark downstairs crossing. Will go down again.

"Thanks to my predecessors for leading the way, I have come here. I think it would be better for you to go with us. After all, it is too dangerous for you to go up alone. With us, at least it will ensure that you are not harmed," Bai Yang said seriously.

"I still have the ability to go up. If you go down, you cannot guarantee my safety and say goodbye." Wen Lan shook her head desperately, then left without looking back.

"Let's go, let's go and see what the longest living person is, and hope to see the senior Wen Lan again in the future," Jiang Nan said.

Bai Yang turned around and took the lead towards the darkened corridor. Although the heart felt that the person Wen Lan said would not pose a threat to himself and others, Wen Lan was so serious and Bai Yang did not take it lightly.

Under the bright flashlight, the corridor was reflected in the slightest.

But I don't know why, after stepping down the corridor, Bai Yang and others felt cold all over, as if there was a wild beast staring at them secretly.

As long as people are old, ghosts and old spirits live long enough, even a pig will be extraordinary. In the current atmosphere, Poplar finally understands why Wen Lan is so afraid of the bottom one.

On the way, Wen Lan said that only the bottom of this sly ship exists, and no one else dares to set foot here. Bai Yang dares to come down ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is the first time in Wen Lan's cognition.

After walking down the corridor for more than 30 meters, in the light of the flashlight, Bai Yang and others were pale in front of them.

This is a huge space, at least twenty meters high. The distance between the front and the left cannot be accurately estimated. There is a pale lantern in the space between the left and right and the ceiling.

However, the paleness in front of Bai Yang was not from the lantern, but the reflection of the flashlight on the endless white bone!

What they saw was that the layers were densely packed with white bones, countless, it was an ocean of white bones!

"How many lives do you have to die to have so many bones? You know, each one who can get on this ship is not ordinary. These bones are not 10 million or 9 million," Jiang Nan said with a breath of air. .

Bai Yang didn't answer. There was always a creepy feeling. Looking around, he was looking for the person Wen Lan said.

But looking around, it's all bones. Where are half figures?

"This space is too huge, there is no single room on the whole floor, and looking around might find that person," Lan Xin suggested.

"Look for it, but don't separate, I always feel it's dangerous here," Bai Yang nodded and sank.

Click, click, click ...

A group of people walked down the stairs and stepped on the layers of white bones. Many white bones were already fragile and could be easily broken. The sound of broken white bones really made the bones cold.

"Well, Brother Bai ..." Walking and walking, the little fat man Bai Xiaojing pulled the poplar's garment corner to stop talking.

"What's wrong?" Bai Yang asked.

Bai Xiaojing scratched his head and said, "Well, doesn't Big Brother have a radar? You don't have to scan it. Why do you want to find it slowly?"



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