Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 114: Finally it works!

Packed up, Aspen and others seem to come here to make a circle of soy sauce and go back.

"Lan Shuang, I heard that you have a workshop for casting weapons, and it's quite big"?

On the hood, the poplar leaned on the kitten's thigh and asked Lan Shuang who was walking by the side.

"Yes, master, do you need any weapons?"

Lan Shuang answered.

家伙 Is this guy practicing martial arts silly, stumped? At this time, you shouldn't ask me why the stones in Hongyan Mountain can be burned into metal?

Aren't you curious, I'm still curious. People on your side are stumped and don't know about iron ore? Aspen thought about it and asked:

"Where did your metal materials for weapons come from?"

"Of course I bought it."

Wu Lanshuang said for granted.

Labour and capital ... aren't you talking nonsense ...

"But how did those metals come from?"

Bai Yang asked again, since your family has a weapon workshop, do you not know that iron ore can make iron?

"I have heard vaguely that metals are collected through mines, and the details are not clear."

Wu Lanshuang thought for a while and shook his head.

Bai Yang did n’t ask anymore. I knew that if I asked, I could n’t ask any.

So I still have to read more books. I just know that it ’s interesting to practice martial arts all day long?

估计 "It is estimated that if there is a technology such as metal smelting in the world here, I am afraid that it is also in the hands of a very small number of people. Another one, what if the metal here is not smelted from the original ore?"

毕竟 After all, these are two completely different worlds. You can't measure this world by the standards of the earth. What if the metal of this world grows out of the tree, right?

Take your time, you can always figure it out.

Ya Niu Jian came back at a great stride at this time, caught up with Bai Yang and his party, came to the sedan chair and said:

"Master, I told the other party exactly what you told me, and it's not bad."

"Well, how does the other party react?"

Aspen asked curiously.

I think those words that I have explained myself are supposed to be frizzy.

"Master, the other party was very angry after hearing this. The first person and I did a trick. He couldn't beat me, and then they went back. It is probably a matter of surrender."

Yak Jian scratched his head and said.

It's normal for the other party to be angry, but to surrender you, if only there were such simple things in the world ...

On the other side, Feng Li was tangled up, his heart was scratching his liver and his lungs. In any case, he couldn't figure out what Poplar wanted to do and how he would win Hongyan Mountain.

"Three young people don't need to worry, we wait and see what happens"

老人 The old man who had been disguised as a subordinate whispered comfortably beside Feng Li.

"It can only be the case ... Bai Yang, the more you contact, the more you find him ..."

"Very evil"!

The old man used these three words to sum up in Feng Li tangle.

"Yes, it's evil, as if you never know what he will do next!"

Wu Fengli nodded, and he thought it would be more appropriate to use these two words to describe Bai Yang.

I went back to Deyang Town and went back to each house. Feng Li had to get the deed to sell Hongyan Mountain to Poplar. Otherwise, Poplar wouldn't be a secretary.

Suddenly, Aspen has to be prepared.

"Brother Bai is really busy, nostalgic for the place of Qing / Floor all day, tired and playing around, really chic."

As soon as Bai Yang returned to the door of Baifu, Lan Xin, who had not bubbling for a long time, appeared here, watching his expressionless scorn.

欣 At this moment, Lan Xin was dressed up in men's clothes, as if she had just returned from the outside.

"'Brother Blue', look at what you said, isn't it my business?"

Aspen didn't look embarrassed at all, and greeted him casually.

You gentleman is jealous, I am really doing business, and I am afraid what others will say?

Are you doing business? Go to Qing / Floor and stay alone in the same room with a woman, and stay for a whole day. For ten consecutive days, you tell me that you are doing business? Well, I guess things are 'right' ...

"Brother Bai, the accounts have been sorted out clearly. Your current wealth is 13,348,400 yuan. This mansion and everything in the mansion do not count. In addition, you have about 8 million yuan for each yuan. Dividends are credited, while the business remains the same! "

After Lanxin finished speaking, her chin was slightly lifted, and her good-looking neck was exposed, and her expression was almost exaggerated.

Tuanyi's "Yuan" accounted for eight million yuan, and the total annual income was more than two million yuan, which is already very good.

But what do you need to calculate so long? It seems that the money is very poor. I spend tens of millions on the earth every minute ...

Although he thought so, Bai Yang thanked him with no sincerity:

"Brother Lan is fortunate, fortunately, or should I invite you to dinner"?

"It's not necessary, I have to go in advance"

I got ‘commend’ and Lan Xin left with her hands on her back.

I just happen to be polite. Where can I deal with you now, yeah? Don't say, the action of Brother Lan's back, seems to have a big breast ...

Bai Yang murmured in his heart, looking at the blue frost on the side and asked:

"You see your sister doesn't say hello"?

"I see it every day, no need to say hello"

"I didn't say, yes, did your family send the books?"

Bai Yang asks with a quivery mouth.

"Should be delivered, I will ask the young master later"

Wu Lanshuang still doesn't have much expression.

行 "Okay, if it comes, you ask them to pick out books about Deyang Town and the surrounding customs and mountains and send them to my yard."

He explained the sentence of Lan Shuang, and Bai Yang looked at Zhao Shi and said:

"Move things to the backyard, you follow me too"

When in Baifu, there is no need to worry about the safety of the poplar. Generally, if the poplar does not order it, Lan Shuang will not disturb the poplar, and they are separated at this time.

Xi Baiyang took Zhao Shi and a hundred other mountain people to the backyard, pointed to a wooden box with a high-end machine and a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher and said:

"Open these boxes, he meows, these **** seem to be usable."

After the box was opened, the curious tiger looked at these strange things and couldn't help asking:

"Master, what are these"?

"Don't mess around, good stuff, don't ask, let me think about it first"

Ji Baiyang persevered, first came to Gao Ji, closed his eyes and thought for a moment, picked up one by one and started the assembly. Although he had not played with these things, with his current brain, it is not difficult to figure it out.

I am not surprised that Bai Yang can make some strange things, Zhao Shi, they are not surprised at all, and the result is finally.

After half an hour, he assembled an anti-aircraft machine gun with a length of almost two meters. The mother was quite heavy and could only be placed on the ground ~ www.readwn.com ~ Have a good chain and pull the bolt, here is himself At home, there was nothing to care about, and he started shooting at a stone table dozens of meters away in the yard.


There was only one shot, eh, such a large stone table was not hit. On the wall more than ten meters away, a big hole in the large bowl was opened, and Poplar rubbed his shoulders with a grin on the ground!

Nima, the recoil is too great, he can't play at all, and almost didn't give himself a shock ...

"Master, are you okay?"

The kitten raised Aspen's concern.

"I'm okay, Zhao Shi, do you all understand? Assemble the rest as I did just now, remember, put the bomb chain in this way, aim in this way, shoot in this way ..."

Baiyang handed the kitten a smiley face that I was fine with, and then taught Zhao Shi how to use them with high skill ...

"Master, what kind of 'artifact' is this, it is so terrible"!

Learn how to use high-level machines. It ’s not difficult for Zhao Shi ’s heads today to test-fire a bullet. It is worthy of martial arts training all year round. After a long time, they have mastered the essentials. With their size, recoil can be ignored, and advanced. Called a mobile turret!

Seeing the stone table, which had become a pile of gravel, Zhao Shi stared at Bai Yang in shock and asked.

"Don't care what it is, with this thing, Hongyan Mountain is not a problem, right?"

Aspen smiled.

"Of course, let alone the Red Rock Mountain gangsters, I am afraid that even the legendary samurai warrior came and had to hate on the spot!"

石 Zhao Shi nodded fiercely.

That's right, there are a lot of bigger guys there ...

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